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President Donald Trump’s announcement of a national emergency at the southern border has prompted significant political and social discussions across the country. This bold move was intended to accelerate the deportation of illegal immigrants and address pressing issues such as drug trafficking and human smuggling. The announcement aligns with promises made during his campaign to prioritize the removal of illegal immigrants.

In California, Attorney General Rob Bonta has been proactive in addressing the implications of the Trump administration’s immigration policies. Early this week, Bonta convened with various rights groups and activists in San Diego.

This meeting was part of a broader initiative across the state to inform and prepare immigrant communities, emphasizing California’s commitment to protect its diverse population.

Bonta’s series of meetings, which culminated in San Diego, aimed to provide clarity on California laws amid the federal government’s stringent immigration stance. These efforts are described as “Trump-proofing” the state, offering guidance to immigrants on their rights and the support available to them, regardless of their immigration status.

During these discussions, Bonta highlighted the rights that immigrants, including those undocumented, are entitled to in California. These include the right to legal representation, emergency medical services, and access to housing and education without the need to disclose immigration status. This approach underscores the state’s commitment to inclusivity and support for all residents.

A key aspect of Bonta’s guidance is the role of local and state law enforcement. He emphasized that they are restricted from questioning individuals about their immigration status or collaborating with federal agencies like ICE, except in certain situations involving serious criminal offenses. This policy aims to maintain a level of trust between immigrant communities and local authorities.

ICE’s approach, as outlined by Trump’s border czar Tom Homan, focuses on prioritizing the arrest of illegal immigrants with violent criminal records.

This aligns with Trump’s executive order on illegal immigration, which stresses the need for rigorous enforcement of immigration laws, particularly against those posing a threat to national security.

The new administration’s policies have sparked apprehension among community groups and activists. Patricia Mondragon from Alliance San Diego voiced concerns about the potential misuse of law enforcement databases for immigration enforcement. The Automated Regional Justice Information System, a platform used by numerous agencies, was highlighted as a point of concern for data privacy and potential federal overreach.

Fear and misinformation in immigrant communities were also discussed, with worries about possible retaliation against those harboring illegal immigrants. Bonta assured attendees that his office would actively monitor and prosecute any violations of the law or infringements on rights. His commitment to justice and legal integrity was clear as he vowed to uphold the law.

In response to Trump’s executive orders, California has joined lawsuits challenging their constitutionality. One such order, redefining birthright citizenship, has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge. This legal action reflects California’s resolve to contest federal measures perceived as unjust or unconstitutional.

Bonta noted that while no new lawsuits are planned, his office is vigilant, especially concerning the use of military forces for immigration enforcement and any actions affecting the LGBT community. This underscores the state’s broader commitment to protecting civil rights against potentially overreaching federal policies.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors recently passed a policy further limiting county resources from supporting ICE activities. This measure, supported by then Board Chair Nora Vargas, aims to safeguard immigrant families from mass deportations and reflects the county’s stance on protecting its residents.

Despite these local efforts, not all officials agree. Sheriff Kelly Martinez expressed her reservations, emphasizing that current state law maintains a necessary balance between law enforcement collaboration with immigration authorities and public safety.

This ongoing dialogue between state and federal policies underscores the complexities of immigration issues in America. As communities and officials navigate these challenges, the discourse surrounding immigration continues to shape the nation’s political landscape.


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  • Hey Californication idiot Rob Bonta; “they are not Immigrants” “they are Illegal Invaders,” “Felony US Immigration Law Breakers” according to the US Constitution; so get your shit wired before you open your ugly trap and spew it out!

    “Trump-proofing” no you stupid lying maniac you are “Satan worshiping and American Hating,” so crawl back under the rock you came out from under!!!

    He is an idiot that is so deeply partisan and stupid who just tows the Demoncrap party line,” even though it’s heading “straight into hell!”

    This is what we witnessed!

    Isaiah 35:8 “And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it.”

  • Criminal illegal border crossers are not in my opinion deserve the benefits that should only go to the citizens of this country. They crossed the border illegally are criminals under our immigration laws and deserve no welfare , housing, medical care, or any benefits that belong to AMERICAN CITIZENS.

    quote, “This country,withits institutions, belong to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their CONSTITUTION right of amending it, or theirrevolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it,”
    — Abraham Lincoln

  • “….provide clarity on California laws amid the federal government’s stringent immigration stance.” All the “clarity” they REQUIRE is, ‘If You Entered this country ILLEGALLY, you are a ‘criminal,’ and will either be DEPORTED or prosecuted and jailed! As John Stossel would say, “GIVE ME A BREAK.”

