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Rep. Adam Schiff, a long-serving Congressman from California and now a candidate for the U.S. Senate, is facing serious accusations that could shake up his political career. An ethics complaint was filed against Schiff in April 2023, alleging multiple criminal actions including election fraud, ineligible voting, and mortgage fraud. Now, a deeper investigation into Schiff’s conduct suggests these allegations may have merit, raising questions about his integrity and eligibility.

The original ethics complaint against Schiff was filed by a concerned citizen from California. The complaint accused Schiff of election and voter fraud, alleging that while he was serving as a U.S. Representative from California, he was simultaneously claiming residency in both California and Maryland. This dual-residency situation triggered suspicion about his eligibility to vote in California and raised alarms over potential mortgage fraud.

Schiff, who was first elected to Congress in 2000, purchased a home in Maryland in 2003 with his wife. The couple declared this property as their “primary residence” and claimed they would live there for 12 consecutive months. Despite this declaration, Schiff continued to vote in California elections—a move that would be illegal if his primary domicile was in Maryland.

This is where the issue of mortgage fraud comes in. Schiff refinanced the Maryland property multiple times, in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2013, all while claiming that the home was his primary residence. This allowed him to access better mortgage rates. When a House Ethics investigation brought this to light in 2009, Schiff reportedly claimed it was an error and repaid the exempt taxes to the state of Maryland. However, many argue that simply paying back taxes does not undo the potential mortgage fraud.

Under Maryland law, mortgage fraud occurs when someone knowingly makes a misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission during the mortgage lending process with the intent to defraud. According to a recent draft report, Schiff’s actions fall squarely into this category.

The draft report, compiled by California congressional candidate Chris Bish and state assembly candidate Darren Ellis, points out that Schiff filed refinancing documents in Maryland that falsely claimed his Maryland house as his primary residence. By doing so, Schiff received better rates on his mortgage. However, this was done despite his ongoing representation of California in Congress, which requires him to maintain residency in the state.

The comparison to other public officials adds weight to the accusation. Marilyn Mosby, the former top prosecutor in Baltimore, was recently convicted of mortgage fraud for actions similar to what Schiff is accused of. This raises the stakes for Schiff, especially as the evidence seems to point toward a knowing misrepresentation.

In addition to the mortgage fraud accusations, Schiff is facing claims of election fraud through false registration and ineligible voting. Under California law, if a person moves to another state with the intent of making it their domicile, they lose their California domicile and, consequently, their eligibility to vote in California.

However, Schiff’s behavior suggests a conflict. After selling his California home in 2003 and purchasing his Maryland home, he continued to vote in California elections. This would have been illegal if his primary residence was, as he claimed in his mortgage documents, in Maryland. California elections code is clear that a person can have only one domicile for voting purposes, and by continuing to vote in California while living in Maryland, Schiff may have violated voter registration laws.

In 2009, the same year as the House Ethics hearing on Schiff’s mortgage practices, he purchased a small condominium in Burbank, California. This condo, a one-bedroom unit, became his California voting address. However, critics have raised questions about the practicality of this arrangement, especially since Schiff and his wife had two school-aged children at the time, making it unlikely that they were using the condo as a full-time residence.

The Heritage Foundation defines false voter registration as registering to vote in a jurisdiction where a person does not actually live and is not entitled to vote. Schiff’s registration in California during the years he lived in Maryland could be seen as a classic case of this type of fraud. If proven, this would be a serious violation of election integrity rules.

The final piece of the puzzle is ineligible voting. The draft report alleges that Schiff and his wife Eve, while residents of Maryland, continued to vote absentee in California. Under California law, individuals who are not residents of the state are not allowed to vote, and any attempt to do so is considered a felony. This could lead to even more legal trouble for Schiff if the accusations are substantiated.

The report further details how Schiff, by maintaining voting registration in California while claiming Maryland residency for tax purposes, may have broken the law in multiple ways. California’s election laws are strict in defining residency, and Schiff’s actions could qualify as ineligible voting—a serious offense punishable by imprisonment and fines.

The allegations against Adam Schiff are no small matter. If proven true, they suggest a pattern of unethical and possibly illegal behavior that includes mortgage fraud, election fraud, and ineligible voting. As Schiff continues his Senate campaign in California, these accusations could haunt him, calling into question his fitness for office.

The ethics complaint and subsequent report have provided detailed evidence, and it remains to be seen whether Schiff will face any legal repercussions. As this case unfolds, it may become a defining issue in Schiff’s political career, potentially altering his Senate bid and further damaging his reputation.


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  • I don’t put it past anything that pencil neck pumpkin head does and has done in the past.
    He’s an habitual liar and has screwed California over for years.!
    But it ain’t just his fault since the Anti-American Communist dumbasses keep voting for the same assholes every election.
    Even after Newscum has fuc*ed over the citizens in Commifornia, they still remain loyal to the Communist Democrats, and the Communist State is in favor of Communist Kamala remaining Blue.
    It must be that most of the Communist State is either indoctrinated or brain dead and the few Republicans that’s there are just outnumbered.
    Hopefully the outnumbered Republicans can move out of that Communist infested State and wish for a massive earthquake at a 10 on the erector scale and send that son of a bitch sliding into the ocean.

    • Yes Michael excellent, that all sounds right to me! The article states; “these accusations could haunt him, calling into question his fitness for office.” I ask what fitness for office? The “creep is a pathological liar and total fraud wicked man,” with all of his “make believe
      whistleblowers” and so on during the total sham Trump witch hunt bogus impeachments!
      Zero Credibility where I come from and I think he should move to the Ukraine, or anyplace that will take him, because he sure isn’t an American in my book legal or otherwise!

