In one of the most stunning political upsets in modern history, former President Donald Trump has clinched a resounding victory over Kamala Harris. Yet, if you had listened only to the mainstream media in the lead-up to the election, you’d have thought this outcome was impossible. The media, saturated with a liberal bias and detached from the pulse of middle America, failed spectacularly to anticipate what millions of Americans were quietly yearning for: a return to policies grounded in traditional values, economic stability, and common sense. Their disconnect wasn’t just a missed prediction—it was an indictment of their bias and inability to understand the American people.
For months, major media outlets insisted that Kamala Harris was the “obvious” choice for the country. Commentators on networks like CNN, MSNBC, and in publications such as The New York Times and The Washington Post crafted a narrative of inevitable Democratic success, assuming that Harris’s identity as a woman of color would be enough to secure victory. But while the media was enthralled with Harris’s symbolic appeal, everyday Americans were more concerned with her policies—or lack thereof. They saw Harris as emblematic of a Democratic Party drifting leftward, embracing policies that seemed far removed from the concerns of average Americans.
The media’s liberal bias has grown increasingly transparent, to the point where many Americans now tune them out. Polls consistently show a lack of trust in mainstream media, particularly among conservatives and independents. But even so, the extent of the media’s failure to predict Trump’s victory was shocking. By focusing on their preferred narrative instead of objectively analyzing the mood of the electorate, they ignored crucial warning signs. The media painted Trump supporters as a shrinking minority, out of touch with a supposedly “progressive” America. But it turns out that the media was out of touch with the heartland, not the other way around.
A major blind spot in the media’s analysis was its insistence on promoting the Democratic Party’s radical agenda, including its commitment to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives and policies that many Americans see as divisive. In their obsession with pushing DEI rhetoric, media elites failed to recognize that such policies have alienated people across racial and political lines. While it’s crucial to ensure equality, many Americans have come to view these initiatives as unfairly targeting specific groups, stoking resentment, and fostering a culture of division rather than unity.
The media turned a blind eye to the inherent contradictions within these policies. Many Americans feel that the left’s approach to “equity” has, in fact, turned into a form of discrimination. For instance, “anti-racist” initiatives, designed to correct perceived historical injustices, have ironically come to rely on the same type of racial essentialism that civil rights advocates fought to dismantle decades ago. The fact that media elites have failed to question these contradictions shows just how out of touch they are with voters who value fairness and merit over divisive identity politics.
Harris’s campaign also embraced radical gender and LGBTQ+ policies, which the media presented as mainstream, despite considerable resistance from the public. While the vast majority of Americans support equal rights and respect for all individuals, many feel uncomfortable with the left’s aggressive push to mainstream gender ideology and nontraditional sexual identities, especially in schools and for young children. The left’s tendency to label any dissenting opinion as “bigoted” has alienated many who feel these policies go too far. The mainstream media’s insistence on supporting these agendas without critique only added fuel to the fire, reinforcing the perception that they were more concerned with ideology than balanced reporting.
Another critical failure of the media was their unrelenting portrayal of Trump as a “fascist” and “authoritarian” while ignoring Harris’s flaws as a candidate. Mainstream outlets often relied on fear-mongering about Trump rather than honestly analyzing his policies or acknowledging his past accomplishments. Harris, meanwhile, was shielded from scrutiny, with her record as a prosecutor and her ineffective tenure as vice president largely glossed over. This clear double standard wasn’t lost on voters. Americans who valued honest leadership and were wary of political elites saw through the media’s tactics and turned out to support Trump.
The media’s failure to understand the pulse of the nation extended to the economy as well. While liberal commentators focused on environmental regulations, radical “green” initiatives, and increased spending on social programs, Americans were primarily concerned with inflation, energy costs, and job stability. Trump’s message of economic revival and putting American workers first struck a chord with voters struggling to make ends meet. Yet the media’s fixation on progressive ideals blinded them to the kitchen-table issues that drove voters to the polls.
Ultimately, the media’s blind spot reflects a broader disconnect between coastal elites and the rest of the country. Americans in rural and suburban areas feel that their values, faith, and ways of life are under attack by progressive ideologies. This sentiment was magnified by the media’s endorsement of Harris, who many viewed as an out-of-touch, elite candidate. Her campaign leaned heavily on Hollywood endorsements and liberal talking points, all of which were amplified by media outlets desperate to push her across the finish line. But the glitz of celebrity support only reinforced her image as disconnected from everyday Americans.
