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On Tuesday morning, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) harshly criticized House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for his “eight months of inactivity” with regard to Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family. Gaetz also urged McCarthy to sign a subpoena for Hunter Biden that he had drafted.

Hunter has been subpoenaed to testify under oath and provide records related to his business activities, communications with Joe Biden, domestic and foreign business partners, as well as records pertaining to clandestine global phone lines and email aliases used by then-Vice President Joe Biden to communicate with Hunter and their associates. All relevant documents from January 2008 onward must be produced.

Last Tuesday, it was reported that Rep. Gaetz had threatened to remove Speaker McCarthy due to his lack of compliance with the agreement that allowed him to become Speaker, not holding the Bidens accountable, and pushing for Biden’s inflationary spending.

One week ago on the House floor, Gaetz expressed his frustration claiming they hadn’t even sent “the first subpoena to Hunter Biden” and called McCarthy’s announcement of an impeachment inquiry a “rushed and somewhat rattled performance.”

Christina Bobb, an attorney for Trump Save America, recently spoke with The Gateway Pundit and agreed with Gaetz’s sentiments. She believes there should be a vote to remove Kevin McCarthy from his post in order to demonstrate “which members of Congress stand where” and ensure transparency. Watch the full exclusive interview for more details.

In her recent interview with Fox, Maria Bartiromo asked McCarthy why Hunter Biden had not been brought in for questioning despite Don Jr. being questioned for 20 hours without any evidence.

He responded with an unconvincing excuse, stating that it’s still not the “appropriate time” and they need more evidence.

Read Gaetz’s full subpoena below:

September 19, 2023

To: Robert Hunter Biden

Dear Mr. Biden: In accordance with the House of Representatives’ duty to investigate President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s alleged bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, and in the furtherance of this House’s impeachment inquiry, please find and comply with this lawful subpoena.

This subpoena hereby orders the production of relevant documentary material as set forth on the attached schedule, followed by your participation in one or more days of deposition testimony. The deposition will be under oath and will be led by the professional staff of the Judiciary Committee as well as members. As with all witnesses who are required to appear before the Judiciary Committee, you may raise any relevant privilege objections to specific questions asked during your deposition. If you intend to invoke your Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination for your testimony, please so inform the Judiciary Committee

Likewise, for any document described in the schedule, you may make relevant objections in a privilege log, which shall be produced to the Judiciary Committee by the subpoena return date. Any privilege assertions should be made with accompanying information sufficient to allow an informed assessment of the validity of the asserted privilege.

The attached schedule is focused on records in your custody and control that are uniquely positioned to provide to the Judiciary Committee in light of your role in President Biden’s alleged bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Please respond at your earliest convenience.

The United States House of Representatives looks forward to your cooperation with this subpoena.


Speaker of the House


In accordance with the attached definitions and instructions, you Hunter Biden, are hereby required to produce all documents and communications in your possession, custody, or control – including any such documents or communications stored or located in personal accounts, on personal devices (e.g., personal computers, cellular phones, tablets, etc.) and/or on personal applications (e.g., email accounts, contact lists, calendar entries, etc.) and excluding copies of public media accounts unless you have altered such copies to reflect your thoughts and impressions – relating or referring in any way to the following items:

    1. All email correspondence, including sent and received emails, attachments, and metadata, between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden from January 2008 to present.
    2. All email correspondence, including sent and received emails, attachments, and metadata, between Hunter Biden and domestic and foreign business partners from January 2008 to present.
    3. All text messages and multimedia messages (e.g., photos, videos) sent or received by Hunter Biden on any mobile device or application that pertain to his contact with Joe Biden from January 2008 to present.
    4. All text messages and multimedia messages (e.g., photos, videos) sent or received by Hunter Biden on any mobile device or application that pertain to his contact with domestic and foreign business partners from January 2008 to present.
    5. All records of phone calls, call logs, and call details, including but not limited to date, time, duration, and participants, involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden from January 2008 to present.
    6. All documents, contracts, agreements, financial records, and communications related to domestic business partnerships or ventures in which Hunter Biden was involved from January 2008 to present.
    7. All documents, contracts, agreements, financial records, and communications related to foreign business partnerships or ventures in which Hunter Biden was involved from January 2008 to present.
    8. Any and all records, reports, or documents relating to Hunter Biden’s ownership or involvement in any computer, phone, or application used to communicate with Joe Biden and domestic and foreign business partners during the specified time frame.
    9. All records of applications or software used by Hunter Biden for communication purposes with Joe Biden and domestic and foreign business partners from January 2008 to present, including but not limited to messaging apps, email clients, and social media platforms.
    10. Any other documents, records, or information related to Hunter Biden’s contact with Joe Biden and domestic and foreign business partners during the period of January 2008 to present.

