The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has proposed a new rule under the Biden Administration that would withhold federal lunch funding from public schools that do not comply with their new far-left mandates on sexuality and gender.
According to The Center Square, if these schools fail to accept the White House’s agenda, they will risk losing funds distributed through the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service.
This change was announced in May 2022, wherein it was declared that Title IX discrimination protections would encompass sexual orientation and gender identity. Such a decision is likely to cause further parental outrage.
“As a result, state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation,” the department said in a statement. “Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”
“This is a significant departure from what Title IX has always been interpreted to be,” Sarah Perry, an expert on the issue and an attorney with the Heritage Foundation, told the outlet.
As the spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities continues to broaden, schools will be compelled to traverse the intricate and politically charged terrain of gender and sexuality if the rule stands despite the political contention that has already arisen.
“This is no small change. This is a significant interpretation to say that sex equals sexual orientation and gender identity when Title IX, we know, dates back to 1972 and the women’s liberation movement, and at the time, there was an entire campaign by LGBTQ activists to be included in anti-discrimination law indicating that they themselves did not believe that they were protected in these particular contexts,” Perry told The Center Square.
With a vote of 50-47, the Democratic-led Senate failed to successfully overturn the rule under the Congressional Review Act. Although it appears unlikely that President Biden would have signed off on the reversal anyway.
“Don’t be fooled here, the Biden Administration is the only player in this policy fight that is taking away lunches from children,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) said after the vote failed. “There is real-world evidence that USDA’s policy has already taken away school lunch funding from low-income children.
“Don’t be fooled here, the Biden Administration is the only player in this policy fight that is taking away lunches from children,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) said after the vote failed. “There is real-world evidence that USDA’s policy has already taken away school lunch funding from low-income children.
“Weaponizing school lunch money in pursuit of their radical agenda and putting students in the crosshairs is unconscionable, and we will not stand for it,” he noted further, per the outlet.
As of early November, the New York Times/Siena College polls showed Trump with a lead in four of the six swing states. This was an indication that Biden could be facing some electoral danger.
Subsequent polling from 13 different pollsters has shown a decrease in Biden’s standing compared to earlier surveys.
Moreover, there appears to be momentum building for Trump as more voters are switching their support from Biden to Trump, although they remain undecided.
On average, national polls indicate that Trump currently has a larger vote share than at any other point over the past year and state-level data reflects this finding.
For example, recent polls suggest that Trump is leading by 8 points in Arizona and 5 points in Michigan.
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Better the schools go broke, than to go “woke” (aka brain dead)!
fuck Department of Agriculture and biden too
Democrats have been using this tactic for over 60 years. Get a state or institution addicted to Gov’t handouts and then threaten to withhold the money if they do not comply. The Feds did that in the early 70s to get the BS 55mph speed limit posted to all of our highways. The schools need to tell biden to stick the Woke polacies up where the sun dont shine and then start screaming about how the democrats are starving the children! Why does bid hate children so much?
Great idea. LGBFJB
Someone please shoot and kill the Biden crime family ASAP.
Take your kids out of public schools, go private and stop paying school taxes. If the people got together and all did this the so called government would have to start firing these A Hole administrators in the gov. and school system. This is not Government this is Dictatorship. Way past time to get rid of them.
So now this POS punk is going to starve our kids because he wants it his way or no way. And these Marxist talking heads have the audacity to say that DJT will be an authoritarian? This buffoon has been playing that game from the first day he was in office, by way of Obama.
POS puppet would be a better name. Pedo joe is too demented to be a punk.
There Traitor Joe goes again. Mr Big Shot. Bullying his own country around. WHAT AN A-HOLE
Grandpa is an idiot
Send to private schools or home school.
This administration is PURE VILE , EVIL SOB’s. Their day of GOD’S reckoning is coming anon.
They would starve all of us into submission if they had the power. Never forget they hate us.
There is no such thing as free money, goods or services. When the government gives something for “free” there are always strings attached meaning the government is no better than the average drug pusher. Get you hooked then make you pay. In the pusher’s case, it’s more money. In the government’s case, it’s more power.
What a miserable Piece of Shiite he is.
If this article upsets you, thank the Republicans !! How many campaigns have the Republicans promised– then never even attempted– to defund the Dept of Education in order to neuter its ability to hold your local schools hostage to a liberal agenda masterminded by perverts and the teachers’ unions? Keep electing feckless candidates who are only interested in getting themselves on the Congressional Gravy Train. You are getting what you deserve; unfortunately, so are the rest of us!
Kennedy didnt need to be shot but Where is Sirhan Sirhan when America really needs him???
Well here we go again. It’s the same thing when it comes to our children, the Communist Democrats and Rinos have no soul or compassion for the American Citizens and their children, and the Spineless, yellow cowards in th Republican Party will not stop the Communist from furthering their agenda to weaken America and kill Americans if we don’t follow their lead.
That Communist, Anti-Constitution, Anti-American, Diaper filled, child molesting, hair sniffing piece of shit Joe Biden and his puppet masters Communist, Anti-Constitution Homosexual Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros will continue to destroy America and our children.
The Communist in Washington DC always get away with High Crimes and Treason because We The People won’t do anything to destroy them.
Today’s my 67th birthday and my wish is all Communist Democrats and Rinos to be arrested and face a firing squad or hung until dead.
Are We going to allow them to steal the 2024 election and let the Muslim have a fourth term or are we going to take up arms and begin the 2nd Civil War.?
If so be prepared to be ruled under a Dictatorship and abide by sharia law.?
My thought exactly, Joy. The demonRATS said Trump was a dictator.
The grammar police are here! The laundry is hung out to dry, but the convicted criminal was hanged from the prison gallows.
biden again is showing how much of a racist him and the democrats are. They know the ones who will be affected the most are the underprivileged. They will be taking food out of their children”s mouths and they don’t care.
Biden proving again he’s a dictator!!
sexual orientation? maybe, leave that one up to individual schools/parents, but gender identity? not only no but o HELL NO!!!
Biden don’t have the power of the purse to do this, it’s up to the congress.
Um no, in the EPA v West Virginia decision of the Supreme Court they stated that neither Biden nor any of his butt buddy department heads have the Constitutional authority to make a mandate or rule and expect it to be followed like it was law. If they want it then they MUST go through the US Congress and get them to pass it or it cannot be enacted. So let the USDA try it and watch how fast they either rescind it or got to jail
What makes Biden? think he has the right to say this? Since this is what he believes send him for surgery to have his removed! We are tired of his BS being pushed on American children, he is a perv and nees to be stopped.
Let’s be clear, Democrats want to take away lunches from hungry, poor children. If that wasn’t enough, they want to do so in an attempt to indoctrinate all our children with lies and perversions.
This is taking things beyond the limit for people to really understand. The fact is not only is this horrible but beyond all concepts as to what this is really about. Biden and his Idiots are about to find out just what people really think and feel about his administration and what they are doing . They are crooks , liars and cheats as well as criminal domestic terrorist. Using school age children as pawns in this matter. The fact they have all had a hand in acts that can be charged as criminal intent when it come to the safety of our children and this country. Not to mention the fact they sell out America to foreign Country’s and have no shame in doing so is the crux of it .
This is why the Corrupt FEDS should have zero influence on how the states teach your kids. The Federal teachers association should be shut down. And all that money and anything else the feds are taking, just so they can BLACKMAIL these schools into nothing but PROPAGANDA machines for the Democrat / Communist party. And if you do not believe that just look at all the hate coming out of some of these Left Wing Colleges.