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The war on our children has become increasingly more terrifying. States like New York have embraced ideologies and even gone as far as funding programs that are sexualizing and corrupting the minds of our babies.

The injection of drag queens into children’s consciousnesses goes beyond innocently sitting in a classroom reading storybooks, as the left wants it to seem. Kids are being brought to performances that are marketed as kid-friendly, despite being, in many cases, sexually explicit.

It should frighten you to know that since 2018, Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit whose cross-dressed performers interact with kids as young as 3 — has received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer cash, including $50,000 from New York State through its Council on the Arts, along with $157,000 from the city’s Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and the Department of Transportation.

Perversion of our youth by government entities, school districts, and LGBTQ+ groups is no longer debatable, it is a fact. And if we don’t do something quickly, we are going to lose this war.

Parents all over the country are protesting increasingly aggressive efforts to expose kids to gender-bending performers. But as important as it is for parents to speak up and fight against these evils, we also need to ensure that our children, too, are fully aware of what is being inflicted upon them. In these crazy times, we as good American parents know that it is our responsibility to teach our children to think for themselves, to know and speak up for their rights, and to stand up against anything that comes in the way of their individual freedoms.

But what many parents don’t know is that in 2004, Congress passed a provision that demands that “Every school and college that receives federal money must also teach about the Constitution on Sept. 17, the day the document was adopted in 1787.” That’s right. There is a FEDERAL MANDATE that says any schools receiving federal money must teach our children about the Constitution on or around 9/17.

Is your school not only breaking the law but doing your child a disservice by not allowing them to learn about our nation’s most precious and sacred document in their classroom setting? And if they aren’t learning about their rights, will they know how and on what basis to legally stand up for themselves when that time comes and we aren’t around?

One Non-Profit organization, called The 917 Society, has taken on the mission to educate our leaders and school districts about the mandate that they are unlawfully, and in some cases, unknowingly ignoring. And their efforts don’t stop there. The organization also provides pocket constitutions free of charge to 8th-grade students across the country.

It is important to note that The BEST way to protect our children’s freedoms is to have them fully learn and understand them and to internally ignite the passion and the will to defend them on their own. With your help, the 917 Society will be able to meet its goal of $2 Million and fund a Constitution Education Program in EVERY 8th-grade classroom across the nation in the year 2023.

Donate today! Just $25 sponsors an entire classroom.

With all of this impeding chaos and confusion, let’s provide certainty through education of our Constitution and children’s individual rights, and ultimately provide a brighter future for our youth!

Can America’s children depend on you?


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  • If I recall correctly some 15 to 20 years ago Congress passed a law stating that members of Congress cannot be prosecuted for Pedophilia. It was sweep under the rug to keep it quiet but is still on the books