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New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan has the authority to impose a fine or a jail sentence of up to 30 days on former President Donald Trump for an alleged violation of his gag order.

In a statement made in April, Trump expressed that it would be an esteemed privilege to be likened to a “modern-day Nelson Mandela” by being confined for speaking out against Merchan’s actions.

Merchan is set to conduct a hearing on Tuesday to assess whether Trump breached the described “unconstitutional” gag order.

The order prohibits Trump from publicly discussing trial witnesses, legal counsel other than Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, court and district attorney staff members, and their families if such statements are intended to disrupt their work.

This restriction also extends to potential jurors.

The upcoming hearing will determine the course of action in response to the alleged violation, potentially leading to significant consequences for Trump as he faces scrutiny over his comments regarding the judicial proceedings.

Trump could be fined and put in jail if Merchan rules in favor of the prosecution, according to Reuters:

Merchan could opt to fine Trump $1,000 for each of those violations, as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office has requested.

The law permits the judge to send Trump to jail for up to 30 days, in what would be a dramatic twist to the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president. Trump says the partial gag order, which prevents him from publicly criticizing witnesses, court officials and their relatives, is a violation of free speech.

“The gag order has to come off,” Trump told reporters last week. “People are allowed to speak about me, and I have a gag order, just to show you how much more unfair it is.”

“They’ve taken away my constitutional rights to speak,” he said.

“They can say anything they want,” Trump said about his political foes. “They can continue to make up lies and everything else. They lie. They’re real scum. But you know what, I’m not allowed to speak.”

“So why am I gagged about telling the truth?” Trump questioned. “I’m only telling the truth. They’re not telling the truth. The judge has to take off this gag order. It’s very, very unfair that my constitutional rights have been taken away.”

Alvin Bragg, the Democrat Manhattan District Attorney, has brought forth 34 felony charges against Trump in a criminal case related to alleged election interference and a payment made to Michael Cohen as a legal retainer.

This trial marks the first criminal trial ever held for a U.S. president. If found guilty, Trump could potentially face imprisonment.

According to a recent poll conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only around one-third of American adults believe that Trump committed any illegal actions in connection to this case.



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  • President Donald Trump is campaigning; thus, during communicating to the people that are at his Rallies explaining to them why he is being charged with multiple false charges is not in anyway violating the GAG ORDER. The judge that wants to put him prison for 30-days for campaigning is violating President Donald Trump’s Constitutional Rights.

    The judges does not have any rights to tell anybody how to speak during their rallies.

  • This is what the dumbasses voted for, they’ve created an Unconstitutional Communist Nazi Regime and the Communist Democrats are getting away with it.!
    Next will be anyone of you stupid Ass voter’s And I hope it happens.
    Burn New Jerk down then build a fence around it, that City isn’t worth supporting or saving.!
    FJB and Communist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros you should be deported back to your Country of origin or face prosecution Period..!!

    • The people didn’t vote for this, election fraud created this mess.
      This government looks more like NAZI Germany than an American Republic.
      Time to overthrow this corrupt federal government and restore the Constitution as intended by the Founders.

  • I hope he does. This alone will guarantee his election to presidency. This is nothing but Soviet style Moscow show trial. The godfather of Soviet KGB and chief of Stalin’s secret police famously told Stalin: “ Show me the man and I will find his crimes”. This is new Stalin, now named Biden now and his KGB named DOJ and FBI.

  • Everything these liberal haters do to President Trump drives more votes to him!! All of America knows this is election interference and political targeting. The indictments are fabricated and will backfire on everyone involved.

  • If these Democrats turn up with a bad case of Clintoncide! Nobody will question why! They will chock it up to a HUGE favor for the country! They should be ashamed to call this a court of equal rights! Typical Democrats! WORTHLESS!

  • The most corrupt group of so called LAWYERS (what a joke, they studied crookinology) they all should be disbarred for all this, they are prosecuting him, but doing nothing to the idiot in charge, he has destroyed this country, if he is not voted out this is the end of our country as we know it. We become a slum third world country over run by millions of illegals and terrorists let come in freely and bankrupting our country.

    • All of these corrupted lawyers and prosecutors are emboldened to act in lawless activity. They have the protection of the entire judicial branch that guarantees they will not face punitive action for their unjust prosecutions of the innocent ! If you will put this in God’s hand he will show us what his justice looks like. Our prayers can accomplish more than human efforts ever will . Hope I did not lose this audience but I participated in some awesome prayer events when we ask God to put Trump into the Oval Office . God answered and Americans experienced the most productive four years in our history. My advice is for Americans to ask God to forgive us as a nation because we are at an all time low morally and spiritually. Do that and we will see God restore our Republic . We must trust God to defeat this lawlessness that has infiltrated every facet of our nation !

  • This persecution instead of prosecution will only show the WORLD how desperate these political Hacks really are. They are determined to stop Trump from campaigning. They wish to jail him or worse, they are so corrupt. Biden has bankrupted the USA with his deliberate actions to do as much damage as possible to the citizenry of the USA. Biden is impoverishing the Citizens of the USA to fully support his millions of imported voters and Biden plans to give full amnesty and full voting privileges along with green cards and the usual cash and other goodies he has promised them.

  • I hope he does. Maybe we’ll finally find out what MAGA is made out of. Don’t forget his name people.

  • Hope the judge has a up to date passport he’s going to need it really soon. You don’t ever poke a bear.

  • Dems are all commies and should be deported to Russia or China. We have an invalid in office now and the country is in total disarray. Jail these common criminals or deport them b4 they invalidate our election process. Bring guns to voting locations where fraud is being committed.

    • No. Blood shed would only give the liberals an excuse to deploy an army of freedom haters to severely punish more innocent Americans . The invasion at the border of millions of foreigners will be armed as a military unit to purge the population of loyal freedom loving legal citizens. These illegals do not share the values of rights guaranteed by our current constitution. They have no soul for us and will carry out the global mandates of the Democratic Party. Oppress and even destroy all opposition is the Marxist playbook.

  • We are being destroyed from within. Our leadership has allowed the seditious activities of the likes of George Soros to undermine our way of life. It is mind blowing that the Republicans have sat on their hands playing “switch finger” as if Soros and his followers were uncharacteristically doing something good for America.

  • This asshole judge is going to start a war he’s going to regret the city will be burned to the ground because of corrupt government judge. How does a corrupt judge not get reprimanded for his actions who is his bosses that’s allowing this corrupt judge to continue with these bogus fraud charges. It’s time to take our country and government back from these corrupt criminal politicians. What happened to our great country destroyed in 3 1/2 years we need to start over term limits and reduce government authority.