Jack Smith’s prosecutorial tactics against Donald Trump appear to have gone beyond accepted practice.
Smith intends to use cellphone evidence that he took from Trump to present a step-by-step account of his alleged crimes on January 6th.
This bold move might, however, prove counter-productive as it could lead to further delays in an already delayed trial.
Mike Davis, founder of the Article III project, commented that Smith’s action “crosses a red line” by infringing upon executive privilege.
“This sets a destructive precedent for the presidency, as it seriously undermines the president’s ability to get his constitutionally protected, confidential and candid advice from his advisers,” he said.
Smith is leaning on a Supreme Court ruling against President Nixon to argue that executive privilege does not apply to Trump here. But it’s not clear that courts will want to take it that far, conservative law professor Jonathan Turley said.
“The phone records may add to the unease of some judges and justices over the fight over presidential immunities and privileges,” Turley said.
“However, Smith has the Nixon case to cite for such demands in the investigation of possible criminal acts. What is clear is that the Court may be pushed into a major line-drawing decision over inherent presidential immunities,” he said.
Smith has expressed his determination to resolve the unprecedented issues raised by his case quickly, in order to obtain a swift conviction before the upcoming election.
Trump’s lawyers, however, have argued that he is constitutionally immune to Smith’s charges for “overturning” the 2020 election as he was following his official duties.
In response, Smith has countered that such a standard would make presidents above the law. He also desires to prevent Trump from speculating on any connection between Joe Biden and the trial due to its political nature.
The Supreme Court recently dismissed Smith’s concerns concerning “public interest” in expediting matters, thus raising the possibility of Trump utilizing appeals processes in order to delay proceedings until after the election.
It is evident that this case will take us into unknown territory regardless of how it plays out.
What’s also clear are the only criminal acts here are being committed by our Democrat leaders and their sycophants. This is banana republic bs.
Bravo Hooray & end his justice reign
Jack Shi* is nothing more than a cog in a paid off scheme, in a much larger Communist, Nazi Democrat plan to rid a great President, to further their agenda of the final destruction of America, and sell our once great nation to Communist China.
We The People are spiraling down the drain into the abyss, where there’ll be no return.!!
It’s time to quit thinking of yourself and start thinking of your Children and Grandchildren. Time to rise up and take back our Country and Constitution as our forefathers did by force and deadly force.
Jack off smith needs the schitt beat out of him!
I’d prefer to see a long sharp stake suffed up Jack’s hole where “the sun doesn’t shine”.
RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika
If a self-proclaimed competent prosecutor has to work this long and this hard and dig this deep to try and find a shred of evidence that might lead to possible evidence that a crime may have possibly been committed (maybe), then quite possibly there is nothing to find. What’cha think?
A good example of the old saying, “haste makes waste”! In too much of a rush to try to get something against President Trump!
It is really amazing that the Democrats want to change the Constitution . It is unbelievable that the Democrats want to change the laws, move the goal posts and do whatever fits their narrative. Pretty much everything Democrats say about Trump it is really what the Democrats are doing. This is not a Presidential election it is definitely Democrat election interference and election rigging. How to destroy America 101!!!
Kind of like the old adage, when you point a finger at someone ther are 3 fingers pointing at you.
Smith should be locked up for impersonating a federal government prosecutor he was never voted in.
Typical government bull s_it cheat steal lie do whatever you want to convict Trump. Waste millions of taxpayers money on bogus fraud crimes. FJB. Democrats can’t win against Trump
You forgot the “without cheating”.
Sorry folks. Its my opinion, based on being a news junkie for 85 yrs,that we might be too far down the socialist rabbit hole to preserve what I enjoyed for so long. The takeover of our cultural institutions and even our US military by the communist social engineers seems to be well on it’s way. So….????
real men need to buy or steal a backbone from somewhere. Stop being cowards that are scared of sissies & perverts in gov’t.
double standards and all this made up; of charges, while clinton, obummer, pelosi, schummer and others are getting away with breaking every law imanageable!
what an oversite from all the protective judges who hate Americans.
It’s time to give smith a colonoscopy and see what he has hiding in his closet there’s plenty of crooked corrupt dealings on his plate. Assholes like him aren’t squeaky clean it’s time to turn him upside down and shake him and see what comes out of him. Betcha it’s a lot of crooked dealings. Put his ass in jail.
He’s got a lot of “skeletons” hidden. He was jammed up when he was sent to Europe ( to get him out of here for a while) and they sent him back to the US. He’s the democrat dirt bomb that they always use when they need an amoral pos to do their dirty work for him.
yankees are dumb. communist are even more stupid. focus man
This dung clod needs to be kicked to the curb and flushed into the storm drains of San Francisco. He’s an illegitimate anything other than a creepy, lying, brazen Traitor. He’s just a small turd in the massive sewage pond called the Democrap party. In order to dispose ourselves of this disease carrying vermin, we must expose him to massive quantities of truth and sunlight, neither of which he can survive. Jack “ass” Smith, your time is coming.
While digging a hole to bury Trump the Progressives are oblivious to the reality that the deeper they dig the harder it gets for them to climb out of it. The more mud they sling the less popular they become and the dirtier they look. Like their position on guns: The harder they try to outlaw them (while favoring the criminals) the more people are motivated to buy.
Smith is a lawless thug who has no respect for the law. He uses his own version of the law, expands the law to meet his needs. Several of his cases have already been to the Supreme Court who has overturned his verdicts. Smith should be disbarred, fired along with Wray & Garland, all who are total embarrassments & disgrace to this country.
Get the audio, clip it, and away you go.. AI gets the fake job done
Speaking of “above the law”, what’s smith’s take on biden’s “above the law” executive orders? Destroying our immigration laws and his continued disregard for US SC rulings on “student loans” would be a good place to start. Then he could continue on biden’s “china” compromised outrageous decisions.