A recent ICE report has shed light on the serious consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s border policies, highlighting the impact of lenient immigration enforcement.
According to the report from ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner, addressed to Congressman Tony Gonzalez, more than 662,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records are currently listed on ICE’s national docket.
Even more concerning, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is monitoring over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while another 226,000 are facing pending criminal charges.
These individuals have been released into the United States under the administration’s more relaxed approach to border enforcement.
Among this group, over 13,000 have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been found guilty of sexual assault.
These individuals are not in custody; they remain at large in communities across the country due to the administration’s “catch and release” policy.
Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin broke the story, emphasizing the severity of the situation.
He explained that ICE manages what is called a “non-detained docket,” which includes illegal immigrants encountered by DHS but no longer held in federal custody.
In other words, these are individuals who were apprehended and released with court dates scheduled years in advance.
Even more troubling are those who have been ordered deported but continue to reside within the U.S. borders, raising serious concerns about public safety.

Transcript from Melugin’s report:
We just got these numbers moments ago, but it’s a jaw-dropper, to say the least. To set the stage here, let me just explain what these numbers mean. ICE has something called a non-detained docket.
Essentially, what that is, it means migrants who were encountered by DHS but are no longer in federal custody. So, who’s on this non-detained docket? It’s illegal immigrants who were caught and released at the border, released with a court date years away. They’re in immigration proceedings, combined with illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported from the country by a judge but are still here, roaming the country.
So, keep that in mind—this non-detained docket. According to a letter that the acting director of ICE just sent to Texas Congressman Tony Gonzalez, on ICE’s non-detained docket, they’re currently tracking 425,000 non-citizens who have been convicted of a crime.
Of that number, over 13,000 non-citizens have convictions for homicide and are on the non-detained docket, meaning they’re roaming the country right now. On top of that, there are another 15,811 non-citizens convicted of sexual assault who are roaming the country right now on ICE’s non-detained docket.
It doesn’t stop there. Those are convictions. The ICE director also says there are currently just under 1,900 non-citizens on the non-detained docket who have pending homicide charges and are roaming the country, and another 4,250 non-citizens who have pending sexual assault charges and are roaming the country on the non-detained docket.
People’s eyes might be glazing over right now with all the numbers we just threw at you. Just to put it in a nutshell, what we’ve learned from the acting ICE director via this letter to Congressman Tony Gonzalez is, right now, there are over 13,000 illegal aliens convicted of homicide roaming the United States.
There are another 15,811 illegal aliens roaming the country right now who have been convicted of sexual assault, and there are even more who are facing charges for homicide and sexual assault.
This just goes to show the non-detained docket has exploded under the Biden administration to over, I believe, 7.3 million. We’re anticipating it could hit 8 million by the end of the year.
But looking at the numbers in this letter, there are currently over 600,000 non-citizens on ICE’s non-detained docket who are roaming the country.
Of that, 425,000 have already been convicted of crimes, and 222,000 are pending crimes. Again, the most serious crimes we just told you about: over 13,000 convicted of homicide, over 15,000 convicted of sexual assault.
Honestly, it’s not a surprise to hear, given the horrible headlines we keep seeing popping up in multiple parts of the country almost every day now—headlines of a horrible sexual assault, a murder, or another violent felony committed by an illegal alien who is often caught and released from custody.
The jaw-dropper here, too, is that all these numbers we just rattled off don’t even account for the nearly 2 million got-aways who have crossed our border under the Biden administration. Those almost 2 million got-aways were never encountered by DHS.
They snuck in, were never caught by Border Patrol, never encountered by ICE. There’s no record of them, so they have nothing to do with the numbers I just rattled off.
These are just the numbers of people that ICE has already encountered, that Border Patrol has encountered, that DHS knows who they are.
One of the most alarming examples of the ongoing border crisis recently unfolded in Nantucket.
During a week-long ICE operation, authorities arrested two Salvadoran illegal immigrants—previously undetected “got-aways”—within just 48 hours, both charged with child rape.
Additionally, a Brazilian illegal immigrant was apprehended for sexual assault, while a previously deported Guatemalan was re-arrested and charged with another sexual assault.
These cases highlight a growing epidemic of migrant-related crime that is putting communities nationwide at risk.
