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A men’s pro-life demonstration in Boston on Saturday descended into chaos when pro-abortion counter-protesters clashed with march participants and police. The National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood, a city-permitted event, saw 14 pro-abortion activists arrested for what authorities described as “unlawful, riotous, and tumultuous” behavior.

The march began outside Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Avenue, with participants walking more than three miles to the Boston Common. The event aimed to advocate for the abolition of abortion and support personhood rights for unborn children. However, tensions escalated when several hundred counter-protesters gathered along the route, particularly at Kenmore Square.

According to police, the counter-protesters—some dressed as clowns—blocked the march’s path, shouting slogans like “our bodies, our choice” while rattling barricades.

“Upon the convergence, each group was screaming/shouting at each other… [and] at times turning their rage at officers by threatening them,” stated the police report.

Police repeatedly instructed the counter-protesters to disperse and allow the march to continue. However, many refused to comply, prompting officers to physically move individuals blocking the route.

“This unruly crowd began pushing back at officers, elevating their disorderly and unlawful activity to assaultive,” the report added.

The clash resulted in 14 arrests, with those detained charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing a public assembly. Among the arrested were individuals aged 18 to 40, identified by police as residents of the area.

“The arrested individuals refused to peacefully disperse, creating a hazardous and offensive condition for citizens and officers,” police said.


While officers eventually cleared a path for the marchers to proceed, the tense standoff underscored the polarizing nature of the abortion debate in the U.S.

Counter-protest organizers criticized the National Men’s March, describing it as an out-of-state event that disregarded women’s reproductive autonomy. In a statement, counter-protesters labeled the march as a “dreary, men-only funeral march” and pledged to oppose its narrative.

Despite their objections, the men’s march participants defended their message as one of love and advocacy for vulnerable women and children.

Jim Havens, co-founder of the Men’s March, addressed the counter-protesters during a rally at the Boston Common. He described their actions as misguided and called for unity against what he termed “the propaganda of evil.”

“We are not your enemies, and you are not our enemies,” Havens stated. “Let’s unite in true, authentic love for all and stand together… against the ongoing, daily mass murder and exploitation of the most vulnerable.”

Havens also extended an olive branch to those opposing the march, encouraging them to join the pro-life movement.

“To those who have fallen for the lie, we love you, and you’re not alone,” he said. “There is healing and community and love for you here that can help you move forward into new life.”

Throughout the demonstration, Boston police employed barricades to separate the two groups, though some counter-protesters attempted to dismantle the barriers. At one point, an officer had to leap over a fence to stop protesters from removing a barricade.

While no injuries were reported, the confrontation created a tense atmosphere as law enforcement worked to prevent further escalation.

The National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion is part of a growing movement to engage men in the fight against abortion. Its website states that the march aims to “get men off the sidelines” and encourage active participation in pro-life advocacy.

However, the event’s focus on men in the abortion debate has drawn criticism from abortion rights supporters, who argue that such activism undermines women’s autonomy.

The arrests in Boston highlight the increasingly contentious nature of abortion-related demonstrations in the U.S. As the debate continues to unfold nationwide, events like the Men’s March and their counter-protests underscore the deep divisions on the issue.

Despite the heated opposition, organizers of the Men’s March pledged to continue their efforts to advocate for the unborn while extending messages of love and unity to those who disagree. Whether such events can foster meaningful dialogue or deepen the divide remains to be seen.


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  • Adult “counter-protesters” who are “dressed as clowns” at a peaceful approved “pro-life march” in order to disrupt it and basically ruin this “pro-life advocacy march for Unborn Persons” is very telling about the “warped mentality and animosity for innocent human life” that those involved in the “clown act” have toward unborn “human babies and other adults who are promoting responsibility and love,” when it comes to this contentious “vital issue for humanity!”

    The “rabble-rouse incitement group” will have to “account to God” someday upon their “final judgment”and they “hopefully will take that seriously and to heart sooner rather than later” so as to “not be duped by the Devil” to join the damned over such “a paramount life and death issue” that “can for many pro-abortion proponents bring eternal damnation!” This is so very serious and they all should wake-up before their time runs out.

