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The swamp in Washington is set to be drained even further, with reports suggesting FBI agents involved in targeting President Trump and his supporters might soon face termination.

CNN has indicated that the Trump administration is preparing to dismiss numerous FBI agents linked to the Capitol protest investigations and those who pursued dubious claims against the president. Supervisory roles are also under scrutiny, with potential dismissals expected imminently.

Interim leaders at the Justice Department have been busy compiling lists of individuals whose work has not found favor with Trump. Agents and analysts have received warnings from FBI leadership about potential resignations or terminations.

This development targets those involved in probing Trump’s supposed mishandling of classified documents and the investigation of individuals charged in connection with the January 6 Capitol incident.

The Associated Press has confirmed CNN’s report on these anticipated actions. The FBI Agents Association criticized the planned firings, calling them “outrageous actions by acting officials.” They argue these moves contradict the law enforcement goals expressed by President Trump, who has shown support for FBI agents.

The association emphasized that dismissing a significant number of agents could weaken the Bureau’s capacity to safeguard the nation against security threats. They warned this could set the Bureau and its leadership up for failure. Across the nation, individuals under the Biden regime faced imprisonment for questioning the 2020 election’s legitimacy, losing family, jobs, and reputations.

President Trump, however, pardoned nearly all affected individuals on his first day in office. The FBI and special counsel Jack Smith’s team had attempted to prosecute Trump over alleged classified document mishandling at Mar-a-Lago. They also targeted him for exercising his constitutional rights by contesting the 2020 Presidential election results.

Trump’s legal battles, including these cases, were dismissed following his overwhelming electoral victory in November. In recent developments, six FBI executive assistant directors and 25 special agents in charge were either fired or asked to resign.

This follows a purge at the Department of Justice, the National Labor Relations Board, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

At the DOJ, at least a dozen employees faced termination, primarily those involved in political prosecutions during the interim period between Trump’s administrations.

These moves are viewed as part of a broader effort to remove individuals perceived as obstructive to Trump’s agenda. The actions are seen as aligning with Trump’s long-standing goal to reform federal agencies.

Critics argue that these dismissals could weaken the structural integrity of key institutions. However, supporters believe such actions are necessary for restoring accountability and trust in these agencies.

The political landscape remains charged, with these developments sparking debates on the future direction of national law enforcement policies.

The ongoing tension between the Trump administration and certain federal agencies continues to unfold. While some view these firings as justified, others warn of potential repercussions for national security. The situation highlights the deep divisions within the government over the handling of political dissent.

As the administration continues its efforts to reshape federal institutions, the impact on the nation’s security and governance remains a critical concern. Observers are keeping a close watch on how these changes will influence the functioning of law enforcement agencies. The broader implications for American politics and public trust are yet to be fully realized.


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  • I just stated the following elsewhere on this site regarding lack of cooperation by the freak Oregon governor, that I think addresses this massive issue as well!

    >STIKIT; yes that is the way I would want to get this mess straightened out; recently I was saying how “Martial Law” must be declared, and that will put everything and everyone in their proper place! Antifa and BLM start going bonkers again; this time they can die in the process!

    Law and Order must be restored and no more of this Demoncrap/Rino criminality running rampant throughout the Nation!

    The Nation’s People (Citizens) gave the Government through President Trump a mandate! Apparently there are still too many persons with thick heads along with the Illegals that didn’t or don’t want to get the message; so give them what they want, they want to push it to the limit, then give it to them!<

  • The FBI should be fired and reestablish a new department of those who’ll stand by their Oath and not a partisan government.

    Any bad Cop or actor doesn’t deserve forgiveness and allow to continue to work..

    And who the Hell thinks by Fireing crooked Oath breaking Partisan Law Enforcement would be repercussions to National Security, just get rid of the Communist trash and hire new Agents who’s completely loyal to the Constitution and not just one party, with a thorough background check and or Previous Law Enforcement training.

    What those FBI agents did to President Trump is not forgiving and following an “unlawful order” would not be the right thing to do showing you will not violate your Oath would be rewarding.

    Same goes for the CIA, IRS, ATF as well.

    • Michael; yes push came to shove and now it’s time to clean house! We’ve got renegade and rouge Partisans crawling all over the place!

      • Michael this I quote: “who the Hell thinks by Fireing crooked Oath breaking Partisan Law Enforcement would be repercussions to National Security, just get rid of the Communist trash and hire new Agents who’s completely loyal to the Constitution and not just one party, with a thorough background check and or Previous Law Enforcement training.”

