Dave Portnoy, the outspoken founder of Barstool Sports, didn’t hold back in his recent critique of the Democratic Party, specifically Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign efforts. In a video shared with his followers, Portnoy expressed frustration over what he called an arrogant approach that he believes drove away independent voters and alienated moderates. Known for his often unfiltered takes, Portnoy’s remarks reflected a growing sentiment among some voters who feel disconnected from mainstream political narratives.
After announcing in September that he would be voting for Donald Trump, Portnoy criticized the Democrats for what he described as the “worst” campaign strategy he’s ever seen. He argued that the party’s reliance on “moral superiority” and name-calling only ended up pushing voters further away, especially those in the middle ground. He characterized the Democrats’ tactics as lacking substance, opting instead for divisive rhetoric.
“Independents or moderates … the Democrats gave us no choice,” Portnoy said, adding that “the pure arrogance and moral superiority have driven people away.” According to Portnoy, framing Trump as a direct threat to democracy backfired, as it didn’t address the real issues that voters were concerned about.
Portnoy pointed out that the Democrats’ frequent attacks on Trump and his supporters—often likening Trump rallies to “Nazi rallies”—alienated a significant portion of the electorate. “If you say you’re voting for Trump, suddenly it’s ‘Nazi, you’re Hitler, you’re garbage,’” he said, emphasizing that these harsh labels have pushed moderate Americans away from the party. In his view, the strategy was both misguided and offensive, as it essentially labeled the majority of the country with extreme terms.
“Trump didn’t just win,” Portnoy explained, “he won for fun.” He went on to highlight the scale of Trump’s victory, stating that Trump not only secured the electoral college but also won the popular vote, gaining even more votes than in his previous campaign. According to Portnoy, Democrats’ divisive messaging only solidified Trump’s support among undecided or moderate voters.
Portnoy’s criticism wasn’t limited to the Democratic Party as a whole; he reserved specific remarks for Vice President Kamala Harris, whose campaign he described as lacking any clear vision. According to him, Harris missed opportunities to differentiate herself from President Joe Biden and failed to address key issues affecting Americans, such as inflation, border policy, and conflicts abroad.
Harris’ reluctance to provide specifics on how she would differ from Biden became a central point of contention. During an appearance on The View, Harris was asked if there was anything she would do differently from Biden. Her response, “There is not a thing that comes to mind,” quickly became a talking point for the Trump campaign, which highlighted it as evidence of a lack of direction in the Democratic ticket.
Portnoy argued that, with major issues on the line, voters were looking for a change that Harris did not deliver. “There was an obvious call for change that the vice president wasn’t up to,” he said, pointing to pressing issues like inflation and border security that he felt were not adequately addressed.
Portnoy’s grievances extended beyond Harris herself to the broader Democratic Party. He suggested that the party had, in a way, “gaslighted” voters by promoting candidates who, he felt, weren’t up to the task. “Democrats were the ones saying Joe Biden was mentally fit for two years when he was a vegetable,” Portnoy claimed, referring to Biden’s perceived cognitive struggles. He argued that the Democrats “lied to our face” about Biden’s health and abilities, and that this dishonesty further alienated voters.
Portnoy also took issue with Harris’ own lack of traction during her 2020 presidential bid. He recalled that Harris struggled to gain support even within her own party and described her as a candidate “who didn’t get any votes” when she previously ran for president. To Portnoy, the decision to elevate Harris to the vice presidency despite these struggles was yet another misstep.
Portnoy’s dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party led him to vote for Trump, a choice he said he felt he “had no choice” but to make. While he admitted that he wouldn’t have supported Trump in the Republican primaries, Portnoy ultimately concluded that what the Democrats offered was “far worse.” He voiced concerns that if Harris were elected, states like California and New York, which he described as struggling with “decay,” would set the tone for the rest of the country.
Portnoy’s endorsement of Trump was rooted less in wholehearted support for the former president and more in a rejection of what he saw as failures from the Democrats. In his view, Trump’s campaign, though controversial, represented a clearer path forward than the alternative offered by the Democrats.
Portnoy’s sentiments echo those of many Americans who are frustrated with the current political landscape and feel that neither party adequately addresses their concerns. His emphasis on middle-ground voters and the consequences of divisive rhetoric highlights a broader discontent with both parties’ perceived inability to bridge the gap between extremes.
For Portnoy, the 2024 election underscored the growing disconnect between Democratic leadership and the concerns of everyday Americans, particularly those in the political center. As he signed off, Portnoy made it clear that his vote was motivated by a deep dissatisfaction with the status quo, marking yet another chapter in his often controversial, but undeniably resonant, commentary on American politics.
That is not only utter defeat of sheer evil produced by the Demoncrap Party that will not yield to God Almighty’s will by those that arrogantly mock God daily by lying to His children on a massive global scale! Hell to pay.
