A person has come forward claiming to have been involved in a romantic relationship with David DePape.
This individual, known as nudist Gypsy Taub, revealed their story in an article published by the Daily Mail titled “My Affair with Paul Pelosi’s Attacker: Notorious nudist Gypsy Taub alleges David DePape’s fixation on conspiracy theories.”
DePape gained infamy for assaulting Paul Pelosi, the spouse of U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), with a hammer. He was handed a lengthy prison sentence of 30 years for the attack.
Taub asserts that she had been in a 14-year relationship with DePape, but they had recently been separated for a period of time.
They share three children together.
Taub disclosed to the Daily Mail some details about her knowledge of DePape.
“I met David when he was 21, but whatever problems he had came from his childhood abuse. He was prostituted, abused, tortured – and he has admitted that this sexual abuse tortured him,” she said.
Taub claimed that DePape was never violent with her or their kids. She said, “He had very deep depression all the time and was terrified of people.” She added, “He was paranoid and thought he was Jesus. He wrote about these things on his blog. He needs help, not prison.”
DePape’s family members, including his twin sister, expressed similar sentiments and requested leniency from the judge. However, the judge ultimately handed down a 30-year prison sentence to DePape, despite these pleas.
This decision was made in contrast to Nancy Pelosi’s call for a “very long” prison term for DePape.
It is unclear whether the severity of the sentence was influenced by the fact that DePape targeted the husband of a former speaker of the House.
Notably, the prosecution had sought up to 40 years in prison for DePape, while his defense team had requested a 14-year sentence given the circumstances.
In a statement following the sentencing, the Pelosi family said:
“The Pelosi family couldn’t be prouder of their Pop and his tremendous courage in saving his own life on the night of the attack and in testifying in this case. Speaker Pelosi and her family are immensely grateful to all who have sent love and prayers over the last eighteen months, as Mr. Pelosi continues his recovery.”
ICYMI: Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Made Over $1.25 Million on Stock Deal in Just Three Months
Pelosi is the one should be in prison, ugly old skank
For Paul faggot Pelosi to be married to The Ugly drunk Nancy must mean that she totes a bigger Di*k than him.
Facts in the various Trump lawsuits slowly leaking out show extreme violation of standard legal practices. DAs and Judges, themselves guilty of prosecutable crimes continue ignoring their legal boundaries. Several of them will no doubt be sued for violation of their office. All in the mad pursuit of Trump for their Democrat party masters. Our news media is in the meantime totally worthless, serving their masters as the voices for all things Democrat. The rulers of these toilet paper empires appear oblivious to falling advertising revenues and cancelled subscriptions. Obviously being the billionaire owner of a newsrag is different than an owner trying to make a living at it. Who will buy their fishwrapper when the Democrats leave office?
Wondering when all of the truth will come out. I am convinced that Paul was no innocent victim. I think he was a paying John, or otherwise sought to take advantage of this man because of his clear issues with mental health and past victimization. He no doubt looked like an easy mark to a wealthy would-be abuser who also probably figured that, due to the mental health issues, no one would believe him if he ever revealed their affair. Something clearly happened to set this guy off. Either Paul refused to pay him, or he felt threatened in some way, possibly due to PTSD from his early victimization. The only reason he got the sentance he did was because of his involvement with Pelosi. People who are charged with actual murder get lighter sentances than this all the time.
Woman in AZ caught/vid trying to poison her husband. Premeditated murder- was in jail for 1yr. then got May 12, 2024…3yrs probation! Husband noticed coffee was tasting weird, wife acting strangely. Figured something was amiss. Started to vid her and caught in act.///DePape’s-evidence picture: funny how broken glass of the doors is on the OUTSIDE. Trying to break IN glass would be INSIDE weird! None of it makes sense- stinks to high heaven. A ‘paid?’ encounter gone wrong, now a cover-up makes a lot more sense. Elites own too many! 30yrs is WAY over the top! especially when others are receiving lighter sentences for a lot worse, even horrific crimes.