Under the Biden-Harris administration’s lax border policies, violent criminals are entering the country unchecked.
As a result, many communities are living in fear, with law-abiding citizens forced to deal with the consequences of the administration’s neglect of public safety.
Tell me did any Democrats out there no matter who you might be really believe that Biden, Harris and the Communist Democrat Party actually care One Iota about any of you? This could only mean that those who vote Democrat either don’t have a clue or all Democrats actually approve of this treachery and evil; which would make all of you co-conspirators!
Lawrence, their co-conspirators since over 40% of the Communist voters believe Krapala is doing a great job at the Border.
Houston we have a problem, it turns out almost half of Americans have turned into stupid dumbasses.
Yes Michael; they came down with more than “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” they actually are just “lock, stock and barrel insane;” as in lost their minds and are absolutely mad, and long before 2016 when Trump was elected President! The Left via the Democrat Party has developed a “Cult of Lunacy and Evil.” So yes with the teachers unions and college board of regents backing it too the “dumb down” process began in earnest a few decades ago brainwashing at higher learning level the future teachers and all the way down to elementary school children. And then with the introduction of the “divisive facilitator and master liar Obama” the whole “politically correct” BS that had taken root in the minds of so many millions took off into the stratosphere, to where we now have boys saying they can be girls and have babies; and so why not compete with the girls swimming or even boxing; sure just bash that girl in the face you bully, gets your rocks off huh to be so tough with a weaker girl; you “freaking cowards.”
I just read that Spreely article about the female college student in Arizona Mara Daffron that was stabbed by her classmate Kaci Sloan which made me so sick; this Sloan who with premeditation when in class pulled out her butcher knife and attacked Mara because she saw her as the most vulnerable or easy to kill. “Zero morality and respect” going on in so many people’s heads. As Biden would say, “C’mon man, so what she was upset about whatever;” and I say this isn’t the work of Satan?
This Sloane “arrested and charged with suspicion of first-degree attempted murder; aggravated assault with a deadly weapon; interfering with an educational institution; and disorderly conduct,” this is what higher learning has come to!
Yeah, it’s like that!
magatoon. com/2024/09/fighting-tyranny/
Yes what we got here is the “culture war template” devised by the early communists Lenin and Marx on into the “Mao Chinese cultural revolution” then “Pol Pot in Cambodia” to reshape the populace into basically mind controlled slaves! Now it’s all over the planet including yes sir, right in the good old US of A! Satan is laughing his burning ass off, but, oh how God will make sure all of the righteous get the “last laugh!”
Amen to that Brother Lawrence.
Amen. thank you Brother Michael.
Oh on another front speaking about into the stratosphere; I’ve been doing some reading and cross referencing on a very hot topic that is effecting the entire atmosphere and earth’s biome. For years I’ve been making notes and taking some photographs of the residue that is left on the top soil and along the edge of roads after some serious rainfall has passed and dried off. This is what some of our fellow human beings are intentionally doing, so again if this isn’t Satan driven who or what other kind of monster would be behind this intentional global catastrophe. While so many of the Millionaires and Billionaires like that Democrat Snake Obama pal John Kerry (both flew to Iran with aircraft boat loads of cash US greenbacks) and other top political figures, that talk about sustainability, and yet jet around the planet in their private aircraft to meetings like those at DAVOS with the WEF to promote Green Deals and Vaccines Vaccine Passports under the WHO control, while these same people are playing God with the atmosphere and planet on so many levels! Again I say they’re all “lock, stock and barrel insane” to the nth degree along with having great earthly power making them totally evil.
I had written back in 2020 how that “illegitimate former Liar in Chief born in Kenya Africa and unqualified to have been POTUS the Obama himself with Killey, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Holder, Lynch, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Waters, Schumer, Clinton and I’m sure you all catch my drift of how long the list actually is of those that have tried to overthrow our “Republic of the People by the People and for the People under God,” with a soft behind closed doors coup d’état just like Obama said way back in his first term, how he was going to “lead from BEHIND!” Like the devil for sure.
Here is an excerpt from an article about some effects of their tinkering that just wiped out towns in North Carolina!