Job 15:5-6 “For your iniquity instructs your mouth, and you choose the language of the crafty. 6Your own mouth, not mine, condemns you; your own lips testify against you.”
Matthew 25:45-46 “Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’ 46And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Just great hopeful news is pouring in with God’s grace and blessings in Jesus’ name.
But moving forward all pro-life advocates and genuine American Patriots should recognize that all the positive gains coming forth and whatever else can be accomplished up the road must be consecrated by God Almighty in Jesus’ name.
Where our country and citizens went wrong over the years was not only that we allowed secularism to prevail bringing on the “Culture of Death” whereby over 63 Million innocent unborn human lives were destroyed since 1973 here in these United States of America, allowing Satan to gloat with demonic vengeance. But our leaders and citizenry had not put Jesus Christ first in all of America’s endeavors, along with not remembering that America was founded under Catholic precepts at the time of our Forefathers drafting of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights that clearly pointed to God’s supreme importance in the affairs of mankind and in the ruling of our Nation; meaning that “Jesus must be front and center always” or if not the enemies of God and his children, all unclean evil and demonic spirits will be able to attack and infiltrate our government and society to bring it all to ruin.
We’ve witnessed and suffered the actual reality of this truth over the last few years with the most diabolical administration in America’s history in place that has now been swept aside, allowing another chance for “We the People and our government this Constitutional Republic” to “do what is right in God’s eyes” for the unborn and our Nation under God in Jesus’ name.
Thank you all for demonstrating your faith and love of God, Country and Family while first and foremost remembering to do God’s will.
God bless you and yours.
Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence M
2 Chronicles 7:13-15 “If I close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, 14and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 15Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”
John 14:6-7 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
Moving forward All American Citizens need to focus on what is most important and imperative, which by focusing on the truth that America started out as a nation of “Christian Faith” people who broke away from the monarchical tyranny of suppressive despotic rulers, to then establish freedom and a more “autonomous way of living based on Christian principles in the Bible” as “a people who looked to God Almighty for His divine guidance and will in all human affairs” be they public or private and most assuredly in our form of governance, “Of the People By the People and For the People;” which sadly is something we have been moving away from for several decades! Because we’ve allowed evil forces to infiltrate and destroy the basic threads of good within the very fabric of this nation’s foundational precepts written in “The Bill of Rights” and “U.S. Constitution!”
We must implore our government leadership to stop with the partisan politics and tactics that they have engaged in for several decades which has driven a wedge into the heart of America and our Constitution making it impossible to fully succeed as a nation of Free People and foremost of a genuine Christian belief in the one true God who is watching over this entire creation of His as tells us all it’s His will that should be done here on earth as it is in heaven, nothing else will suffice to bring peace and everlasting life to We His Children that He loves so much! Way in the past our American government of the people was maintaining this trust with God who made it possible for the Forefathers to establish and raise up this one great nation under God; but gradually that trust and vital precept has been suppressed and all but lost created a bastardized version of this American Republic that is so full of lies, fraud, deceptions and half-truths that it barely resembles what our Forebears and especially most important what God intended these United States of America to be! The games, tactics and one-upmanship “MUST STOP” or we will tear each other and this beautiful nation to pieces, giving Satan just what he desires, so many souls in hell that he stole from God!
This following excerpt from an article written by a fine scholar, historian, educator and theologian helps to put this all into a fine context.
“No one can blame Trump if he is gloating right now. Nobody can blame any Trump supporter right now from gloating against all the Marxist Democrats and what they have done against Trump for years.
And yet, there is One who will blame us if we gloat, ridicule and mock our enemies: the King of Kings, Who is the true ruler of this and every country.
We will never overcome Marxism in this country if we fail to love our enemies. We must love them in order to liberate them from the fallen angels. If Republicans gloat and ridicule the Marxist Democrats, this will strengthen the cold civil war and the Marxists will bring every possible force – and probably even more violence – against Trump for the next four years. Then what will happen in 2028?
Christians have a responsibility right now to truly “take back America” for Christ: by showing all Americans that we must overcome this cold civil war by a common Christian value system. But the Marxists will never be converted if we repay their hatred with our own hatred. Remember the “summer of love” in 2020 when American cities were destroyed? That was after four years of Trump. Did they steal the election then? Perhaps.
If we truly care about the fact that Jesus is King, we must show our enemies that we are Christians who love our enemies, not Marxists who stoke the fire of hatred for the sake of power. The first step, then, would be liberating the Republican party from these Marxist tactics. Then we can proceed to liberate the Democrats.”
“Let’s get to prayer and fasting. St. Martin’s Lent begins next week.”
God bless you all and our United States of America.
Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence M
Listen up American Citizens and if you haven’t yet gt your minds right!
Mark Levin: This is who we are, Kamala Harris
Liberals Meltdown (and what it means) with Dr. Taylor Marshall
Listen to this comment how taking God out of the country does exactly what we’ve been witnessing for quite a while!