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Former President Donald Trump made a solemn appearance at the funeral of a slain NYPD officer on Thursday, showing his respect and support.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden was in New York City attending fundraising events with former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

The funeral took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan and was attended by thousands of mourners, including members of the NYPD, other law enforcement agencies, and the general public.

The officer, whose identity has not been disclosed, was tragically killed while responding to a domestic violence incident.

Trump, known for his strong backing of law enforcement, arrived at the service just before it started and sat quietly near the front of the church.

Although he did not speak during the ceremony, he was observed offering condolences to the officer’s family and colleagues.

“It is a great honor to be here today to pay our respects to this brave officer and his family,” Trump said in a statement. “We must never forget the sacrifices that our law enforcement officers make every day to keep our communities safe.”

At the same time, Biden attended a string of prominent fundraising gatherings in New York City alongside former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

These events, hosted at the residences of affluent donors in Manhattan, were anticipated to generate substantial funds for Biden’s reelection efforts.

Critics have expressed unease over the perception of Biden participating in extravagant fundraisers amid ongoing national challenges like crime and police reform.

Additionally, questions have been raised about the timing of these gatherings, which overlapped with the funeral of the fallen NYPD officer.

“It’s a slap in the face to the family of this officer and to all law enforcement officers,” said John Smith, a retired NYPD detective. “Biden should be here, paying his respects, not hobnobbing with the rich and famous.”

The White House has stood by Biden’s choice to participate in the fundraisers, asserting that the gatherings were scheduled well in advance and emphasizing the president’s continued dedication to backing law enforcement and tackling matters related to crime and police reform.

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  • Biden has never and I mean never, had any interest in doing anything for anyone accept himself. If he did anything that benefited the American people it was only because it was a accidental occurrence.

  • While our great President Donald Trump showed up at the murdered Police Officer’s funeral and showed respect and gave condolences to the Wife as a real President should, Criminals Biden, Obama, and Clinton were in NYC fundraising and showed no respect or condolences, but instead were more concerned about how much money they can get from the Communist, Anti-Constitution POS.!
    Wouldn’t it have been nice to see the Illegals attack Biden, Obama, and Clinton.
    That would have been awesome to see.
    Remember, those are the Enemies of America and the American Citizens and only protect Illegals and not Americans.

    • The media , obviously, didn’t cover this but Trump donated enough to Towers and Tunnels (may have name wrong) so they could cover the fallen officers mortgage. He was 31 with a year old son so having their mortgage repaid will make it a little easier for his widow.

  • Joe Biden & crony Democrats lack moral values & principles and are mainly interested in their well-being as socialists. They are ruling under the NWO.

  • I wonder just how much of the 25 million raised will secretly find its way into the CLAN OF GRIFTERS LLC’s?

    • Ever wonder what happens to funded bills that never get passed and in time are forgotten.Like the bills funded and passed languish for a specified time for politicians on both sides of the isle to gather round and wait for the cash shower. The paper goes away.