“Unprecedented storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, earthquakes and other natural disasters are being unleashed, as governments are aggressively disrupting the natural balance of the Earths’ climate and weather, literally destroying the lives of millions worldwide.”
“Four employees of Spain’s Meteorological Agency have confessed that Spain is being sprayed nationwide by aircraft that are spreading lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite through the atmosphere. The objective is to keep rain away and allow temperatures to rise.”
“Raise the temps intentionally,” thought they were pissed off about climate change and warming the planet but they lie and warm it more!
“These global climate engineering operations are causing unquantifiable damage to the planet’s life support systems and human health.” GeoengineeringWatch
Dane WigingtonGeoengineeringWatch.org
Brother Lawrence, you absolutely pointed out the true facts of what those destructive Communist Democrats and Rinos are actually doing to screw with the minds who are way too lazy to research the truth.
Instead the lazy low IQ dumbasses are too busy playing games and texting on their cellphones.
When President Trump, ended the Paris climate Accord, and when the Communist Democrats stole the election they doubled down on it. lieing and deceiving the brain washed idiots into sending money to the Demonic Communist Democrats making them more powerful to control the zombie like idiots into believing the Communist about how the Earth will end in 5 years. (AOC)
Al Gore started the lies about the ice is melting in Alaska, Antarctica and the North Poll, but it was debunked even after he said the world would end in the year 2,000.
Low IQ Americans fell for it. Those Communist have private jets, Hum Vees, Yachts, and Multi million dollar Mansions where the lights stay on 24/7 that could light up a city block of regular citizens homes.
And yet those Communist voters ignore how the Commies are violating everything they tell them to do but not for them.
Just how much of those $ Billions are kickbacks for the Communist in Washington DC.?
And yet the Communist voters who are in poverty or below will believe every word and vote for Krapala in 2024.
Amen. Thank you Brother Michael.
Michael absolutely the truth; those “Lazy Ass Leftist Loons” love to walk on the “Wild (lost) Side” and “Dark Side” the blind leading the blind, where they will step into the pits ahead of them, but always arrogantly denying that fact! The following Scripture is exactly how I see them and know it was written and inspired word of God for those such as these! They ruin everything they touch and condemn themselves.
Proverbs 26:26-28 “Though his hatred is concealed by deception, his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. 27He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him. 28A lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth causes ruin.”
You nailed it Michael; perfect statement of the root cause and sign of their hypnotic state of living or dying actually.
“Instead the lazy low IQ dumbasses are too busy playing games and texting on their cellphones.”
Michael, dear Lord you said it there you got me going in my mind thinking deeply again when I had moments before been thinking I might retire for the evening; not yet because that nails it! I look around and see so many people staring at those damned so called smart phones which I call smart phones for dumb people! They are being “conditioned” Bill Gates and Mush along with multiple others in the world are on the verge of brain chips being implanted in the head to have persons connected to the cloud like the sheeple they are and want to be, just led around by their noses, with signals coming from the cloud directing their every move! The TRUTH is out there but they have to do the damn homework, remain sober and humble, to find Truth, and mainly study Scriptures so they invite the “Holy Spirit” to lead them, not this damned fallen God forsaken “crooked world” with its many assholes and demons now running it under Satan’s tutelage.
AOC is one of the biggest dumb ass imbeciles to have ever crossed the public’s view and there she is in Washington a total off the wall leftist Marxist loser planted by Soros on her way to hell with him!
Yes sir Michael, everything you said here is spot-on, and Al Gore what a freaking joke that over privileged two faced lying punk was, then how all these wannabe sheeple Commies just lap up the lies like its honey for the bees; the “Hive Mentality” is what Commies are now so much more with the digital advances of Big Tech! “Lost Identity and Lost Souls!” You “play with fire you get burned,” so “stupid is as stupid does!”
Thank you for this further insightful thinking and inspiration to keep pushing forward and upward!
God bless you and yours.
Proverbs 9:9-11 “Instruct a wise man, and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man, and he will increase his learning. 10The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 11For through wisdom your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.”
Bill Gates and Musk*
Thank you my brother Lawrence, I am not fooled by those Demonic Communist Democrats in Washington DC, or those Communist billionaires who are gaining power over the weak minded idiots who are becoming more and more controlled like zombies.
