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In the United States, more than 408,000 college students without legal permission to be in the country are enrolled as undergraduates, accounting for 1.9 percent of all college students nationwide. The American Immigration Council and the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education recently published an updated report on this population of students.

It revealed that there was a 4.2 percent decrease from 2019 when 427,000 undocumented students were enrolled. This drop is likely due to factors related to the pandemic and economic pressures as well as issues specific to undocumented individuals.

The majority of these immigrants arrived in the U.S. as children or teenagers and are often referred to as Dreamers; those who came as adults have lived in the U.S for an average of eight years according to the report.

These immigrant students have diverse racial backgrounds with 46% being Hispanic, 27% AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander), close to 14% Black, and 10% white respectively according to statistics provided by the report. Most undocumented college students attend public two-year or four-year colleges/universities with California, Texas and New York having highest populations among them respectively according to Inside Higher Ed – a news outlet which reported on how state policy aids these immigrants who are ineligible for financial aid benefits such as federal grants or student loans etc..

Texas became first state in 2001 offering in-state tuition along with some financial aid provisions like high school diploma from a Texas school through nonresidency requirements for this group of people despite its conservative make-up – challenges against this program have largely been unsuccessful so far according to Inside Higher Ed’s report which also highlighted University Of North Texas’ policy of charging higher tuition rates for out-of-state students than unauthorized Texans thus making it difficult for them access higher education opportunities within their own states especially where limited resources are available due lack of federal support amidst ever-increasing costs associated with higher learning institutions across the US today.

According to a report in College Fix:

Texas is among states offering in-state tuition, some aid to immigrants here illegally

More than 408,000 students without legal permission to be in the country are enrolled as undergraduates in United States colleges and universities, comprising 1.9 percent of all college students nationwide.

The American Immigration Council and the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education presented the numbers in a report updated this month.

“This estimate represents a decrease of 4.2 percent from 2019, when 427,000 undocumented students were enrolled,” according to the report. “The drop likely reflects overall enrollment decline due to the pandemic and economic pressures, as well as factors that specifically impact undocumented individuals.”

The “vast majority” of these immigrants, accounting for three out of four, arrived in the U.S. as children or teenagers, according to the report. “These students, commonly known as Dreamers, have grown up in American neighborhoods and attended American schools.”

Inside Higher Ed reported on how some state policy aids these immigrants, who are ineligible for financial aid.

Texas in 2001 “became the first state to offer in-state tuition and some financial aid to that group through nonresidency requirements, such as having a high school diploma from a Texas school,” according to the news outlet. “Legal challenges to the state’s programs have largely been unsuccessful, despite its conservative make-up.”

“Recently, an appeals court upheld a policy at the University of North Texas which charges higher tuition for out-of-state students than that paid by unauthorized Texans.”

Doug Goldsmith

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  • This is UNACCEPTABLE! America is a land of LEGAL immigrants; those are criminal invaders owed nothing but a trip home, and even that, on Americans’ dimes, is “iffy”! They are NOT coming to become citizens builders; they come only to steal and destroy! That’s the American nightmare! they carry disease back we had eliminated, or at least contained, over a century ago, or never had here before! They break our laws every day they remain here, and disrespect our people. It’s no safer here than wherever they came from so send them back to FIX their own messes, not bring them ere!

  • Communist Biden and his incompetent Communist Democrats have made it clear that the American citizens will pay more taxes for College Education for every illegal alien who enters the United States by breaking our laws.
    It’s already begun how Communist China operative Joe Biden is going to break the backs of the middle class Americans.
    Once America collapses the world will domino right behind us, then George Sorros and Son will begin a one world order.
    The question is who’ll be running the world.? Hillery already stated that she wants to control the world’s banking system, a well known Criminal in charge of the world’s economy.? WTF.? And most of the dumbass voters in Commifornia and New York, Washington State, Minnesota, Oregon, and every Communist Democrat run State will agree to this evil Demonic plan.
    My fellow Patriots we’re just letting this happen and doing nothing to stop it.!
    Civil War is no longer an option and we must prepare to lock and load and shoot every Antifa bastard on the battlefield, BLM is also on the table. The Anti-American establishment must be destroyed at all costs this includes the Communist at CNN & MSNBC.

    • Let’s fight already. When and where is all I want to know. I’m stocking up on ammo and I need to buils one more rifle and handgun, but I’m as close to ready as I’ll ever be. FJB

  • Of course I believe it. Anyone can go to college for free, or practically free as long as they aren’t a Caucasian/Asian or U.S. citizen.

    • Danny it’s not just Texas where those illegals are coming from, why are you against Texas.?
      We have a great Governor who the Communist Democrats are going after as well as our great Attorney General.
      And yes I’m a born and raised Texan.




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