The state of Tamaulipas in Mexico recently had to confront the reality of cartel violence after attempting to keep it under wraps. This came to light when they issued urgent warnings about cartel land mines and explosive devices in the northern regions.
The catalyst for this transparency was an incident reported by Breitbart Texas, where a government vehicle encountered a makeshift landmine near the U.S. border. This occurrence highlighted the dangerous and growing presence of cartel explosives in the area.
Last Wednesday, two employees from Mexico’s National Water Commission (CONAGUA) were injured. Their vehicle exploded after driving over a land mine placed by Gulf Cartel gunmen. This incident took place between Rio Bravo and Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
Just a few days later, a farmer experienced a similar fate when his tractor struck another landmine near San Fernando, Tamaulipas. In both cases, local officials exerted pressure on news outlets to suppress the information, but details eventually surfaced on social media.
Breitbart Texas was able to provide exclusive insights into the first explosion, having reviewed internal documents from CONAGUA that offered additional context. Following their report, the Tamaulipas government was compelled to issue a series of warnings about concealed explosive devices. Residents in affected communities were advised to avoid touching suspicious items and to contact emergency services immediately.
Jorge Cuellar, the spokesman for security in Tamaulipas, has been downplaying or outright denying many of the violent incidents occurring in the state. These incidents include large-scale shootouts, kidnappings, targeted killings, and forced disappearances. Breitbart Texas has consistently reported on these events, shedding light on the ongoing violence.
The chaos in Tamaulipas is largely attributed to a brutal turf war between two factions of the Gulf Cartel. This conflict is centered on controlling profitable drug and human smuggling routes. The Gulf Cartel has been deploying convoys of armored vehicles packed with gunmen in these battles. To counter these forces, cartel operatives have resorted to using explosives. They have planted makeshift landmines, devised improvised explosive devices, and even utilized drones to drop explosives on rival factions and law enforcement.
Breitbart Texas has taken bold steps to report on these issues by recruiting citizen journalists in Mexico. These individuals, operating under pseudonyms for their safety, are committed to exposing the cartels that seek to silence their communities. The dangers they face are immense, as cartels like the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas are known for their brutality.
The use of landmines by the cartels is particularly concerning. These devices not only threaten the lives of law enforcement and rival cartel members but also endanger civilians who unwittingly stumble upon them. The indiscriminate nature of these explosives underscores the cartels’ disregard for human life and their willingness to employ terror tactics to achieve their objectives.
The situation in Tamaulipas reflects a broader pattern of cartel violence and corruption in Mexico. Government efforts to curb these activities often fall short due to the cartels’ deep-rooted influence and resources. Despite the challenges, it is crucial for authorities to remain steadfast in their pursuit of justice and safety for the citizens.
While the government has been slow to acknowledge the severity of the situation, the warnings issued about explosive devices are a step in the right direction. It is essential for the authorities to prioritize transparency and communication with the public to prevent further tragedies.
The role of the media in bringing these issues to light cannot be overstated. By reporting on these incidents, outlets like Breitbart Texas play a vital role in holding both the cartels and the government accountable. Their work ensures that the public remains informed about the true state of affairs in regions plagued by cartel violence.
In the face of such adversity, the courage of those willing to expose the truth is commendable. These journalists risk their lives to ensure that the stories of those affected by cartel violence are heard. Their dedication to uncovering the truth is a testament to the power of journalism in the fight against crime and corruption.
As the situation in Tamaulipas unfolds, it remains imperative for the international community to stay informed and engaged. The battle against cartel violence is not just a local issue but one that affects global security and stability. Supporting efforts to combat these criminal networks is crucial for the well-being of all affected regions.
Ultimately, the fight against the cartels requires a concerted effort from both the Mexican government and international partners. By working together, there is hope for a future where communities can live free from the shadow of cartel violence and fear. The path to peace and stability may be long, but with determination and cooperation, it is within reach.
An international War.?
You bet it is, and President Trump should authorize the Cartels be bombed and even do what America did in Vietnam, drop napalm on them.
Burn them all.!
Michael I’ve been saying for a while that America is at war on several fronts and much of it now on our doorstep or even in the Nation! Now no different than fighting Jihadist Terrorists so the same rules of engagement apply!
Go after them with the full force of the US Military and track down, neutralize and destroy all Cartel combatants and assets; take them right out, as in gone for good finito! We take none of them as prisoners to then be maintained in our system! They are some of the most heinous, evil, Satan worshiping and vicious bloodthirsty monsters on the planet and must be obliterated! Send out the Terminator Squads in Massive Force and Hasta La Vista!
Show them now that this isn’t going to be the cake walk they’re used to in Mexico and elsewhere were they have a foot in all doors and use their vicious scare tactics daily of butchering and beheading various authorities in the community or even just citizens to send their message!
