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On Monday night’s episode of his show, Tucker Carlson voiced his opinion on John Kerry and the climate change zealots.

He stated that their actions indicate a lack of care for the future due to them not having one of their own. Carlson argued these points with facts and figures.

“There might be no one in the country who cares less about the future of the United States than climate czar John Kerry who turns 80 next week,” Tucker said. “Kerry turned up at a conference in the Middle East the other day and announced that at his advanced age, he’s become a “militant” of coal-fired electricity plants,” Tucker said as he played a video of John Kerry at this year’s COP28 climate conference.

The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) recently released its dietary guidance for first-world countries at COP28 in Dubai.

This guidance has been met with criticism from vegan eco-terrorists who are pushing for a reduction in meat consumption to reduce carbon emissions.

Michael Shellenberger, journalist and author, joined Tucker Carlson to discuss how the global effort to curb emissions is disproportionately affecting certain countries.

He noted that China and India have both increased their coal usage while the United States is being forced to rely more on wind turbines and solar panels.

Should this ‘net zero plan’ succeed, there will be drastic consequences such as famine and darkness across the world.

“You can’t maintain civilization without cheap energy,” Shellenberger said. “The attack on cheap energy is truly an attack on modern civilization and it should frighten us and we should be aware to it and alive to it.”


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  • 100% Correct.
    Also, housing 8 million illegals (that Biden allowed in) to live, shit and eat in our National Parks doesn’t sound environmentally friendly.
    Been to the Arizona desert? They TRASH it.

    It’s another ruse.
    Our gov’t is full of shit, about almost everything.

    • Too steal a phrase from someone, if you put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert, inside of a decade, there would be a shortage of sand.

    • Where are the Environmentalists over this trash of a President opening the Gate to the World? Inviting the worst of the worst to just come on in. Who will pay for the sewer and water systems needed for this tremendous burden foisted on the REAL CITIZEN TAXPAYERS of the USA? Our medical set up was stretched even before Biden offered them FREE MEDICAL CARE. Now our Veterans cannot get the care they need as the illegals are getting all of their care, free where many veterans have to pay for their VA care. What a disaster Biden is and we all knew he would do this as he hates the real citizens and taxpayers of the USA.

  • John Kerry the biggest fraud and liar. He has lied about his military service. Claims he threw away his medals but shows up in England wearing them for a King. His climate change bs. Just that bs. He flies around in his private jet and eats meat every day. He and his corrupt government are really trying to destroy the middle class in America. China is not into climate change. Joe Biden knows this. Democrats are evil unamerican slime. FBI and DOJ are corrupt and the Gestapo for Biden.

    • You are 100% correct in every thing you said the American people better wake up about this bull shit they are spreading

  • John Kerry is the sort of unelected radical idiot that is attempting to push America over the edge of the green bad deal. Solar and Wind do not produce enough sufficient energy to supply our grids reliably. Kerry should be put to pasture to fart with the cattle he wants to eliminate. Let’s see how he likes being on the endangered list. What an Ass.


    • John Kerry never really earned much money. He MARRIED THE MONEY. He dumped his first wife in order to get to the Heinz Widow.

  • Whoever said it was the United States’ sole responsibility to clean up the environment to the level the evil triad of Democrats, Liberals and Eco-terrorists demand? If they want to make a true impact on pollution, go to China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia and other mass polluters and protest in their streets demanding that their countries pony up the trillions of dollars necessary to achieve their ridiculous E-goals! Oh, and throw Iran into that mix as well!

  • Fuc* John Kerry and Joe Biden both of which no nothing about the climate.
    All the Communist Democrats and Rinos fly around the world trying to convince other nations that the climate is changing for the worse if everyone don’t start using Solar panels and wind turbines all made in Communist China and when they arrive in those nations they get into a gas powered vehicle and ride to their destination, what bullshit.!
    They want everyone to be slaves to their bullshit while they keep warm with all the comfort in the winter and cool and comfortable in the summer.
    They’ll eat the finest cuisine and meat and seafood while they laugh at what they did world wide.
    They worship Satan while doing his bidding not caring about children and the elderly or the helpless as long as they get their kickbacks from the crap China makes.
    Their getting away with it and the cowards in the Republican Party doesn’t seem to give a shi* about it.

  • Tucker just knows how to put the right words together. He is right
    Biden & Kerry don’t have a future of their own. I can 2nd that because
    I just turned 80 the same day Biden turned 81. But the difference I want
    to live long enough to Bring Back The America I grew up in!

  • The only way this “Green Energy Scheme” works is if the world’s population is culled by 70%. The most nefarious component of this plan is the planners don’t care if the unworthy die by starvation, freezing or simply lack of safe shelter.

  • This climate change is nothing more than a bunch of BS. All this so-called climate change scientists and their results is of no significant information. The changes over the past years is so low that generations will go for years and years. The United States can solve the small change that we need to do. We solved the automobile emissions problem with the “catalytic converter” we can solve any other problem with like products if need be. Our government and the politicians do not want to solve this because of all the money that is involved. The Obama era gave millions to climate change, and one of the biggest receivers went bankrupt. Today I just heard that one of Biden’s big receivers just went bankrupt also. More money just given away for another lost cause, but a good moneymaker for the “friends of the party”.

  • This is really about control. Once everything is electric the government can control whether we have electricity or not…. Can’t go anywhere if you can’t charge your car. Gasoline equals freedom!

  • Two things…..
    #1. mr kerry – a communist and a traitor to this nation dating back to the 70’s…
    DID NOT get so tall eating vegetables….. He got so tall eating MEAT…..
    People who only eat vegetables or noodles all their life are very short…….
    If you are younger and do not understand the reference – mr kerry, a coward who was outed by his military peers: in a time of war – traveled to Vietnam and campaigned from Vietnam just like jane fonda did (another unadjudicated traitor)
    Yes, that is correct – ask anyone who served in Vietnam and they will tell you both these people should have been hung by the neck until dead long ago…

    #2. If mr kerry was what he claims to be; Then WHY isn’t he attacking china, the worlds largest polluter and who just recently announced to the world they are building 30 more coal fired power plants ?????

    A ENORMOUS question to ask would be WHY does china produce all these solar panels and wind turbines – yet does not have solar farms or wind generated power???

  • John Kerry has never been one that I can take seriously. He’s desperate for relevance and the only way he can do it is by spewing incredibly and increasingly inane drivel.