The 2024 election underscored a fundamental reality that mainstream media continues to ignore: Americans want leaders who represent their interests, not ones who use them to score ideological points. By backing policies that most Americans view as radical, the media lost its grip on reality, mistaking its own biases for national consensus. Trump’s victory is a reminder that Americans still value traditional values, economic stability, and fair representation over the increasingly divisive platforms that dominate mainstream discourse.
In the wake of Trump’s landslide win, the media faces a reckoning. To regain the trust of Americans, they must learn to leave behind their ideological blinders and approach journalism with objectivity and integrity. The media can no longer afford to dismiss conservative perspectives or paint all opposition as “bigoted” or “backward.” If they want to remain relevant, they need to engage with the real concerns of the American people, not just the ideologies popular within their own echo chambers.
As the dust settles, one thing is clear: Americans rejected the radical leftward shift of the Democratic Party, and the media failed to see it coming. The path forward for the press is not to double down on biased reporting, but to reconnect with the realities of the people they claim to serve. Only by acknowledging their failures can they begin to restore their credibility and bridge the divide they’ve helped widen over the past decade.
There’s some talk now that President Trump has won, the Communist Democrats will deem Joe Biden unfit to hold office and Communist Kamala will become President, Biden has already called in the Military brass and the beliefs are Kamala will call for Marshall Law and Civil unrest will begin.
Should Kamala shut down the Country there’ll be no President and America better prepare for WAR.
Riots will begin all over America that’ll make 2020 look like a picnic should BLM and Antifa begin burning down businesses and homes, shootings will be a serious problem when Americans are killed. This isn’t confirmed but it might happen. And if does we had better,
Buy plenty of gas, water, food, ammo, and toiletries if this is true, get read.
IF, and i say IF, antifa starts what you suggest, we wont have anymore antifa to worry about. People where i live would not take their BS..
Where I live, they won’t take their BS either.
Michael my Brother, I do think anything is possible, but, what you consider a possibility is “I pray more a last resort” by the left and Marxist Traitors. Because the People have voted and overwhelmingly put forth “a Mandate to the government” that says “we are sick and tired of the outright lies and coercion by this out of control administration, and whole government with its games of mass deception;” and on both sides of the political spectrum this unhappiness with “the status-quo and propaganda being shoveled down our throats” by the “evil lying mainstream media scum suckers” is done!
If they pull any caper like you depict now it will be “obviously the out of control leftist commie elitist globalist government” jumping to a full blown “Military Coup d’ etat” and their intentional “overthrowing of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights” to crush the people; meaning that we will have an all-out “Civil War” that will be hell, the likes of which no one ever imagined here in America! If that happens, it will truly be “every man and woman for themselves” with utter and complete mayhem!
So I say this is why “we must put all of our hope, trust and faith in God Almighty in Jesus’ name” who is “the only One we must recognize as having sovereign power over all of us and the only One who can truly protect us,” just as He has done many times before with “His army of angels and direct divine intervention!”
I think of it this way, even with our “2nd Amendment and many brave Patriot Citizen Soldiers” throughout this nation of ours, how well could any resistance stand up to the unrelenting force that such a madman/woman government would bring down on any such rejection of their “totalitarian dictatorial power” with branches of Armed Forces at their disposal with their overwhelming even WOKE troops and military armaments like tanks and jet fighters to decimate we plebs! No, “we must put all our faith in the only ‘One who gave us life and purpose’ to begin with” and “that is Almighty God and He our Savior Jesus Christ” to put the brakes on all this madness “or to End it All Once and For All Time!”
If it all goes wrong then sure any of us can “fight tooth and claw” and go for the GUSTO, what will it matter then, and some feel better “going down in flames” than to sit waiting for the enemies bullet; or even the multitudes of illegal invaders that are here who care nothing about our concerns as long standing American Citizens!
We’re really in God’s hands as I see it, it took many decades of wasted opportunities and stupidity or even laziness to get into this predicament, so there can be no quick-fix answer now, too far down the rabbit hole or down the highway to bitch about it now, maybe for the better, so most will turn to our Lord above to please help us and forgive our foolishness and errors in Jesus’ name!
