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On April 7, 2022, a shocking video was released showing the moment 16-year-old Jonathan Garcia-Martinez brutishly assaulted his teacher at Eldorado High School in Las Vegas.

Obtained by 8 News Now Las Vegas through a public records request, the footage depicted the youth launching an alarming attack on Sade before strangling and sexually assaulting her.

This incident comes after Garcia-Martinez was initially accused of assault last April.

At 1:30 p.m., the video depicted Martinez-Garcia walking through a high school hallway before stopping in front of a classroom and attempting to enter.

He proceeded to take another walk down the hall, only to turn around again when Sade’s head appeared.

Garcia-Martinez then attacked the teacher, engaging in a physical struggle before forcibly dragging her back into the classroom.


At 3:05 p.m., the footage shifts to the bodycam of a Clark County School District Police Officer searching for Garcia-Martinez, who was later discovered sitting in a tinted-out vehicle.

He is forced to leave the car just before the video ends.

According to The New York Post, at a June 2023 sentencing hearing, Sade gave an alarming statement regarding the maliciousness of his crime while Garcia-Martinez appeared to smirk.

Since it happened, there hasn’t been a single night I haven’t dreamt of the attack. I would wake up in a new spot and position each time, knowing that he’d just drag my limp and near-lifeless body to a different part of the classroom to do whatever he so chose to do with my body as I lay unconscious.

He’d beat my body so badly that I could no longer fight.

Investigation revealed that Garcia-Martinez had choked Sade unconscious before proceeding to r*pe her. When she awoke, her pants and underwear had been pulled down with Garcia-Martinez pouring liquid over her in an attempt to set her ablaze.

He then attempted to slit her wrists and sat on top of a heavy bookcase while asking “Why won’t you just die?”

It was later stated by Sade that he had intended to get revenge for not liking teachers.

Garcia-Martinez pled guilty to charges of attempted murder, battery with use of a deadly weapon resulting in substantial bodily harm, and attempted sexual assault.

His attorney claimed his behavior was due to the effects of the asthma drug Singulair which can cause severe mood swings and delusions.

“He had no history of anything but being a perfect, loving kid,”  his lawyer argued.

Judge Kathleen Delaney deemed the excuse inadequate and imposed a sentence of forty years in prison on Garcia-Martinez.

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  • The ” He was a good kid on his way to church and helped others ” argument. How many times has this been pulled with violent attackers ?
    Actions are supposed to have consequences.

  • Is Garcia-Menendez a O’Biden “dreamer”, illegal or American citizen? Just keeping count of O’Biden’s body count.

  • Never heard of psychotic episodes attached to singulair. Most asthma med just cause a level of anxiety or restlessness, due to CNS stimulants in them, unless one is allergic to an ingredient, then rebound or anaphylaxis is likely. I say this as an RN and asthma meds user for over 50yrs, both.

  • Always perfect, loving, caring little angels until they are charged with murder or rape or attempted murder or breaking into a home.

  • Hate Sounding Like a Broken Record But This is Why Its SO Important To Learn SELF DEFENSE!!-Kill or Cripple Inside Of 60 Seconds!!-This Teacher Is Extremely Lucky To Still Be Alive!!

  • Thank goodness there are a few Judges left in our country that actually believe in the law. This bully got exactly the sentence he deserved. Now other females will be safe until they let him out of prison after he has been “rehabilitated” in a couple of years.

  • So, HOW THE HELL did the janitor cart show up between when the rapist went into the room (no cart) but was there when he left (cart in hallway). Seems the janitor heard and could have helped.

  • Another spoiled rotten brat indicative of no Fathers in the home, no discipline, a mentally deficient loathsome person. He will get straightened out where he is going or pay the consequences. A coward for sure.

  • He is better off in prison. I hope some judge will not reduce his sentence. The man is depraved. He certainly appears to be much older than 16. Is he an illegal alien? The victim is a very strong human to be able to survive that sort of violence and hatred.

  • I am Happy that the teacher survived and that the Judge put this animal in prison for 40 years. HE WILL SOON LEARN IN PRISON what it is like to be the one sexually assaulted and beaten. From his remarks, this was not his first RODEO when it comes to beating and raping Teachers.