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In a recent report by Washington Post journalist Matt Viser, it was revealed that the special counsel investigating Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents following his departure from the White House has concluded that Biden displayed negligence in handling classified materials discovered at his residence and previous workplace.

Furthermore, it was determined that he disclosed confidential government information to his ghostwriter.

Criminal charges will not be pursued against the most corrupt “president” in United States history, as stated by prosecutors.

On Twitter (X), Viser wrote:

BREAKING: Joe Biden carelessly handled classified materials found at his home and former office and shared government secrets with his ghostwriter, but prosecutors decided no chargeable crime was committed.

In other words, in America’s new unjust system of so-called “justice,” prosecutors have decided that no chargeable crime was committed.

According to the tweet from The Washington Post reporter, the decision to ignore the discovery of classified documents in Joe’s garage was motivated by the significant impact of the most powerful man’s reduced mental capacity.

It is widely known that Joe Biden stored classified documents alongside his classic Corvette in his garage.

President Trump is currently confronted with 40 charges of “improperly” storing classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago residence.

While the public has not yet been presented with photographs revealing the storage location of classified documents within Joe Biden’s Delaware home, several media outlets have already released images showcasing President Trump’s document storage methods in his own residence.

Joe Biden’s campaign is worried that the upcoming final report on his classified documents will include photographs revealing their storage location.

These photos have the potential to negatively impact his re-election prospects, leading to concern within his campaign.

Interestingly, in response to the special counsel’s surprising decision to overlook the discovery of these classified documents in Biden’s garage, “Marie” made a noteworthy comment on “X.”

“So they’re saying Trump should have just kept his in the garage instead of his basement?” she asked.

Today, shocking revelations have emerged regarding Biden’s interviews with the Special Counsel. It appears that he struggled to recall basic information such as his time as Vice President and even the approximate year of his son Beau’s passing from brain cancer.

Furthermore, the Department of Justice is now suggesting that they will not pursue charges against him due to concerns about his mental competence to undergo trial.

Michale McAdams from Spotlight Media Group shared a screenshot highlighting this astonishing report.

In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (“if it was 2013 – when did I stop being Vice President?”), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (“in 2009, am I still Vice President?”). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he “had a real difference” of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Biden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to Barack Obama.

If we had genuinely honest journalists in the media, they would question why Joe Biden is being cleared of any wrongdoing for keeping classified documents in his Delaware garage, while President Trump faces 37 criminal charges.

These charges against Trump include violations of the Espionage Act and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

ICYMI: Judge Engoron Demands Details About Possible Perjury by Trump Org CFO Weisselberg




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  • Due to Biden’s mental capacity, and Harris’ ignorance & word salad, the Presidential election should be moved up quickly. Those two nimrods are in no condition to keep making decisions regarding our country. They should put Trump back in to clean up the mess they made before it gets worse.

    • That’s why they are getting Big Mike warmed up to take over & complete the destruction of our country. Fight them like your life depends on it, because it does!

  • The only reason Biden is not or never will be prosecuted for any of his crimes is because the political coupe that put him in the White House is still very active.

    • Some still vote for he party that enslaved their people, lynched their people, segregated their people, burned their churches. Not even duct tape can fix that.

  • The poor dufus would not even be able to assist in his defense. It’s very sad for him & so damn dangerous for our country to have this demented old man running the country.
    But then again, he cannot be running the country when he cannot even run his own personal self. So just WHO is in charge behind the scenes. Light in the loafers, little Barry?

  • Why would that man not remember. THAT man is telling the truth because that is not Biden. Biden was executed and buried at Arlington Cemetary on 1/20/21. THAT actor or clone (clown) didn’t do the things that the real Biden did. That information is on the GITMO files which can be looked up online.

  • I feel it is shameful that this party and his wife allow him to humiliate himself and our great Nation. He is a elder who needs help, as a retired nurse or even now a layman can see he has cognitive issues!! So sad and so scary for this country also.

  • biden crime family made money selling access to classified information and America is suffering under this commie regim of rules and laws for thee, but not for the criminal democrats destroying America for china.

  • BUT if he wants to be President then Charge him on documents
    Trump had a SCIF at Mara Lago
    Biden used his garage for documents

  • It’s so hypocritical that Biden’s defense for his mishandling of sensitive national documents is that he is a doddering old fool… that he is too mentally feeble to stand trail. The special counsel uncovered evidence that Biden WILLFULLY retained classified documents after his vice presidency, and disclosed classified information for a book when he was a private citizen. That said, Biden’s apologist defenders conclude that “no criminal charges are warranted.” Why? … primarily because he does not believe a jury would convict a man with obvious dementia. Wait! Are they also claiming “diminished capacity” when Joe was VP with Obama?

    To their shame, Democrats lied through the teeth covering for Joe. They don’t care about our nation; their “prime directive is to keep power so they and their inner circle, can continue to rip off the American public. The only way the Democrats can get Biden reelected is to cater to aliens here illegally by “grooming” them with generous benefits and “paving” a road to amnesty and citizenship so legal “votes of gratitude” could be cast.

    • I am so angry that they did not charge him due to diminished capacity. How do we know it wasn’t an act? How do we know he isn’t laughing his butt off behind closed doors with the dottering old man act? If he got off with this charge because of this, how do we know he won’t get off on other charges? Like all the money in his pockets due to influence peddling? If it isn’t an act he needs to go. If it is an act, HE NEEDS CHARGED! Let him go to court and play the dottering old man! I say let the LEGAL system do its job! And, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he needs mental testing. Something the party and the dottering old man have refused to do! Why? Because they KNOW the truth! And shame on DR. JILL! My dad had Alzheimer’s disease. Yes, he has all the signs. Again, how do we know it isn’t an act to get out of all the charges that could face a man with full knowledge of all the corrupt things that family has been involved in!

  • And yet, We the People do NOTHING!! Not only did we allow this mush-headed pos to be placed into the White House in 2020, we also have allowed the corrupt Banana Republic “Justice” system to totally ambush Trump at every turn. We have allowed corrupt politicians that WE VOTED FOR to sell us out continuously. We have allowed our “educational” system not only to turn our kids into America hating communist but make them think that being a normal heterosexual person is a bad thing. We have allowed this great country that MY family has fought for in every war since WW1 to keep safe and free to fall into the worst hands of Marxist like the anti-American Obama/Biden. We have allowed these pos to throw open the doors to our supposed protected borders and not only allow anyone who can walk across to enter without process, but actually PAY them to do so??? I could go on and on about how f’n weak and stupid we are as a society for letting this happen without even an inkling of a fight to stop it, but it would fall upon deaf ears. I will say the reality part out loud for all to read. If you want your country back, then STOP being such spineless cowards and FIGHT for it! THIS is the ONLY way to ever stop the fast track to a total communist takeover of the USA!!!!!

  • When it was revealed Joe Biden stole confidential information when he was a senator and kept it on the floor of his garage for years why wasn’t he arrested. It’s obvious he and his crime family used this stollen information to gain information to commit blackmail or bribe other governments. Why does this evil family get away with so much? Do politicians think they are above the law? Why are we, the citizens so forgiving as long as it’s OUR politician.