Power of prayer to God is beyond description in human terms as its direct to Him the Creator of all things, and He the Alpha and the Omega can act upon our direct pleas to Him. Amen.
John 14:25-27 “All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. 27Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid.”
LOL, I would love to help out a woman into the Oval Office. Unfortunately neither side has put up a female candidate that is worth my vote. Always an excuse by the losers. Never accept accountability, that their policies were horrible and out of touch with the American people.
Put, not out.
There is NO Joy in Read just a Bitter Woman
Reid is one scary looking person. She gives me the creeps.
Grrumpa; yes I see the demonic influence in her heart and soul!
The very people gaslighting Americans for far too long!!
“….an indictment of their bias and inability to understand the American people.”
They claim that you can’t call a black person a racist. I do, and some are even worse, qualifying as ‘Race Baiters.’ Al ‘The Sharpie’ Sharpton and ‘Jesse James’ Jackson to name but two, ‘quality’ as race hustlers. Throw a race riot, or police shooting some black criminal, and they’ll be there! Neither of those sucklers off of their contributor’s teats have had a ‘regular’ job in their grotesque lifetimes. They live the jet-set lifestyle at the expense of those donors.
Worse may be those race hustling network talking heads. We the ‘semi-sane’ unwashed wonder that these whacks can believe the spew that emanates from their soup holes!
“….Harris’s identity as a woman of color would be enough to secure victory.” Cue the laugh track! She may well be “a woman of color;” however, as Candace Owens proved, “She Ain’t Black.”
Firewagon, that which you state is so true! Some of the worst racists are people of color, Maxine Waters and many others have demonstrated this to the public over the years beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Too proud in their wickedness to admit their fault and blame in order to seek God’s forgiveness; so instead they bring His wrath!
Job 15:5-6 “For your iniquity instructs your mouth, and you choose the language of the crafty. 6Your own mouth, not mine, condemns you; your own lips testify against you.”
Matthew 25:45-46 “Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’ 46And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
That is not only a face of utter defeat but one of sheer evil that will not yield to God Almighty’s will!
Just great hopeful news is pouring in with God’s grace and blessings in Jesus’ name.
But moving forward all pro-life advocates and genuine American Patriots should recognize that all the positive gains coming forth and whatever else can be accomplished up the road must be consecrated by God Almighty in Jesus’ name.
Where our country and citizens went wrong over the years was not only that we allowed secularism to prevail bringing on the “Culture of Death” whereby over 63 Million innocent unborn human lives were destroyed since 1973 here in these United States of America, allowing Satan to gloat with demonic vengeance. But our leaders and citizenry had not put Jesus Christ first in all of America’s endeavors, along with not remembering that America was founded under Catholic precepts at the time of our Forefathers drafting of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights that clearly pointed to God’s supreme importance in the affairs of mankind and in the ruling of our Nation; meaning that “Jesus must be front and center always” or if not the enemies of God and his children, all unclean evil and demonic spirits will be able to attack and infiltrate our government and society to bring it all to ruin.
We’ve witnessed and suffered the actual reality of this truth over the last few years with the most diabolical administration in America’s history in place that has now been swept aside, allowing another chance for “We the People and our government this Constitutional Republic” to “do what is right in God’s eyes” for the unborn and our Nation under God in Jesus’ name.
Thank you all for demonstrating your faith and love of God, Country and Family while first and foremost remembering to do God’s will.
God bless you and yours.
Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence M
2 Chronicles 7:13-15 “If I close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, 14and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 15Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”
Fabricated Bull Dung Media Propaganda Machine-Buried Itself!-Start The Layoffs!-Funding By The Bidoom Cartel Did NOT Payoff!-Common Sense Citizens Are No Longer Hypnotized By Lies And Fabricated B.S.!
Thankfully a reality check for the heinous and evil brought to them by God Almighty; that’s the key factor to recognize. Now they’re all in that whirlpool together where they belong, heading down the sewer drain!
The world needs to note what’s happened and take it to heart because if they weren’t sure before they damn well better be now, that “God is Jesus’ name is in control” of this whole messed up fallen world, and judgment day is coming hard and fast!
that “God in Jesus’ name*
although I am not thrilled with Trump I would much rather have him, than socialist cami any day.
jeanette, good thinking, but, also I would suggest to anyone that it’s time to be thankful that God is offering “a Big chance” for all who will see “the light of truth, His truth,” to awaken before it’s too late.
