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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has proposed that former President Donald Trump and the 18 other defendants involved in the post-2020 election racketeering case filed in August be tried together next month. However, lawyers Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, who were also indicted with Mr. Trump, have requested for their cases to be separated from the others and tried separately.

It is expected that this situation may prove challenging for Ms. Willis as she moves forward in her role as District Attorney.

Newsweek noted: “On Wednesday, Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee will oversee a hearing on whether Chesebro and Powell can have their cases tried independently. Judge McAfee has asked Willis’ office to prove a good faith estimate on how long it may take to present the state’s case during a joint trial of all 19 defendants, as well as the number of witnesses likely to be called and the size of the evidence likely to be introduced.”

“In a series of posts on X, formerly Twitter, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Harry Litman suggested that Willis will have a problem either way with an estimate, seeing as her previous major RICO trial involving dozens of educators in Atlanta accused of cheating on standardized tests lasted several months,” the outlet added.

“If Willis comes in with an estimate along the lines of previous trials—8 months or more—it will basically blow to smithereens the scheduling of the various trials,” Litman wrote. “And hard to see how she can provide a ‘good-faith’ estimate that’s way lower than the previous RICO.

“Recall that the best precedent—RICO for teachers—took some 8 months to try (and months before to pick a jury). If she gives a similar estimate, everything gets blown apart; if she doesn’t, questions will be why this one [is] so much shorter,” Litman added. “Seems to me McAfee has to finesse this and not clear exactly how he will. Big hearing.”

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to face multiple trials in 2024. On March 4, he will be tried on four charges related to the events leading up to the January 6 Capitol riot following a federal investigation by special counsel Jack Smith.

Additionally, there are 34 counts against him in New York concerning claims of falsified business records relating to “hush money” payments made to Stormy Daniels and his trial for these charges is due to begin on March 25, 2024.

In May, Trump is set to stand trial in Florida on allegations of unlawfully retaining classified documents after leaving office and obstructing federal efforts to recover them. He has entered a plea of not guilty for all charges across all four cases.

It is yet to be determined if the planned trials must be rearranged due to the possible large scale of Willis’ case involving the former president. Additionally, it remains unclear whether or not the commencement of the Georgia trial will be postponed until after all other three legal proceedings are completed, or if it will commence alongside them.

This situation has caused a stir in conservative circles as many Republican voters and critics have criticized the Biden administration as well as both Democratic prosecutors in New York and Georgia for allegedly targeting Trump for political reasons and attempting to remove him from the ballot.

“We are in completely new territory if a sitting president is convicted of crimes he committed before he was elected president, which will be the case here,” Eric J. Segall, professor of law at Georgia State University College of Law and a constitutional expert, previously told Newsweek.

“There’s nothing in the Constitution about this. There’s very little case law about this. We’ll have to see. There’s no way to predict how that would play out. No way,” he added.

ICYMI: BUSTED! Corrupt Georgia DA Just Got Caught, So They Delete Social Media Accounts Immediately!


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  • George Soros knows where the Achilles Heel is in our republic. Own or control the voting mechanism and those who run the justice system. He made this statement to BILD magazine September of 2014…“I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.” Here’s what he does; he funds any group that will exploit a black person getting killed and label it as white hate of minorities, no matter what the circumstances…he finances the political campaigns of any Marxist leaning, state AG, city mayor, Co. Sheriff, elected judiciary, major city attorneys or District Attorneys, in order to render the justice system unfair and ineffective. Willis belongs to Soros and if you object to her activities…you’re an automatic racist and misogynist.

  • George Soros knows where the Achilles Heel is in our republic. Own or control the voting mechanism and those who run the justice system. He made this statement to BILD magazine September of 2014…“I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.” Here’s what he does; he funds any group that will exploit a black person getting killed and label it as white hate of minorities, no matter what the circumstances…he finances the political campaigns of any Marxist leaning, state AG, city mayor, Co. Sheriff, elected judiciary, major city attorneys or District Attorneys, in order to render the justice system unfair and ineffective. Willis belongs to Soros and if you object to her activities…you’re an automatic racist and misogynist. Clever.