  • Hey Schiff remember when kept saying you have and read all the
    B.S. on Trump and he’s going to go to jail. Well guess what the American people see and have the fraud intersection of your transaction for mortgage conspiracies and tax fraud. Guess who is really going to jail now you lying prick. Big Bubba will take great care of you in prison he likes little squealers like you. See what your big lying mouth caught you and you deserve a lot more for the corruption you caused America and Trump.
    Don’t forget the ky your going to need it.

    • Sadly Sue, I doubt anything will happen to this clown. He led the Russia Collusion HOAX for the democrat machine, lying on television for months at a time. He did their dirty work. We can only hope that Californians know the deal and vote him out.

    • Sue, I was being lenient with my suggestion just so he would go away and stay away; but I like you suggestion much more; give the Devil his due is best for this evil little man!
      Such an arrogant, heartless and smarty-pants punk that deserves to get all of his licks that are coming one way or another!

  • The fact that Adam Schiff has never been prosecuted for these allegations should tell us all we need to know. The allegations as stated in this article are enough on their face for a federal investigation to have been launched, but that would require an investigative agency that is non-partisan, so that rules out the FBI. If Trump or any other Republican member of Congress had committed these acts, the indictment would have been swift, and CNN, MSNBC and the other state-run propaganda outlets would have been invited to participate in a raid carried out by 2 dozen highly armed agents knocking down the Republican’s house door at zero-dark-thirty .. Nothing will ever happen to the man that led the “Russia Collusion HOAX” for the democrat machine.

    • BC, sadly very true, but we can pray that the tides turn and through divine intervention this snake gets what’s coming to him soon!

      But regardless he will pay someday for the evil and damage he did to our nation along with all the other perps including Obama, Pelosi, Killery and all the rest.

      • You are correct, Lawrence, he will one day pay the ultimate price for his evil deeds. There is just an innate human desire for many of us to see justice meted here on Earth before Schiff goes to hell.

        • Genesis 9:6 says WE should set up his appointment with the Supreme judge of the universe. GOD’s children are slaves because we don’t obey. Just like the slaves in the old covenant. shame on us. “oh thou foolish generation”

  • Exactly BC. That old adage “let your conscience be your guide” has a most important and practical place or role to play in our daily lives.

    And that “conscience” was put into we humans as part of that innate humanity (created in God’s perfect holy image) to afford us the opportunity to “know the difference between right and wrong!” Because we are here for “a purpose” and to as best we can “follow God’s will” while living our lives, because we are to eventually each one of us humans will be judged according to what decisions or choices we made of “our own free will” and volition, to then eventually receive the reward or consequences which must come for everybody.

    Galatians 6:7-8 “Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. 8The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

  • Schiffie can’t wait to see you get indicted and sent to prison for a long time. Remember when you said I have seen the documents on Trump I have them he’s going to jail. Well asshole guess what we have the proof and the documents that the real lying snake is you. Your just another corrupt crooked democrat fraud and I hope they throw the book at you. Bank fraud insurance fraud voting fraud interest rates fraud mail fraud isn’t this all the bullish-t the went after Trump for. Hope you have a lot of money for all your legal expenses you better start running because your friendly republicans are going to want more than blood. You will have lots of Democrat friends in person with you like Biden and family and a lot more. Pucker up old buddy Bubba is waiting for you he likes little white squealers. Rot in hall Mother/F

  • Schiff is a corrupt liar. He should be charged for his criminal activity just like anyone else. He seems to think he is better than anyone else. He is corrupt and is an habitual liar. All the lies and accusations he made about Trump and Russia with no proof of any of it but continued with the lies. He is NOT what California or any state in America needs to represent them. He is a disgrace and should pay the price for his corrupt actions. He knew dam right well he shouldn’t have been running and holding office in California when he didn’t even officially and lawfully live there. LOCK HIM UP

  • How could Schiff run for office in California during that time if he was eligible to vote and was not a resident? Seems like he broke the law there as well?

  • How could Schiff run for office in California during that time if he was not eligible to vote and was not a resident? Seems like he broke the law there as well?

  • Its would sure be justice for this clown to be ruled ineligible to run, he has never been anything other than a pathological liar. I am praying for justice on this case and there many others such as Nancy Pelosi committing crimes against our country such as her insider trading she has been doing for years.

  • Schiff. Why is he not in jail now the proof is there. Just another democrat strong hold protecting each other. This sob should of been in prison for his fraud dealings in the Russia conspiracy.
    I hope they throw the book at this prick. Democrat asshole

    • Sue, we have nothing more than a bunch of weak, gutless, Pansie Ass Sissies that call themselves Republicans, who absolutely will not follow what the Constitution states.
      Communist Democrats and Rinos are the Enemies of the United States and should have been charged, Arrested and convicted of Treason/Sedition years ago.
      But we can nolonger depend on the Cowardly Republicans and they’ve shown on many occasions that they’re not Representing the American Citizens.

  • Schiff should be indicated and prosecuted and sent to jail
    He’s a corrupt criminal fraud politician. They prosecuted Trump for less crimes and this weasel is not prosecuted yet. He’s a lying cheater and defraud the government and insurance company’s and mortgage companies. Investigations should be done to see if he illegally voted in both states. He belongs in prison and should be fired and removed from any government job.
    This time they have the documents on him why are they sitting on there asses. They charged Trump with no evidence. Schiff s case is a slam dunk straight to prison. Bubba is waiting for you.