    In “God’s own words” thousands of years ago it was “clearly stated as to what the ‘Unborn’ actually are and how God sees them;” there can be no doubt about it and “I pray everyone sees the truth and does the right thing always in such a matter!”

    Luke 1:40-42 “where she entered the home of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42In a loud voice she exclaimed, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”

    For this I pray, brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence.

  • So it’s revealed now that any peaceful protest to protect human life is considered aggressive and rioting, but not one person was murdered or buildings and cars weren’t burning.!
    But if you’re out killing police officers, creating chaos or looting and burning cars and buildings it’s considered peacefully protesting and nobody gets arrested.?

    Just what kind of Hell has the Communist Democrats created.?
    The Communist Mayor who ordered the police officers to arrest peaceful protesters should be removed immediately and arrested and the officers should have disregarded an unlawful order.!

    As a retired Texas Police Officer the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are part of the training we’re supposed to know.

    Good God, just fire everyone and start over and vote for a Republican.

    • “Summer of 2020 Nationwide Rioting and Mayhem” with innocent civilians being raped and killed, but KamaChameleon said boldly at the time, “that the (protests) must continue” while cities and private property were burning to the ground and being pillaged! Hundreds of $Billions in damages too, so no wonder my Insurances have gone up since then for no justifiable reason as I never have any claims!

      Maxine the Crazy Machine Waters went to Minneapolis and told the violent types outside the court during the Officer Derek Chauvin “fraud murder trial” to get in the faces of those jurors and tell them they better come back with a guilty verdict! “Threatening and jury tampering by a supposed congressional member” and nothing is ever done about it?

      Sounds like Anarchy to me and complete civil unrest all of which is unlawful!

      But these decent men who want to speak up as gentlemen for Unborn Persons (innocent human babies in their mommies wombs) and do so peaceably are attacked by “Marxist leftist scums” and “the present upside-down system!!!”

      When is this shit going to be stopped!

      • When the ‘perpetraitors’ are dealt with in a serious fashion.
        As a child not trained in the way that they should go, so is the perp who is taken away and let go.
        NOT completely Biblical but Truth all the same.
        I would love to see pillories make a comeback ;-/

        • Dan R.; absolutely correct! One’s actions must have results or consequences and in these situations there are no positive results as well as no consequences for bad behavior!

          When I grew up I was told by parents, teachers and many other responsible forthright adults to remember, “If I do something wrong I will face the consequences so don’t do it!” What are they teaching them today? Apparently the opposite or nothing!

  • Really simple solution; rip their masks off, ID them, take their phones, hand cuff them all together to a car (Motion optional) or light post. Then put ’em all on flights to IRAN or CHINA! (* or about 10K ‘ above either place) drop em off! Let’s just see how well they do there…
    Oh and BTW Hollyweird… THAT’s must see TV!
    Why do several of these lil ijits LOOK like they belong to ANTIFA??? Hmmmm.
    AND were they chanting “MUST KILL BABIES! , MUST KILL BABIES!…”
    Sorry some may consider this harsh, but haven’t we had enough of these misfits yet?
    Do we REALLY have to wait for (more) innocent death before we deal with them seriously?

    • Dan R., I agree these are harsh measures; that said, I actually think it will have to come to that because there is no correcting these “cretin misfits” and “they are out for blood” so like the “gang mentality blood for blood!” I have thought about the idea of taking them all over China or the Middle East in C-5A Galaxies or even C-130’s and dropping them out the cargo holds in sealed crates by parachute and then to never be seen or heard about again. Let them argue with the Commies or ISIS terrorists because they sure as hell have no respect for this country or appreciate all of the good available here!

  • the baby in the womb is a genetically distinct individual & is NOT the woman’s body & it is not her choice to MURDER that baby.

  • the baby in the womb is a genetically distinct individual & is NOT the woman’s body & it is not her choice to MURDER that baby.

  • James Sesame; Absolutely Correct! All that Propaganda about it being tissue and not viable is an evil manipulation of the reality of that unborn being an innocent human being that deserves all the protection that adults and society can provide; just the opposite of what’s been promoted for several decades, which is all diabolical evil lies and debauchery from hell.