President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, faced the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence for her confirmation hearing. From the start, she gained strong backing from Sen. Tom Cotton, who countered Democrat allegations against her. Cotton specifically addressed comments made by Hillary Clinton, highlighting Gabbard’s extensive military service of over two decades and multiple combat tours.
Sen. Tom Cotton made it clear that any insinuation of Gabbard being a “Russian Asset” was unfounded. “She has undergone five FBI background checks,” Cotton stated. He emphasized his thorough review of over 300 pages, declaring it “clean as a whistle.”
Cotton’s support is significant, as he is often seen as a prominent hawk. His endorsement underscores the importance of evaluating Gabbard on her merits and service. With such backing, Gabbard’s confirmation process gains a strong foundation.
Former North Carolina Senator Richard Burr also played a pivotal role in introducing Gabbard. As a former Chair of the Intel Committee, Burr’s support is noteworthy. He criticized the media’s “anonymous rumors” against Gabbard, defending her qualifications.
Burr was unwavering in his defense, stating, “No fewer than five times has the Department of Defense reviewed her security clearance.” He praised Gabbard’s evolving views as a reflection of her life’s experiences. Quoting Winston Churchill, Burr emphasized the importance of changing one’s mind to effect change.
Gabbard’s shift to supporting Trump is a point of contention for Democrats. Her opening statement was direct, referencing Sen. Chuck Schumer’s infamous remark about the intelligence community. She critiqued “faulty or weaponized intelligence” and cited examples like the Russia collusion hoax.
Highlighting her experiences, Gabbard revealed she was placed on a secret terror watchlist after criticizing Kamala Harris. Her statement underscored the need for change within the intelligence community. “The bottom line? This must end,” she declared.
Gabbard addressed accusations from Democrats of being a “puppet” for various figures. She firmly stated, “What truly unsettles them is I refuse to be THEIR puppet.” Her assertion was a powerful rebuttal to the allegations.
Her speech was a bold rejection of the Democrat narrative. Gabbard’s statements resonated with those who value independence from political manipulation. Her stance exemplified a commitment to truth and integrity.
The hearing showcased Gabbard’s willingness to confront the status quo. Her critiques of the intelligence community were pointed and clear. She demonstrated a readiness to challenge long-standing practices.
Throughout the hearing, Gabbard remained composed and assertive. Her military background and service were central to her defense. Supporters argue that her experience equips her for the role of Director of National Intelligence.
The confirmation process highlighted the political tensions surrounding her nomination. Gabbard’s past criticisms of the intelligence community were a focal point. Her stance on these issues aligns with a call for accountability and transparency.
Supporters like Sen. Cotton and former Sen. Burr strengthen her position. Their endorsements underscore her qualifications and integrity. The confirmation hearing was a testament to her resilience and dedication.
Gabbard’s approach to the hearing was strategic and calculated. She effectively addressed the concerns raised by her critics. Her responses were grounded in her experiences and convictions.
As the hearing concluded, Gabbard left a strong impression on the committee. Her statements were clear and unwavering. The outcome of her confirmation process remains to be seen, but her message was heard loud and clear.
In the political arena, Gabbard’s confirmation hearing was a significant event. It highlighted the ongoing debates about intelligence and security. Her candid approach offered a fresh perspective on these critical issues.
Her nomination represents a departure from conventional political norms. Gabbard’s independent stance challenges the traditional political landscape. Her confirmation journey is a pivotal moment in the current political climate.
*Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard that you are and ‘go get ‘em’!!!
Those “down and dirty” “bottom of the swill barrel Demoncraps” like “Killery” Clinton attack her; and Tulsi is “miles above them all in integrity and honor!”
Those that now attack her are nothing but “snakes hissing” as they are “owned” not even by Russian Intelligence, but rather, “by Satan himself!!!”
I assure you many of those like Killery “are serving the father of all lies” so we must totally ignore anything they “spew out of their lying filthy rotten mouths!”
God bless Tulsi Gabbard!
Quote, ” Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is a force. And like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” — George Washington
True and the only thing to crush them will be when the growing monster of reality comes to not only bite them in the ass but to feed on them! Reality has a way of doing that eventually!
Note: Again, another of Trump’s nominees has provided us another opportunity to witness the true character of so many people claiming to represent the Democrat party and/or the so called Progressive Movement. Sadly these sessions also demonstrates that my lessons learned providing that Americans are the most effectively lied to people in modern times and that arrogance minus knowledge equals stupidity are valid. Soldier/Cop, Retired
My fellow Americans, as an 82 year old soldier/cop serving primarily in counter-terrorism and installation/community security activities throughout most of my career (joined army while Eisenhower was in office) I have been trying since 1986 to make each of you aware of the primary threats to you, your family, and your country. I have asked Americans over and over again what will it take for you to stand up and take back those rights given to you by God and promised to be respected/protected by our founding fathers when they drafted the Constitution? From what I see/hear/feel each and everyday since Joe Biden stole the presidency I must admit to the American people that those of us serving in the military and/or as police officers have failed to protect you from all of your enemies both foreign and most especially domestic.