Harris is much worse than a socialist which this once great nation that “had a much higher standard of morality and integrity” is now infested with along with an assortment of “many other types of godless atheists on the road to perdition.”
Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
John 14:6-7 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
what did white people ever do to joy
Evelyn molina Martinez; nothing, and its not what people did to her but rather what Satan and his demons have as she gloats (possessed) in her easy big money and power that she absolutely doesn’t deserve!
Moving forward All American Citizens need to focus on what is most important and imperative, which by focusing on the truth that America started out as a nation of “Christian Faith” people who broke away from the monarchical tyranny of suppressive despotic rulers, to then establish freedom and a more “autonomous way of living based on Christian principles in the Bible” as “a people who looked to God Almighty for His divine guidance and will in all human affairs” be they public or private and most assuredly in our form of governance, “Of the People By the People and For the People;” which sadly is something we have been moving away from for several decades! Because we’ve allowed evil forces to infiltrate and destroy the basic threads of good within the very fabric of this nation’s foundational precepts written in “The Bill of Rights” and “U.S. Constitution!”
We must implore our government leadership to stop with the partisan politics and tactics that they have engaged in for several decades which has driven a wedge into the heart of America and our Constitution making it impossible to fully succeed as a nation of Free People and foremost of a genuine Christian belief in the one true God who is watching over this entire creation of His as tells us all it’s His will that should be done here on earth as it is in heaven, nothing else will suffice to bring peace and everlasting life to We His Children that He loves so much! Way in the past our American government of the people was maintaining this trust with God who made it possible for the Forefathers to establish and raise up this one great nation under God; but gradually that trust and vital precept has been suppressed and all but lost created a bastardized version of this American Republic that is so full of lies, fraud, deceptions and half-truths that it barely resembles what our Forebears and especially most important what God intended these United States of America to be! The games, tactics and one-upmanship “MUST STOP” or we will tear each other and this beautiful nation to pieces, giving Satan just what he desires, so many souls in hell that he stole from God!
This following excerpt from an article written by a fine scholar, historian, educator and theologian helps to put this all into a fine context.
“No one can blame Trump if he is gloating right now. Nobody can blame any Trump supporter right now from gloating against all the Marxist Democrats and what they have done against Trump for years.
And yet, there is One who will blame us if we gloat, ridicule and mock our enemies: the King of Kings, Who is the true ruler of this and every country.
We will never overcome Marxism in this country if we fail to love our enemies. We must love them in order to liberate them from the fallen angels. If Republicans gloat and ridicule the Marxist Democrats, this will strengthen the cold civil war and the Marxists will bring every possible force – and probably even more violence – against Trump for the next four years. Then what will happen in 2028?
Christians have a responsibility right now to truly “take back America” for Christ: by showing all Americans that we must overcome this cold civil war by a common Christian value system. But the Marxists will never be converted if we repay their hatred with our own hatred. Remember the “summer of love” in 2020 when American cities were destroyed? That was after four years of Trump. Did they steal the election then? Perhaps.
If we truly care about the fact that Jesus is King, we must show our enemies that we are Christians who love our enemies, not Marxists who stoke the fire of hatred for the sake of power. The first step, then, would be liberating the Republican party from these Marxist tactics. Then we can proceed to liberate the Democrats.”
“Let’s get to prayer and fasting. St. Martin’s Lent begins next week.”
God bless you all and our United States of America.
Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence M
Listen up American Citizens and if you haven’t yet gt your minds right!
Mark Levin: This is who we are, Kamala Harris
Liberals Meltdown (and what it means) with Dr. Taylor Marshall
Listen to this comment how taking God out of the country does exactly what we’ve been witnessing for quite a while!
There Should Be an Award In The Shape Of a Mouth Full Of Poop For These Low I.Q. Morons Spewing Hate and Lies And Showing The World How Intellectually STUPID It Really Is!!-Not To Mention Extremely Disgusting! Looking Attractive as Gollum Slithering in Its Own Mess!!
R.V.WINKEL; I love the idea and it’s fully appropriate so I second that motion! And oh how they Slither!!!
What a bunch of BS’ers