I agree with everything you said, One problem, the RINO’S will block Our President from doing that!
Agreed Lawrence, I made a phone call to a friend in El Paso, who’s a retired Border Patrol Agent, and he informed me that he has found out that the Cartels are somehow getting past the surveillance and planting the bombs alongside roads in the State of Texas.
It might be someone on our side helping the Cartels but it’s just a theory.
They are urging people not to touch, move, or pick up anything that looks odd, especially those who pick up aluminum cans for cash.
This is a grotesque violation of international war, and President Trump has authorized the military to use deadly force if shot at.
They are now terrorists and must be taken out aggressively.
Also agreed Michael! This is like the dealings in the Middle East with IED’s being planted and that is a War Zone and Chock Full of Terrorists! I’d say it’s getting to where America especially now with over 15 Million Illegal Invaders (know ISIS terrorists included) in our Nation it’s now a War Zone with this development and all bets are off! What else can I think or say about it other than we are at WAR! I think the time is way overdue to activate Troops and most likely “Declare Martial Law!”
Perhaps President Trump and the Good Generals are first cleaning out all of the WOKE JOKE CRAP and DEI, then stock up on Patriot Warriors to be soon activated!
I’m guessing of course, but it sure looks like we have a war on our hands! Even many of the Democraps and Rino’s are taking court action to cripple President Trump’s Executive Orders and Initiatives, so it’s even looking like maybe Civil War is brewing; these damned to hell Demoncraps and Rino’s are so evil!!!
Lindsey Graham is blasting on the Network News that Trump was wrong to pardon the J6’ers!!! I would love to be given a chance, just 5 minutes to discuss with him and be in a locked room so I could “work the truth out” with that shit-heel! He is such a traitor and Judas! The Demoncraps and Rino’s won’t let up a second from “tearing things apart” and Graham proved it with this differing pompASS attitude! Time to mop the floor with these degenerate Traitors!
Just got a news flash that Demoncraps are wanting to start hangings of President Trump supporters!!!
I know the Demoncraps and Rino’s are so guilty of so many crimes over the last 15 years that they are running scared of justice coming to get them, and panicked are trying to Trump the Trump! This is getting really bad really fast! I had prayed that they would stand up like men and women to their fault and do the best thing for the Nation for once, but that is wishful thinking on my part! Why did Big Mike Dump Bathhouse Barry and not want to show up at the Inauguration; did Big Mike take out the Cook in a jealous tirade rage, now supposedly splitting up over Jennifer Anniston thing!!! They’re all such liars, hard to be sure which problem is the real underlying hinge-pin!
I deemed Graham a backstabber and Rino long ago,as he is an ass kisser on both Communist Democrats and Republicans, he will stab you in the back and he should’ve been silenced many years ago.
When Obama was in Office Graham agreed with everything he did and when Biden was in Office he agreed with him as well, now that Trump is President he Pretends to on his side.
Yes he is against the release of the J6 prisoners and he also agreed with the Communist Democrats that the borders should be open.
Why does he keep getting voted in office.?
I can’t stand listening to him or looking at him.
I hope President Trump brings in Snipers to take out the Cartels since they are bad ass experts.
Also I’ve been watching the military settings up Concetino wire on the top of the wall along the Texas, border, it’s amazing how their doing so much, also welding corrugated metal.
That’s giving the Communist Democrats and Rinos a breakdown and that Unconstitutional, Anti-American Communist Alexandria Ocasi Cortes is saying that President Trump, is signing Illegal Executive Orders but, I guess Communist Biden signed all legal Executive orders.?
Geez, Communist Democrats think they do nothing wrong when they destroy America.!
They must be terminated once and for all.
What do you expect from Mexicans? If they aren’t invading, running drugs or
trafficking people they’re planting land mines. Mexico has never been a friend to the U.S. Even the Mexican fckers that are already here act like this country is theirs to do whatever they want.
Did you see the video by some Mexican woman, who is indignant at the deportations, say we should stay out of Mexico and stop eating Mexican food.
I agree with her. I’ve never been to Mexico and have no desire to go there, and I hate Mexican food. By the way, the Tacos at Taco Bell are the Americanized version of a Taco. I had genuine Mexican food in SanAntonio. One bite was enough. I nearly puked.
That bitch should return to Mexico, and take her too-spicy slop with her.
Michael, agreed on everything here! This I had to quote you; “Why does he keep getting voted in office.? I can’t stand listening to him or looking at him.”
This is exactly how I feel and think about that “Traitor and Snake!” I tell you it bothers me how such vile humans are allowed to operate in our Congress, but apparently nobody in the higher-up government apparatus can do anything about it?! Aren’t there many decent Federal Government officials that see what we are seeing, and know it’s hurting or even ruining this country of ours; so one would think they would have authorized remedy?
