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In October 2022, CNN released unprecedented footage of Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

This was a noteworthy event considering that the two had declined to call in the National Guard ahead of or during the ensuing riots.

The footage was taken by Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi, who was present within the Capitol at that time. Her husband also recorded video of the “insurrection” from outside.

On January 6th, 2021, Nancy Pelosi had a camera crew present at the US Capitol in anticipation of what was to be an historic day. This proved to be quite a coincidence as the events that unfolded went on to make history.

Now there is previously unreleased footage of Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, conversing with a January 6 defendant and his attorney.

Alexandra had asked multiple times for this individual to appear in her documentary but he declined each time. However, he opted to record her words instead.

In this video, Alexandra admits that the narrative of an insurrection on January 6th is false and that Washington D.C. may not be able to provide fair trials for Trump supporters due to bias in the system.

From our source who was in the room during the filming:  “I did a lot of due diligence making sure that the defendant who shot this video had permission to do so. I spoke with his attorney who provided me documentation that Alexandra agreed to be filmed if they met.

I wanted to bring this to you before anybody else if you’re interested in featuring it. Nancy Pelosi has contributed to destroying countless lives with her “insurrection” narrative and sham committee – And here is her daughter on camera saying it’s all a crock.”

Here are some of the key moments in the video where Alexandra makes some particularly audacious comments.

Key moments:

2:43: Pelosi: “The Shaman did nothing… What did the Shaman do? He stood there.”

4:24: “After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose I think interest… no one is going to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?”

4:50: “DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don’t think they’re sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you’d totally get off” (laughs while saying this)

6:50: “If there was an insurrection… you were supposed to have a plan!” “It was the sorriest insurrection in history”

8:11: “You’re going to be able to laugh about this one day”

14:53:  Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists.


ICYMI: BOMBSHELL! Police Report Proves J6 Was a Setup for Entrapment


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  • Everyone knows that J6 was a Pelosi SET UP to make Trump supporters look bad and imply that President Trump told the patriots to invade the capitol. It’s no wonder that politicians have bad reputations for being LIARS.

  • Oh please,just wait until Biden orders marshal law and ALL MAGA EXTREMISTS detained……..its coming

  • I have no words to describe how loathsome Alexandra & Nancy Pelosi are.
    The damage, the chaos they have done to this country, the people, the innocent people in jail is beyond horrendous. The people involved, Pelosis, judges, FBI, DOJ should be held accountable. IF this had happened to one of their family members, how different the situation would have been. These people should suffer consequences as this country, the people, the innocent people in jail have.

  • So when will the MAGA supporters be released and the Communist Democrats be charged for imprisoning the J6 defendants.?
    Not going to happen because the Communist Democrats love to start Shi* against the American Citizens and Biden will remain in Office since the do nothing Republicans have no bal** to go after all those involved.
    Remember the eight Communist Rinos who voted against impeaching Wrey and Myorkas always siding with the Communist Democrats.
    So We The People have been taken over and we will never see Justice done.
    MTG is a strong Constitutional Republican and couldn’t even get the majority votes to drop the pay on Muslim Communist Rhashida Tlaib and Mayorkas and that homosexual Buttgag to $1.00 because of the eight Communist Rinos who sided with the Communist Democrats and voted against it.
    America only have a few Republicans who represent the people and the rest are pure worthless shi* bags.

    • Michael, very well stated and every word true!!!!! The gop ceased being an opposition party right after Reagan left office and have steadily allied themselves with the devildemocommie crats hoping they will be given a seat at the ruling table of tyranny but they won’t get it!!!!! ALL of the gop establishment TRAITORS will be thrown under the bus once they are no longer needed!!!!!!!!!

    • Lee, he is compromised!!!!! His wife is a spy for China, her daddy is a bigshot in the CCP and mcconnell takes money from them!!!!!

  • The circus continues. How can they try to remove Trump from the ballot box for the so-called Jan 6 insurrection before any conviction? Especially now as new previously concealed evidence clearly points out it was not anywhere near an insurrection. If anything it points out an obvious set-up to once again go after Trump with bogus BS. .

  • So why are they Not in jail arrest these Traitors pelosi should have been Fired locked up when she tore the papers up behind Our President Trump, that is a federal crime she needs Prison time big time no excuses, mcconell is in chinas pocket along with the democrats communist party schumer, schiff, nadler, romney, many others time to pay the pepper

    • PIPER sorry just makes me so upset that nobody will do the right things and arrest biden obama soros shut down this corrupt administration and prosecuted

  • The State is Deep; historically, unraveling coup’s has resulted in social upheaval with tremendous loss of life and societal demise which accomplishes the socialists goals- state dependency mandated by Machiavellian authority and the masses repressed – how many urban deserts are there in our cities bc of the homelessness and shoplifting; ya think they leave anything to chance?

  • Pelosi and Liz Cheney’s B/S they belong in jail and should be sued for lying to the American people. These lying bitches cost American taxpayers millions of dollars with their bogus interventions. America needs to start holding Democrats accountable for their crooked crimes

  • Did anyone attempt to take even temporary control of the capitol or the government? NO! There was not any insurrection. The incident did not even reach toe level of a Portland riot.

  • just stop the lies and come out and just say it. it’s ok , we all know what the j 6th really is, or should I say was ??? the more yall lie about it the more you proof you can’t be trusted in any way. your words mean nothing any more. you words are that of the snake with a forked tongue. just more white man’s lies they tell for the power and the money of their corruption. and the sad part of it all is, their always democrats and the so called people of the democrats belive the lies and vote democrat everytime. they change nothing and keep the circle running for the lies to work. and here the proof of that. good job !!! dumb azz’s