Like you, who tell it like it is we are becoming less and less the ones who are the real truth seekers exposing what Lucifer’s plan’s are by gaining power over taking the souls of the ones who are following his commands right into Hell.
Yes brother Lawrence, it’s becoming apparent that God’s army IE, the few million believers will be chosen to depart from the Hell that’s been created by those who want absolute power over the weak.
Those who have lost their way have no idea what’s in store for them when the time comes and the weak non believers will become the Slaves of the world.
Famine, starvation, cannibalism, thirst, will happen to them while they’ve ignored what they’ve been told. All they want is more and more free things while the Communist Demonic Democrats laugh, that they’re plan’s are coming together.
In the name of Jesus Christ please shield those of us who are spreading the word in your name Christ my Lord Amen.
Michael my brother, I just had to send this out so that can listen to Fr. Mark Goring so eloquently explain Saint Archangel Michael, the protector of the people and so much more than I had thought and you too have been a protector, God bless you!
ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL: What You Need to Know – Fr. Mark Goring, CC
God bless you brother.
Brother Lawrence, when I was an active Police Officer I believe Michael the Arch Angel was in fact with me, especially when their was a time when I was called about a burglary at a warehouse at 1:00 a.m.
I assisted another Police Officer in another city to the call.
Information was there we’re 2 suspects inside, we called for the key holder and he wouldn’t get out of bed but told us to enter anyway.
The front door was kicked in at the bottom so I entered first and unlocked the door for the second Officer, with flashlights in hand and firearms un holstered we proceeded into the darkness of the warehouse.
We couldn’t find the light switch so I took the right side and my partner took the left, we proceeded towards the loading docks when I seen a shadow to my left, with my 40 caliber pistol pointed at him I called for my partner, as my partner had his firearm pointed at him I placed the suspect in handcuffs and asked him where the other suspect is.
He claimed there was no other in here, my partner took the suspect out to his cruiser and I proceeded down the darkness when I noticed another suspect next to a pillar, I wasn’t more than 10 feet from him and almost past him when something told me look to your left quickly, the suspect had an ax and could’ve struck me in the back of the head.
I had my firearm fixed on his head and instructed him to get on his stomach and drop the ax or I’ll blow his fuc* ing head off.
He cooperated and he was placed under arrest.
The two was transported to the county jail and booked in.
It wasn’t until 7:00 a.m. that I found out the 2nd suspect was wanted for rape and the biggest drug dealer in that town, so my investigation was determined that they were looking for chemicals for cooking narcotics.
I was praised for arresting one of the biggest drug dealers in Williamson County.
I believe Michael the Arch Angel was with me that night.
Michael the Arch Angel was with me on several other occasions and I’m for ever in his debt.
That’s just one story and to this day I still think of that night when my life flashed before me and wondered who would take care of my wife and 6 year old daughter.
Michael is the champion of law enforcement.
“Michael is the champion of law enforcement.”
He most certainly is and was with you that night and plenty of times I’m sure!
What a fine service you carried out for “the good and safety of the community” having to face “extreme danger” in apprehending such vicious vile desperadoes that only do harm to others as they serve the Devil. You were so properly and rightly commended for your bravery in the performance of your sworn duty to “serve and protect;” just like God’s angels are serving Him in the seen and unseen worldly affairs; you have so much in common with God’s special force of law enforcement/peace officers, His army of angels led by Saint Michael the Archangel.
God bless you.
And thank you for sharing such a harrowing story of your personal bravery and heroism while doing your daily work; when you too were dealing with both what could be seen and what could not, but therein was Archangel Michael also serving and protecting alongside you. This should inspire faith in others!
Thanks be to God, in Jesus’ name.
Brother Lawrence
Thank you brother Lawrence, for listening to one of my experiences in the face of danger.
I’m glad to be alive today as a servant to God and my Savior Jesus Christ.
God bless you and your family.
If it wasn’t for Michael the ArchAngel we would have never met on these sites.
Amen and Amen. Everything you said here is absolutely true and I hope many others will see the truth and pray.
Thank you again Brother!
Saint Michael the Archangel thank you as you continue to carry out God’s will of protecting His faithful while battling and defeating all evil.