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New York has become one of the worst places in the United States. I recently went on a trip in the northeast and I purposely avoided New York City because it’s not a safe place to be.

I have been to New York City several times and I wouldn’t dream of going right now given the extreme violence that takes place on the regular. I never felt unsafe when I was last in New York City, but it’s a much different place than it was back then.

Last week, the unelected Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul did a sit down interview with MSNBC hose Stephanie Ruhle to talk about the election, her opponent, and crime.

Hochul looked dumbfounded when she got put in check by Ruhle. Here’s how the exchange went:

Gov. Hochul: The Governor of New York is working in partnership with the mayor of New York City… I said, Mayor, I’m here to help you. Let me help get people who are severely mentally out of the subways. Let’s talk about getting more police officers. A couple of weeks ago, we got cameras in all the subway trains. We’re starting with that process… No governor has spent more money than I have on public safety in history.

Ruhle: I’m going to interrupt you then. Here’s the problem. We don’t feel safe. You might be working closely with Mayor Adams. You may have spent a whole lot of money, but I walk into my pharmacy and everything is on lockdown because of shoplifters. I’m not going in the subway. People don’t feel safe in this town. So you may have done these things, but right now we’re not feeling good. We’re worried. We could be San Francisco.

Hochul went on to say,  “We’ll never be San Francisco.”

Ruhle: Why?

Hochul: Because we are already making a difference. We already have homicides and shootings down dramatically from what they had been last year. And that’s the most heinous of all crimes there are.

They are not dramatically down from what they were last year.

According to, overall index crime in New York City increased in July 2022, by 30.5% compared with July 2021 (11,619 v. 8,906). Six of the seven major index-crime categories saw increases, driven by a 40.6% increase in grand larceny (4,588 v. 3,262), a 37.2% increase in robbery (1,730 v. 1,261), and a 25.6% rise in burglary (1,325 v. 1,055).

Overall index crime in New York City increased in August 2022 by 26% compared with August 2021 (11,357 v. 9,014). Five of the seven major index-crime categories saw increases, driven by a 38% increase in robbery (1,630 v. 1,181), a 34.7% increase in grand larceny (4,687 v. 3,480), and a 31.1% rise in burglary (1,356 v. 1,034), according to its website.

The woman deserves to lose her election, let’s hope it happens.


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  • I’m a native New Yorker and as such, using the public transportation system was an essential part of everyday life. I’m a senior citizen now and haven’t ridden a bus or train in years. whenever I even give it even a momentary thought, a quick reminder from any local news outlet serves to remind l me why I shouldn’t. No, Ms. Hochul, we don’t feel safe.

  • For the MILLIONth time, ‘If 2004 enacted CA Rev & Tax Code 19280 CA Gov A Schwartzenigger, Atty Gen Kamala Harris LAW, Holding criminals accountable, How is 19280 enacted? CAL 19280 NOT K-12 taught?

    TWO words: CAL 19280!
    ‘If 2004 enacted CA Rev & Tax Code 19280 CA LAW, Holding juvenile criminals (PARENTS,) accountable, How is 19280 enacted? CAL 19280 NOT K-12 taught?
    PARENTS of juvenile criminals LIABLE to 19280 court ordered CFTB who COLLECTS for VICTIM, then CFTB financial burden billed to parents!

    Wage garnishment, Employment assistance; Property assessment, liens, confiscation, sale, … Proceeds to victim

    CPC: 95 juvenile criminal adult upgrade; Parole denial, CA restriction

    CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)

    PARENTS of juvenile criminals LIABLE to 19280 court ordered CFTB who COLLECTS for VICTIM, then CFTB financial burden billed to parents!

    Wage garnishment, Employment assistance; Property assessment, liens, confiscation, sale, … Proceeds to victim

    CPC: 95 juvenile criminal adult upgrade; Parole denial, CA restriction

    PARENT MANAGE KIDS IF CAL 19280 AWARE? Kids behavior, who kids can / CAN’T associate with …

    CAL 19280 taught K-12??


    NOT TAUGHT 19280 a criminal defense? CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT?

    CA gov writes MYSTERY laws kept SECRET!

    CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)

  • The subways have never been safe. It’s nothing new. I’m 72 but when I was 19, I had a Black man expose himself to me as I walked down the steps to the station. Another incident was when I was standing holding on to the pole and felt someone press against the back of my knee, since it was a crowded train, I assumed it was an accident and moved away. Then I felt it again. I just screamed “leave me alone! I never even turned to look at his face. Years later, I began to hear of innocent people being pushed in front of trains. They need many more transit cops on these trains. The mayor doesn’t want to discourage tourism, so they keep it all hush, hush. Take it from a native New Yorker, it’s not safe.

  • I hope and pray NYers vote the dems out and send a message to the country…UPSTATE is going to carry conservatives to a victory.

  • What galls me is that there are those HYPOCRITICAL people that want to see the Police done away with altogether, until they’re in trouble. Police are railroaded into prison for trying to put a stop to lawbreakers who will simply not comply with instructions. Police are dying on the job. Police are quitting. Police stations are now understaffed.
    To those of you who screamed about defunding the police: don’t you dare cry, whine or sue when the Police are not available to help you. You brought this misery upon yourselves.

  • Daniel, you too are wrong at least about one thing the Governor is not unelected. She was elected Lt Governor by the people of New York. Which means if the Governor resigns or dies in office the Lt Governor would become Governor. I say this and am not one who would vote for this current Governor!! By the way what is an amateur theologian?

    • Who cares. Your cities are infested with liberalism. You’re splitting hairs. She wasn’t elected as governor and is only governor because of the crimes of the turd NYC elected. Your cities are crime ridden because of liberal politics. Or can you not remember the stupidity of “defund the police”? All of these issues can be boiled down to a single problem. Stop voting for liberals and “progressives”.


    You make NYC the most dangerous city north of Chicago…….

    Then you ban concealed carry for tourists there……


    What the HELL do you expect, you liberal moron?

  • Welp New York looks like either it was a steal or your city of Libtards have spoken , they like the violence , murders , and all the extra that comes with so ENJOY !!!! Btw we don’t want you moving and bringing your non sense to our town cause trust me we carry and we believe in the second amendment and we strongly use it 🙂 we will say a prayer for y’all !!! Maybe instead of protesting dumb shit , protest the steal 🤷‍♀️This women has no place in politics!!!!! Good luck 👍