        This makes total sense and is “the only way to proceed!” What else do you do “to empty the swamp of its bad actors,” what, maybe a slap on their wrists and tell them “now don’t do that again or you really will be fired!” They’re devious partisan criminals! Many already did enough “seditious or treasonous crimes to be hung for them,” so no, you don’t “try to teach these old dogs new tricks now,” its way past that stage to “reprimand and correct bad behavior,” it’s time to “mop the floor with them!!!”

        Actions have consequences and criminal ones get appropriate punishment that fits the crime; as the old adage says, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!”

  • Every government official agency or organization or prosecutor and judges that broke the laws and hid evidence or altered official documents to hide democrats corruption and targeting Trump reelection campaign all need to be fired and indicted on federal fraud corruption charges. They all should be held accountable and sent to prison for conspiracy charges. These government officials are all corrupt criminals and belong in prison

  • If there were agents who did not agree with investigations of Trump or political opponents and left the FBI should have the opportunity to be reinstated if they so choose to continue their employment with the FBI.

  • If those twenty plus agents that were assigned to the Capital did not come forward voluntarily they should be fired. Their supervisors that made the assignment should accompany them out the door. To sit quietly as a heated investigation will numerous allegations that resulted in citizens illegally incarcerated show disdain for our laws. These agents aided and abetted a corrupt political party at the expense of President Trump and his supporters. They do not deserve to carry a badge .

  • If those twenty plus agents that were assigned to the Capital did not come forward voluntarily they should be fired. Their supervisors that made the assignment should accompany them out the door. To sit quietly as a heated investigation will numerous allegations that resulted in citizens illegally incarcerated show disdain for our laws. These agents aided and abetted a corrupt political party at the expense of President Trump and his supporters. They do not deserve to carry a badge .

  • I seriously doubt President Trump or the White House will simply fire rank & file agents. If Kash Patel makes it through his nomination, he should assemble a large team of non-partisan, non-biased bureau chief level supervisors and systematically examine what, when, who, why of J6, church infiltrations, pressure on social media to sensor info not liked by the previous administration, and how they came to label and treat parents as terrorists re: the school board hearings. It was all wrong, and all directed by the last administration (Biden himself equated MAGA republicans to domestic terrorists). That sort of weaponization, overreach and spying must end if the American people are to EVER AGAIN trust the FBI . They have stained their own legacy. Some have betrayed their badges and oaths. This must end. It’s the leadership that must be replaced. Until that happens, the DOJ has zero credibility

  • BC; I agree that is the bottom-line, making terrorists out of parents in schools discussing the well-being of their children and weaponizing the government against many decent citizens was a travesty and to me treasonous! Their oath of office is to uphold the Constitution and Protect and defend the American People not persecute and prosecute them for exercising their 1st Amendment Right; this was all an extension of the same evil mindset used against the J6 rally election protestors! I actually wish that the most disdained and corrupt such as Biden, Pelosi and many others would meet their justice being found guilty of Treason at the end of the Gallows ropes at GITMO! This with what you state would bring back Credibility! Looks like none of it will happen so far!

    • BC, again; and I quote: “Biden himself equated MAGA republicans to domestic terrorists). That sort of weaponization, overreach and spying must end if the American people are to EVER AGAIN trust the FBI.”

      Those damned Nazis including Biden as I see it, should at least be locked away in GITMO or depending even summarily executed there!

  • It’s about time all this corruption is coming is coming ahead.
    Democrats were saying all the time no one is above the law.
    Well the cesspool swamp is getting drained don’t forget all the prosecutors and corrupt judges need to be indicted and put in prison. Next big investigation should be all of congress corruption of destroying evidence and investigation reports best of all insider stock trading not hard to prove so indict them. How do all these politicians start of poor and up with millions of dollars working for the government. Don’t tell me their lucky or really smart because if they are that smart then the should be doing that full time. It’s called corruption. Strip them of all the money made while working for the government

    • Sue you’re right! And I saw this in what you said as even funny when you come right down to it, as it’s impossible with the proof in the pudding right there, “How do all these politicians start of poor and up with millions of dollars working for the government. Don’t tell me their lucky or really smart.”

      Exactly; AOC the former barista is the epitome case in point of that! She’s as dumb as a stump, but somehow owns a couple of big homes and has $Millions now in a few years earning 167K a year for basically doing nothing but flapping her lips! Looks like insider trading to me, which is a federal crime, and or backdoor deals to be a useful idiot for Soros and other international criminals, perhaps a CCP asset!

  • Be sure to fire the 20 or 30 FBI pukes that infiltrated to instgate the Fake Riot!

    Arrest Ray Epps and other proxy crisis actor there that day.

    ===> Most are paid crisis actors in this video…………

    Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less (Wooz News)

    rumble. com/vdoqzj-everything-wrong-with-the-capitol-shooting-in-21-minutes-or-less-wooz-news.html