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In a recent session of the US House of Representatives Armed Services Committee hearing, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) brought attention to the Biden administration’s mishandling of the situation in Niger, Africa.

Gaetz’s questioning revealed that US troops stationed in Niger were reportedly lacking essential supplies such as water and medicine, leaving them unable to carry out their duties effectively.

This failure in foreign policy was seen as a significant embarrassment for the Army, which may have been attempting to conceal the situation.

According to some sources, Joe Biden is upset over the way Gaetz was able to expose the administrations latest foul up.

During the hearing, Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and General Randy George appeared before the committee on April 16th to address these concerns.

Gaetz publicly shared his findings on his congressional webpage, highlighting the lack of support for American forces in Niger.

The revelation left Secretary Wormuth visibly surprised and at a loss for words when confronted by Gaetz about the dire conditions faced by US soldiers in Niger, a country experiencing significant turmoil.

The Biden administration’s State Department was once again criticized for its inability to effectively manage international crises, leaving deployed Americans stranded without proper resources.

Overall, Gaetz’s actions shed light on yet another foreign policy misstep under the Biden regime, emphasizing the importance of accountability and transparency in addressing critical issues affecting US military personnel abroad.

Matt Gaetz: SecretaryWormuth, there’s train and equip money requested in this budget, right?

Secretary Wormuth: Certainly, congressman.

Matt Gaetz: The train and equip mission in Niger is owned by the army, right?

Wormuth: Yes. We certainly provide soldiers for that. Yes.

Matt Gaetz: General, do you know what is going on in Niger right now?

General George: I know there’s some challenges over there in Niger right now, and I don’t think that we are actually in charge of that mission that’s on the ground.

Matt Gaetz: Yeah, we just heard the secretary say you’ve got soldiers there, so we’re going to dive into that to some extent. Do you know what the status is of diplomatic overflights to our installations in Najair?

General George: I’m vaguely track I’m assuming that that’s a challenge.

Matt Gaetz:  I mean, it’s not a challenge. It’s binary. Are we allowed right now to do diplomatic overflights in Niger? Yes or no?

General George: I don’t know exactly.

Matt Gaetz: I’m not tracking it that close. I don’t think- Madam Secretary, do you know if we’re allowed to do those diplomatic overflights?

Wormuth: I don’t, but I’m sure the Afrocom commander does.

Matt Gaetz:  Yeah, but you guys just said it’s in the budget you’re asking for to do these train and equip missions. One of them is in Niger. In Niger right now, the government has stopped us from doing diplomatic overflight missions. We have army soldiers right now in Niger who aren’t getting their troop rotations, who aren’t getting their medicine, who aren’t getting their supplies, who aren’t getting their mail. The two senior people in the United United States Army are sitting before me and it’s like, Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Are you going to do anything for the soldiers that are in Niger right now who can’t get medicine? Yes or no?

Wormuth: Congressman certainly, we can talk to General Langley and make sure that…

Matt Gaetz:  I’ve talked to General Langley. He comes in here and never has really good answers. I asked him for information about how many of the coup leaders we had trained, including in Niger, and Ghana, and Mali, and the Ivory Coast, and he didn’t even produce his I’ll report on time. So pardon me for a lack of confidence in General Langley. What I’m telling the two of you is that you have a responsibility for these soldiers in Niger. And general, you would agree with me with the premise that we should never sacrifice the well-being of our service members to avoid political embarrassment, right?

General George: Congressmen, I will tell you, I’m not tracking that somebody in Niger is not getting their medicine or their mail, but I will follow up after this.

Matt Gaetz:   You don’t even know the stats of diplomatic overflights. How about the great power competition? You would If we were to train and equip missions, we would never want Russian soldiers at the US installation where we’re doing train and equip, right? That’s not even a tough question. You would agree?

General George: Yes.

Matt Gaetz:  If there were Russian soldiers behind the wire at Air Base 101 in Niger, where we have soldiers doing the training and equip mission, that would concern you, wouldn’t it? Right. Well, I’m here to tell you we’ve received reports that they run out of medicine in May, that they cannot get their troop rotations. You know why you don’t know that? Because it’s a cover up. Because the US Embassy in Niger is covering it up because of Secretary Blinken’s embarrassment. Because Blinken went there in March of 2023 and said, This was the centerpiece of our Africa strategy. This was the model of resilience. Then, lo and behold, the very coup leader we trained takes over the country. Then we struggle with whether or not to call it a coup. We’ve now called it a coup. Since we’ve called it a coup, now they won’t let us get folks in and out.

And so I’m looking at what could erupt as another Bengazi. There is no mission for them to do. There is no train and equip right now with the coup leaders. So we got a bunch of people sitting around without their supplies, without their medicine. And the whole reason intelligence isn’t getting to us is because the embassy is blocking it because Blinken is humiliated that this failed.

And I’ve used my five minutes on everything in the army right now because I have constituents who are there in Niger, and they’re wondering how to get water. Did you know they can’t even get clean water? Did you know that the partner nations that we have at that base with our soldiers, the partner nations, the Italians and the Germans, they’ve stopped cooperating with us. They won’t even help us get provisions to our troops because of the status of forces agreement that we have with the government being deemed invalid. I am just a country lawyer from North Florida, but this strikes me as something the two of you should know about. I get the blank stares, but Secretary Wormuth, can I take as your commitment that you are going to leave here and you’re going to see to the well-being of these folks in Niger and that they can get the rotations and the medicine they need?