  • I’ll respond to this article as I posted to the prior article regarding Oregan’s similar sanctuary laws.
    1. Suspend all federal funding for SNAP, welfare, housing, Medicaid funds, University & NGO grants and infrastructure projects. Let California taxpayers support all illegals thru their own funds.
    2. Encourage all aliens, gangbangers, cartels, rapists and murders who think they might be targeted by ICE for deportation to relocate promptly to LA, San Francisco and San Diago where California will help them evade capture.
    3. Put CA & OR on ICE’s “When we get around to it” list, since it is projected to take a number of years to remove all the uninvited guests.

  • Immigrants who followed proper procedure and came in legally, and have become Legal U.S. Citizens have rights.
    Fence-jumping-invaders have NO RIGHTS. They became criminals when they set foot on U.S. soil. I don’t know why it’s so hard for the DemoRats/Leftists to understand that.
    Any illegal-alien-invader can claim to be fleeing persecution, when usually there is none. They come here for the freebies, which are paid for by the Legal Tax Paying Citizens. Looks like those illegal-alien-invaders took a page out of the 13%-ers play book, where one just has to yell RACISM and they get freebies.

    • Glenn; very well put and that is actually how it is! This crap has gone on far too long and gone way too far already; so if we don’t play hardball now and end it all, I know it will be a sad day in America just up the road, and all hell will break loose! Look at some of the countries they’re are coming from and those locales are not in a shambles only because of criminal governments! That is almost just like we have now too being so crooked, but mainly because these freeloaders coming here never lifted a finger to stop or change that turmoil or improve themselves; so why will they here when its 100 times easier to just sit on your butt and have all handed to you, or go steal and murder like many did in those foreign wastelands!

  • BONTA IS OUT TO LUNCH DEMOCRAT STOPPING LOGGING, BUILDING DAMS ,CONTROL BURNS, BRUSHING, have created a major water problem.. AG is our #1 economy source, we are the bread basket of the world.. My farmer friends are force to leave millions of acres of land fallow because of lack of water,, WE NEED TO BUILD DAMS, ACQUADUCTS, PIPELINES FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION I have lived in Calif since 1945, & witnessed the greates state in the union turned into a shithole “upper mexico” I RECOMMEND CUTTING ALL FED AID UNTIL THIS STATE COMES BACK TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC

    • Fred, I absolutely agree and you are spot-on correct! What a horrible thing the Left and Demoncrap party have done to that once thriving bread basket and oasis of America! I lived there for a few years back just when it was starting to all come to an end and since I moved it got so bad and sad!
      God bless you and yours.
      I pray some miracles may yet be coming to transform it all back to its original grandeur!

  • BONTA IS OUT TO LUNCH DEMOCRAT STOPPING LOGGING, BUILDING DAMS ,CONTROL BURNS, BRUSHING, have created a major water problem.. AG is our #1 economy source, we are the bread basket of the world.. My farmer friends are force to leave millions of acres of land fallow because of lack of water,, WE NEED TO BUILD DAMS, ACQUADUCTS, PIPELINES FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION I have lived in Calif since 1945, & witnessed the greates state in the union turned into a shithole “upper mexico” I RECOMMEND CUTTING ALL FED AID UNTIL THIS STATE COMES BACK TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC

  • Persons who come here illegally are criminals and have no rights under our CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS and I stress criminal because they infiltrated this country anddd that is an invasion perpetrated by the BIDEN administration.

  • “Trump-proofing” the state, offering guidance to immigrants on their rights and the support available to them, regardless of their immigration status.”

    As Tom Homan has said, anyone aiding and abetting ‘criminal, illegal, migrants’ in preventing their arrest and/or deportation will be ‘Prosecuted To The Full Extent of The Law!’ These idiotic imbeciles are doing nothing, if not compromising the security of the United States, and THEY should be deported with the ‘invaders’ to any country in the 3d World they prefer America mirror! As John Stossel would say, “GIVE ME A BREAK.”

  • FIREWAGON; totally agree and action must be taken now and until they are all deported as well never allowed to apply being Invader Federal Law Breakers!

    • Deterrence must be put in place so that future immigration will be done the way it has always been back many generations ago when many of our kin applied and went through proper procedures to be ALLOWED IN!
      So those that violated our Sovereignty and Laws are prohibited which will get their attention in other countries!