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In Atlanta, Georgia, more than 1,200 homes have been occupied by squatters, causing distress for neighbors and even leading to the establishment of an illegal strip club within one property.

This alarming situation reflects the growing lawlessness that has plagued our country in recent years.

Compounding the issue is the fact that laws often favor squatters, making it extremely difficult for homeowners to remove them from their properties.

If this problem is allowed to persist unchecked, it will only exacerbate and spread further.

PJ Media has reported on this concerning development, highlighting how these squatters are wreaking havoc in Atlanta neighborhoods.

The delayed response from law enforcement in evicting these intruders has driven some desperate homeowners to resort to bribing them to leave.

The impact on local communities has been devastating as whole neighborhoods suffer from the presence of these squatters.

Matt Urbanski, a manager at a home-cleaning company that deals with properties owned by corporate landlords, expressed his fear about leasing out properties in Atlanta due to this crisis.

Furthermore, the severity of crime in Democrat-run Atlanta is evident as record-breaking homicides were reported in 2021.

Although there was supposedly a decrease in violent crime in 2023, car thefts have surged.

Chris Queen from PJ Media suggests that lenient policies towards criminals implemented by Democrats may be contributing to the emergence of the squatter crisis.

It is clear that urgent action needs to be taken to address this issue before it worsens and spreads further throughout Atlanta and beyond.

The situation could escalate rapidly and lead to undesirable consequences.

Authorities in Atlanta must address the issue proactively before individuals resort to taking matters into their own hands.

ICYMI: Blacks in Chicago Have Had Enough Joe Biden, Ready For Change


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  • The Anti-American Communists that call themselves Democrats are destroying The United States with their actions and policies, shown daily.

  • If authorities will not enforce property rights and immediately remove squatters and hold them responsible for damages, the owners have the right to remove them, by lethal force if necessary.

    • Amen. Just make sure if it’s a bug thug (black) being fatally ejected you have another black person executing the ejection. Other wise thug survivors will try to brand it as a “hate crime”.

    • We are on the verge of reverting to vigilante justice. The courts are corrupt to the point of favoring the criminals, police forces have been downsized and neutered to the point that all they have time to do is protect criminals from the decent citizens. A little more downsizing and they will lack the manpower and incentive to protect the criminals…..

  • Law Enforcement started giving up on there duty since the early years of Papa Bush. I had never seen a hispanic person in Georgia, then suddenly, Mexican men were sleeping in our back yard. Police would haul them off like they should. Then, the would find clothes and food again in the back. We would call the police who found the SAME men back there. They haulded them off again and again. Then finally, they gave up. WHY? Because, when you find illegals, police are suppose to turn them over to the feds. The police found out the FEDS were releasing them. Next, those men found out they could stay and finally bring there families. Now, they are everwhere. We’ve been invaded and stolen from-all thanks to the globalist politicians pretending to be patriotic Americans. TREASON!!!

  • This is democrats America! So, deaf, dumb and blind dems keep voting these fools into office, so they are getting what they voted for.

  • Looks like another Democrat-run city in the toilet. Will these dumb voters never learn that Democrats have big pockets and care nothing for voters and taxpayers?

  • The Communist Democrats and Rinos are responsible for allowing the Illegals to get away with crime and the Border Patrol and ICE have been ordered to release them and stand down.
    However stupid voters keep voting for Communist Democrats, it’s as if the Communist voting idiots have no intelligence, so they’d rather stay on the Communist Democrats plantation and do as their told..
    You just can’t fix stupid.!
    Should squatters happen to invade my property here in Texas, I have a way to get rid of them.. It’s called hot lead.!

  • Pretty funny. Yall deserve this because you keep putting people in office that dont care about you! Hopefully one of these days yall will wake up before its to late!!

  • The delayed response from law enforcement in evicting these intruders has driven some desperate homeowners to resort to bribing them to leave.

    I’d bribe ’em . . . . . with a couple of bullets to their skulls.

  • universal truth- “You will get more of the behavior that you reward, and less of the behavior that you discourage”

    Works in dog-training, child-rearing, and society in general

    • Are you nut’s? These aren’t the kind of “animals” you train. These are CRIMINAL’S that know EXACTLY what they’re doing and only FORCE will convince them to leave. Only problem is they just go somewhere else and it starts all over again. So sometimes you have to treat them like bugs and eliminate them once and for all. That might mean jail, deportation, or the last resort.

  • LMAO!!-So Whats The Problem?-Invite The World’s Homeless And Criminals Of ALL Cultures And It Looks Like Everything Is Going According To Dumbocratic Plan!-Empty Homes Need Love To!-Who Wouldn’t Want To Come To a Country With Free Room And Board-No Consequence For Crimes Of ANY Kind-Especially-Drug Dealing- Rape And Child Molestation!-Sounds Like a Criminal Paradise!-Come One And All!!!-Any Sane People Left?-Migrate To Canada Same Great Deal!!-Maybe a Little Less Debauchery But This Country Has a Pedophile For a President Too!-Welcome and Make It Feel Like Home!!-More Wide Open Spaces Then Cities!!-Buy a Trailer Or RV!!-Live in The Great Outdoors!!

  • I would probably be arrested for if a squater took over my home he or she would find their next home to be six feet under.

    • It is a shame that this current Democrat administration has brought this upon freedom loving Americans. Illegals do not have rights in America although this Marxist Democrat Party intends to force down our throats foreign invaders to take from us our property and along with our sovereign freedom. BHO said he would fundamentally change our nation and that seems to be occurring. Hopefully Trump can get elected and bring us back from the brink of destruction!

  • Here’s the order of the people with the most rights to the least rights.
    1. Politicians
    2. Illegals
    3. Criminals
    4. Every one else.

  • I’m all for this after all this is a democrat city and these retard democrats voted for Biden after months of president Trump telling people what would happen should the democrats get in the white house not one of these stupid illiterate voters paid any attention and they are now living in what president warned them would happen I have zero sympathy for these idiots it'[s a shame the non democrats have to suffer, in that case get armed and when these squatters attempt to enter your home shoot them in the head and make sure they are found with a knife in their hands old or young black or white makes no difference they enter your home make sure they don’t leave on their own. P.S. don’t ever put anything on Twitter they will ban you like Facebook they are in league with democrats they HATE THE TRUTH.

  • Another reason I left the area in 2020. Lived west in Douglasville but the BLM crowd padded the ballot boxes and the Demos took over. real estate tax went up 39% overnight and crime went through the roof

  • “……..more than 1200 homes occupied by squatters.” That’s a lot of homes to be illegally occupied and probably even more are empty. What’s the reason for so many vacant homes in this area? Who sold them, and what were the buyers thinking of doing with them when they bought them? Something seems wrong with this picture.

  • It’s coming….
    “The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property”. Karl Marx

  • Go there when they are not “home” and sprinkle itching powder on their clothes. Some really foul-smelling things are available to get rid of vermin.