Wormuth: Certainly, I will make sure they’re getting the medicine and the water that they need. Yes, congressman.

Here’s the video:

ICYMI: Haitian Illegal Alien Commits Double Murder in New York, CBP Releases Him

Doug Goldsmith

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  • This is just an Obozo and Hitlery tactic Pedo Joe is trying to use when he has NO solution for a Problem his actions have caused. See Obozo and Hitleryhad no solution to the problem of their having put TERRORISTS in charge of Security in Libya so they just refused to their job for 6 months and let the TERRORISTS MURDER 4 men for them. Pedo Joe is doing the same in Niger because he does not want another Afghanistan on his conscience well what Democraps try to pass as a conscience anyway.

    • …and Syria, Ukraine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
      Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Israel, Tiawan, Japan, Philippines, Iraq, Georgia, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Austrailia, Thailand!

    • Our Military has been ordered by the illegal African Aliens in NYC that the USA needs to learn the AFRICAN LANGUAGES. BIDEN/OBAMA IS FOLLOWING THEIR ORDERS. Our Military is in Niger to learn to speak African. It is interesting that there were few headlines or news about a Brandon excursion in Africa. I guess he really wants to set the World Afire. Can the Overlords Brandon/Obama actually juggle 4 Fronts??

  • I remember hearing that the U.S.A. was told to GET OUT some months ago. What has happened? Why NO follow-up? Another fiasco by our STATE Department.

  • Does anyone remember when Communist Muslim Obama said he doesn’t trust our Military.?
    That’s before the Bengazi attack on our Embassy.
    Fast forward to date; Election Stealing Communist Illegitimate joke Biden is now planning on doing the same thing as he receives Order’s from the Communist Anti-American Muslim Obama.!
    Those Traitorous Communist Democrats and Rinos are going to have our Military men and women murdered as a way to further their Agenda to destroy our Military and America, as planned by The COMMUNIST Chinese, then they’ll sell more of America out to the CCP.!

    • Mr Smith, I believe you have stated how inept our government is in DC. The FBI and CIA are doing all they can to further the Dem-Socialist Party to destroy our country a piece at a time. It does demonstrate that the leader ( Hussein Obama) has done everything in his power to destroy our country. Apart from not being a born American, he has no allegiance to our country. He once said that he would love to do his work in secret and the blame for the outcome would fall back on the person of responsibility, Joe Biden. It isn’t good when the so-called president can’t even use the Oval Office. Then we heard “Big Mike Obama” would run and ditch Brandon. Obama would get another chance to finish us off as a country.

      • Thank you James, at least there’s one person who’s figuring it out, those Communist, Anti-Constitution useless so called Representatives are not real Americans, they’ve manipulated and lied to the American people for their votes and the American Citizens fell for it every time. I’ve never voted for Democrats neither did my family.
        The Communist Bastards in Washington DC, hate America so much their gambling on succeeding to destroy America but they sure love the money they’ve stolen from the taxpayers, and they love the several mansions they’ve bought with stolen money and bribery money.
        America won’t last during the long days for 2024 election, If President Trump makes it before the Communist destroy him we might have a very slim chance of winning, and I’m crossing my fingers that he does make it.
        We The People hold the power to remove the Commies from Washington DC by using the 2nd Amendment and fight against Tyranny but that’s already proven Americans won’t do anything to stop the Communist.
        Muslim Barack Hussein Obama should have been Arrested long time ago and kicked out of America along with George Soros, but the Communist love anyone who wants to destroy our country and the lives of millions of Americans.
        The Communist have already been working on the election to steal it and if they succeed Americans still won’t do anything.
        What a shame.

  • Bidens whole administration including Biden are a disgrace to our nation and a total failure to our country, security, and the constitution. They are all bad actors and are working against, not for America.
    Vote Republican in 2024!!! Save our nation from these detractors!!!

  • More loads of ignorance due to the Biden unadministration. This complete cabinet needs to be removed NOW. Before WWIII actually starts.

  • Didn’t Obama fire all the military officers who weren’t fan of his?
    This is what we’re stuck with. Egads!


  • they aren’t going to do a damn thing!! they could care less about our people over there! this has got to be the most corrupt, inept administration i have ever seen. they have the most moronic people running the different branches of government! Gezz!!! at least get somebody that knows what to do! LGB!!!

  • What the hell is going on in the Department of Defense? Who one seems to know anything. Maybe, replacement of the head officers/Secretaries. Why??? This is total BS.

  • They will bring in the illegals, criminals and all, just to ste*al the vote. When do we reach 180 degrees from where the founding fathers started?

  • This is horrible. Forget everything else but our soldiers, men who took an oath to protect. And they are being made pawns in this game that is being played in Washington. “Not getting their mail, no needed medicines.”. This is inhumane to order them to serve under these conditions.

  • Well Biden was a screwball
    And a screwball was he
    He always ran backwards
    Making for bogus history.

  • All to keep winkin’ Blinken from being embarrassed. He’s a weak beta male just like dippy Biden. They F’d up Afghanistan and now they F’d up Niger. Remove these fools. They are getting people killed.

  • Leave our troops without supplies so the filth in “government” can give illegals housing, food, welfare etc. 99% of government should be shot then hanged

  • I think Matt Gaetz get’s it right. But…but…but.. Make NO mistake. His wife works for Apeel!!!! Brought to us by Gates & the NWO WEF! Red flags all over this!



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