Now, In consideration of all of the corruption/incompetence/treachery/etc., coming forth under the brightest light ever thanks to the Biden/Harris administration and their bosses/supporters here and around the world, I am just asking where most of you Americans stand in regards to your rights/roles/duties as citizens.
Seems the arrival of Donald J. Trump followed by Biden’s theft of the Presidency has stripped us all naked to expose not only the sores on our bodies, but those on our souls as well!
The lessons learned I am presenting to you may give you a glimpse into the inner world of a government that devotes most of its time/energy ruling you versus serving/protecting you from the vantage point of one who served in government from the municipal through the federal level as a soldier and cop.
Most of the lessons learned (Note: After the Biden/Harris administration’s performance to date in dealing with hurricanes Helene and Milton, and now the ongoing disaster in California displaying in roaring flames the incompetence/corruption of the far left dominated governments, I have only included those lessons learned most relevant to the current situation and eliminated those that may overly stress many of you.) were originally drafted in the late eighties as the prelude to a book titled: ‘Rape, Pillage, Plunder; America, You’ve Been Had!’ The Department of Defense denied permission to publish the book in that they classified an investigation detailed therein that named a gaggle of politicians and bureaucrats at every level of government as subjects. Three of those subjects went on to be elected to the office of President of the United States of America!
NOTE: Newest and hopefully best lessons learned first.
*Donald Trump, is the American people’s last hope and the only “Battle Captain” to ever serve as our Commander-in-Chief is now standing tall among us. America, are you willing to stand with him?
*The end goal of the World/American elites and their minions is not (nor ever has been) socialism, communism, fascism, or capitalism. The elites of the World/America and their minions have used all manner of ideologies, religions, terrorism, wars, etc., to drive the masses/peasants/serfs/whoever/whomever/whatever in one direction. That direction leads to one of the oldest forms of human control ever employed in the history of mankind. That form of human control is; “FEUDALISM!”
* The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ according to a survey of Vietnam era ground combat veterans listed of the order of their importance to the veterans are; Candor, Competence, Consistency, Commitment, Courage, Compassion, and Courtesy. The reason the veterans chose “Candor” first and foremost, is because candor encompasses both omission and co-mission. To a combat veteran the lack of absolute candor, be it co-mission or omission, are equal sins! It has been my observation that, democrats are masters of co-mission while republicans are masters of omission! How many politicians do you know who even attempt to follow the the Seven C’s of Leadership?
*The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the political class, the bureaucracy, the media, and academia.
*The greatest threats to the American people are the hoards of self-serving, corrupt, and/or incompetent politicians/bureaucrats/academicians found at every level of government/academia, and the majority of the so-called media.
*The second greatest threat to the American people is that presented by radical Muslims bent on ridding the world of non-believers, installing Sharia as the only law of the land, and Islam as the world’s only religion. Note: For all of you non-Muslims who think you support Islam I strongly suggest you carefully study the game plan supposedly first presented by Mohammad (The Prophet) in the early 600’s and the current socialization/cultural practices of the current Iranian government. I submit unless you are a sadistic male you will not enjoy life as a Muslim.
*Most of the politicians/bureaucrats/academicians/media types I have encountered during my years as a soldier and a cop I currently refer to as; self-serving, witless, corrupt, incompetent, cowards. Prior to retiring to the deep woods I referred to most of the before mentioned folks as self-serving, witless, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly, piss-ants. After retiring to the deep woods I came to know that piss-ants are neither self-serving nor witless, and certainly not cowards!
*There are only two primary requirements to be a career soldier and/or cop in America. One must be smart enough to do the work and dumb enough to take the job.
*American soldiers and police officers must in addition to mastering all of their professionally mandated tasks learn to accomplish the same with at least one arm tied behind their backs, and their vision and hearing impaired 50% or more.
*After carefully watching the whole of the political class for many years I can say without reservation that most of the group will sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.
*Want to see what the United States of America will look like if the left/progressives take total control of the government? Take your pick, New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, or the complete packages; California, New York, Illinois, etc, etc, etc…..!
*Arrogance minus knowledge equals stupidity (A – K = S!).
Have a nice day,
83 and a former Marine/Cop /Cororate Security Mgr.– C.W. Lauderdale said it all. PERIOD! END OF SENTENCE! EXCELLENT!!!
Kevin McGinty thank you for your service too!
Yes C.W. Lauderdale made it as plain as day to understand and all so true!
Democrat – Alligence + Marxism = Intentional Treason (D-A+M=IT)
Hang’em all!
Sailor/Designer, Retired
GITMO material without a doubt!
Minor correction…
One must be smart enough to do the work and patriotic enough to take the job.
No idiots, please!
Composed, articulate and lovely!