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Numerous states have faced challenges in obtaining the drugs needed for lethal injection, largely because of increasing opposition to the death penalty among pharmaceutical companies.

As a result, South Carolina legislators introduced electrocution and firing squads as alternative methods of execution in 2021, a measure that was recently sanctioned by the state’s Supreme Court.

This decision came after a legal challenge contended that the 2021 law violated the Constitution’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, according to the Daily Caller.

“[The 2021 law was a] sincere effort to make the death penalty less inhumane while enabling the state to carry out its laws,” Justice John Few wrote within the decision.

“The inescapable reality that an execution by any method may not go as planned — that it will be ‘botched’ — does not render the method ‘cruel’ under the constitution,” he stressed.

The Hill noted that South Republican Gov. Henry McMaster praised his state’s highest judicial body for having “rightfully upheld the rule of law.”

“This decision is another step in ensuring that lawful sentences can be duly enforced and the families and loved ones of the victims receive the closure and justice they have long awaited,” he added.

Since 2011, there have been no executions conducted by the state of South Carolina. However, as reported by The Hill, there are currently 32 inmates on death row in the state.

According to information from The Death Penalty Information Center, South Carolina is now one of five states where prisoners can be executed by a firing squad.

Interestingly, as noted by the Associated Press last year, Utah is the only state that has used this method in the past 50 years, with the last instance occurring in 2010.

Additionally, PBS reported two years ago that Richard Bernard Moore, who has been on South Carolina’s death row for over 20 years after being convicted of murdering a convenience store clerk during a robbery in 1999, requested to be put to death by firing squad rather than electrocution under the new law.

However, more made clear that his decision was not an endorsement of his sentence, stating, “I believe this election is forcing me to choose between two unconstitutional methods of execution, and I do not intend to waive any challenges to electrocution or firing squad by making an election.”

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  • I for one don’t believe that a Fireing Squad is Unconstitutional in fact I’m all for it as long as Schiff, Piglosi, Hitlery, Obama, Biden, Harris, Schumer, Naddler, Soros and Son, AOC, Omar, Wrey, Raskin, Taileb, are all in front of it.

  • God says, in Genesis 9:5-6
    5 I will certainly demand an accounting for the blood of your lives: I will demand it from every animal and from every human being. I will demand from every human being an accounting for the life of his fellow human being. 6 Whoever sheds human blood, by a human being will his own blood be shed; for God made human beings in his image.
    This is why He gave us Judges and law keepers. To defend us against killers.

  • Too merciful. I prefer hanging murderers with the slow lift method. Also, for particularly vicious murderers, I would let their hands untied, so that they can try to grab onto the rope and extend their miserable, worthless live a little bit longer. Of course, no one will be executed in this or firing squad manner since our corrupt justice system in the United States favors criminals and doesn’t give a damn about the victims or their families.

  • I feel that the person should be executed in the same fashion that they killed someone. They should suffer the same type of death that their victim suffered. We need to stop being kind to people that killed someone intentionally. That might make some killers think about it. Now the crazy killers would not think or care about it when they killed someone or how they would be executed. Personally I think getting shot or hung would be the least cruel way to execute someone, very quick. I think getting strapped to a gurney and stuck with a needle does not seem very pleasant.

    We need to think more about the victim and the way they died. Sitting on death row, thinking you were going to get chocked or stabbed with a knife to death as the way you killed someone would be very unpleasant.

  • Objections regarding cruel and unusual punishment might be avoided by using laughing gas for the executions. The condemned goes out laughing and everyone goes home feeling good as well.

  • Now they need to put an end to the endless years criminals spend on death row. 20 years is just a bit too long!! Don’t you think????