Oh and I agree, how there are those dedicated Patriot Border Personnel and Military Troops who if I may say in a manner of speaking; “faithfully serve daily in the trenches,” doing actual constructive work to “actually make a difference” just like you’ve mentioned here!!!
And I’m totally in on “the use of top rate military snipers” and even “spy in the sky armed drones and all counter Terrorist measures” being employed along the Border “to take them out,” no hesitation or second guessing on this issue of “going after the cartels with every advantage available to our Military and Law Enforcement” forces to “seek and destroy all such targets on the spot!” This is an ongoing battle or war for Pete’s Sake! I don’t care what the liberals, leftists, commies or any other whining idiots and fools say; “this current state of affairs or situation is so far out of control already” that “no time can be wasted” “nor any amount of resources is too much” to “quickly and completely end this foreboding disaster” that the previous “Criminal administration” left behind! “All of which they directly caused and promoted;” and it’s time to do it now, before any more innocent American Citizens are injured or murdered!
This is “DEFCON 1 RED ALERT LEVEL” right now! I mean WTH, cartels running rampant, Tren de Aragua gangs taking over apartment complexes, MS-13 gangs already set up in many states across the nation and ISIS Terrorist Cells along with China CCP Agents embedded! I have to admit as I see it, this thing is about to blow wide open and “all hell could break loose” thanks to those evil Demoncraps and Rino’s allowing all this evil to get a leg up on the American People!
And it’s all because they wanted it to and didn’t care and still don’t or won’t; just like that sack of manure Newscum in Californication has done to that once prosperous beautiful place! “People have to wake up fast” and realize that these official persons with their entire ilk that I mention are serving Satan; not God and certainly not the American Citizens! Do any of these idiots actually believe someone like Pelosi or Schumer are serving us and doing the job they are obligated to do by their Sworn Constitutional Oath of office! “Not a snowballs chance in hell,” that they care!
I can back this up by what was just stated by Demoncraps!!!
“Welcome to 2024, when a Democratic Party official not only made comments supporting the lynching of Trump supporters on Facebook, but went on talk radio to vigorously defend them, even though they were taken down.
According to The Midwesterner, a Michigan-based conservative-leaning publication, the comments were made by Lenawee County Democratic Party Chairman Bill Swift from the official party account.
Screenshots of the posts from last week, now deleted, say that “anybody who is trying to make Donald Trump King is a traitor who should be hanged by the neck until dead.” ://
Yea, I know Biden is an old Clan member and friend of the grand dragon going back decades and how he was just raised up to an honorary position in the Freemasons Satanic Cult, but then we have some Demoncrap party Official saying “it’s time to go after citizens who are making President Trump King and lynch them!”
WTH is this unbelievable CRAP! “Where are the officials and courts now” the same ones that never had let up on Trump with Law fare, in getting down to business and locking up this clown who was “on the radio spewing these fomenting violence threats,” and then going after Biden also now along with all his cronies in the Demoncrap Party that are “obviously Satanic Criminals” and “in love with these enemy forces now in our nation who have invaded it!”
Seriously and I say from my heart, if this madness and evil that has been building over the last four years isn’t eradicated by our Law Enforcement, Military and Judicial Systems very soon, we will be truly in “a hell on earth scenario before we know it!”
Are they just going to “allow it to fester and deteriorate” to the point we are in some “America Beirut.”
I’m sorry but sadly some huge decisions need to be made to “flip the paradigm” before something happens that we’ll all regret and suffer from!
It seems to me that many Demoncraps and Rino’s need to be locked up ASAP! Along with most if not all of the Invaders!
One way or another we should know by now that one way or another that the Globalist Cabal in charge want multitudes of us wiped off the face of the earth, to make more of it their world, ya know the king of the mountain thing or bully! And who might those nefarious ones be serving I ask you?
Get to your Bibles people and do it now, you do know that our real lives aren’t here in this screwed world, but are in eternity and it’s time to choose which side you want more than anything; being on His left or on His right!
Matthew 25:46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Matthew 25:31-46 NIV “The Sheep and the Goats”
One way or another we should know by now that one way or another that the Globalist Cabal in charge want multitudes of us wiped off the face of the earth, to make more of it their world, ya know the king of the mountain thing or bully! And who might those nefarious ones be serving I ask you?
Get to your Bibles people and do it now, you do know that our real lives aren’t here in this screwed world, but are in eternity and it’s time to choose which side you want more than anything; being on His left or on His right!
Matthew 25:46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Matthew 25:31-46 NIV “The Sheep and the Goats”
God bless.
Please look up the full verses. And if you don’t pray please do that!