Contact Kevin McCarthy’s office and demand he sign the Hunter Biden subpoena.


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  • it’s because mccarthy is an America hating wef member. It’s his job to help destroy America. most likely because he’s a deviant like all of the other politicians in America. all countries have their orders to allow self-destruction. Italy being overrun with illegal male “fighting age” immigrants. same in Paris, US, and anywhere else there are “white people.” I can’t wait until the animals turn on the handlers!

  • Time for McCarthy to take a stand… stop straddling the fence… The American people deserve a Speaker of the House who demonstrates courage.

  • What about the other GUN in the Video that he Hunter was Naken and Pointing it at someone it is a Auto-Sime matic too the othert Gun was a Revolver that was Lied on to Get what about the one I mention and also they Need to get the Phone that Joe Biden could call anybody in the World On get it and the RECORDS TOO

  • McCarthy is a LIAR! And most if not all of Congress are self-serving “scum bags” who won’t stand up for America, the Constitution and least of all you the people! Fagetaboutit!

    The Collapse is in, and Global War is coming to a neighborhood near you!

    The Southern Border has been overrun with Muslim Jihadists, CCP Commie Soldiers and other anti-American Haters!

    Mexico just like Canada has cozied up with the Russian and China militaries; all part of the WEF, UN Globalist plan to crush the people!

  • McCarthy and Paul Ryan are more than just Rinos, they take bribes, follow George Soros instructions, both are Anti-American and Anti-Constitution Communist Bastards and more than likely worked with Piglosy on the fake conviction of the J6th unlawful imprisonment of the Trump supporters.
    Impeach the sorry bastard, Millions of Americans told the GOP not to put McCarthy in as Speaker.
    But as Usual the Republicans don’t listen to the people.
    As for Hunter, he’ll pull a Hitlery Clinton and destroy any evidence and lie under Oath.
    The Bible and God and under Oath, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth means nothing to the Communist Democrats and Rinos in Washington DC. They worship Satan, their only God.

  • If you are a congressman or a politician in federal government ( probably state also) and have been there for awhile, a not so deep dive into their finances will show way too much savings than the salary they earn. This is getting slow walked for that reason alone. If Joe Biden goes down for this, then he could easily reveal that he is not the only one. Term limits is the only answer

  • We all knew McCarthy was an unprincipled politician, and were disappointed then the Uniparty-Republicans elected him as their Majority Leader. How can anybody be surprised that McCarthy has done nothing?!?

  • The whole congress has not done their job, defund planned parenthood, aclu, irs, doj, epa, fbi, fda, and others, none of these investigations agencies belong having any guns, at all, pepper spray yes but NO guns, the only places where guns belong is with the American citizens, Federal Marshals, National Guard, Military, Police but police should not have military grade weapons, if you don’t defund these cut them deeply, there are many places to cut the budget, and no way give more money to the government, quit funding Ukrainian war, giving money to any government countries that don’t back America, those that are our enemies Not a dime that alone would save billions, and sue the heck out of china for what they did with covid, heck the whole world should take over china shut down destroying all labs and any government including America messing with deadly viruses, needs to have the laboratory destroyed permanently, pharmaceutical are to be finding cures not making medicines that have such terrible safety issues, like causing cancer, how stupid, and medicine that really works, took most pain medicine that worked well are gone that is bull so they need their funding cut a lot till they start really delivering most generic drugs are not good or don’t work like the real thing, plus have so much additives that cause reactions that people can’t even take

    • Lucy I was very moved by certain particulars you brought up here!

      “Quit funding Ukrainian war, giving money to any government countries that don’t back America, those that are our enemies Not a dime that alone would save billions, and sue the heck out of china for what they did with covid;”

      That is exactly what should be done and it was that kind of arrangement we had going when Trump was President! I have to conclude that he is the only one who isn’t one of the bad guys in our political system that can actually get the right things to happen like he did previously; the others will only work with the Deep State and our foreign adversaries making “backdoor deals” which they are so good at! Look at that thing in the White House with most of Congress doing that right now in Ukraine and Iran that always said we are Satan America to be destroyed!

      If this isn’t stopped ASAP we are looking down the throat of WW III; “the nuclear annihilation of civilization!”