  • It is unlikely that it will benefit Trump if the cases are ‘blown apart’ or separated (as reading the article reveals)! In separate trials it is MORE LIKELY someone will ‘flip’ on the Ex-President as there is NO HONOR AMONG CRIMINALS (when they can ‘save their own skin’)

    • Good thing you are not the judge, you’ve already called all of them criminals. There is also no honor among communists, liberals, progressives or democrats (in general)

      • Fredrick r Smith, you said it very well. All Communist Democrats are criminals and their selling the United States out, while trying to kill as many Americans as they can. They are domestic terrorists and now destroying the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
        FJB and all Communist Democrats and Rinos.

    • Criminals? So Republicans are Criminals? Let’s see. Are The Clinton’s, Obamas and Biden’s Republicans? How about all the Executive Orders issued by Biden(Obama) that are Unconstitutional? Those are actually Crimes! How about High Crime, High Taxes and High Inflation created by Democrats in Black and Blue States? How about Open Borders that allow Terrorists, Cartel Members, Murderers, Rapists Disease Ridden Invaders along with drugs like Fentanyl that have already killed Tens of thousands of Americans. How about BLM and ANTIFA the Terrorist Arm of the Party? Looks Ike the Democrat Party is the Party of Criminals…Period!

  • I am sure to say that Willis was not happy that 19 had been indicted, but is required to prosecute due to the laws she promised to abide. I am also sure that the case she is having to try will present the evidence to convict. It is not smart for Trump to call judges and prosecutors stupid. When federal court say United States of America vs. John Doe the person must remember he is fighting a losing battle.

    • Willis, Bragg and Smith are the ones in a conspiracy… To keep Trump from being on the ballot or campaigning. They are the ones who should be in jail. It’s already known that Smith’s associates were meeting at the White House with Biden’s goons…VERY illegal.

  • Until Fanny’s fanny is in jail for prosecutorial misconduct, don’t expect any celebrations from those of us in the peanut galleries.

  • And since this is all a big sham, anyway, to keep Trump from campaigning, and use all of his donations for legal bills, it will probably be dismissed if they can’t accomplish that.

  • I AM SICK OF THESE HEADLINES as if its fact, only to find out it’s a Maybe. STOP IT, either print the facts or I am done with this site

  • I hope and pray that these ‘witch-hunt’s’ blow up in every liberal’s face! This is just more voter tampering with our elections so Democrats win. Shameful!

  • What idiocy. I admit, 100% confess, I have no law degree and have never pursued one.
    However, it seems patently obvious to me that if the fbi visited Mr. Trump’s residence, looked at everything he had, saw no issues, except to tell Mr. Trump to put a better lock on one door, and left everything right where it was, and apparently had no issues with anything involved, except the possible better lock suggestion. Then 6 months or more after that, they stage a “raid” on the property and find the same damn things they found before. Now, they decide Trump was acting in a criminal manner even though the once highly vaunted fbi said everything is fine, but maybe you need a better lock on that one door over there. Nothing changed except a new person thought it MIGHT be a way, any way, to get at Trump. And here we are. Once The jury vindicates Mr. Trump. I hope he sues the asses off every criminal, nasty, liar, thug and hypocrite involved in this shameful thuggery. And, meanwhile, it would probably help me change my feelings on this issue if they go ahead and charge jobozo with the same crimes. (That last sentence was just being sarcastic)

  • krap DA (fanny) going after Trump ?
    D.A. not law. She’s doing dumb politics. !
    Not a real lawyer anymore, just a really dumb politician !! Shame !9

  • Lets hope. Her father a Black Panther dating a known communist, Angels Davis. Wrong charges. Affirmative action showing the best it has and I’m glad it is no longer. May it boomerang on her.