North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is, as I’ve said many times before, the bully on the playground who threatens everyone but doesn’t do anything about it. He talks a big game, but doesn’t follow it up with action.
Earlier this week, North Korea launched a missile over the airspace of Japan and into the Pacific Ocean. This is the equivalent of the bully on the playground picking up rocks and throwing them in your direction, but not trying to hit you, just trying to intimidate you.
People in Japan were terrified after the air raid sirens sounded and people all over the country were warned to seek shelter immediately.
Sirens rang out across Japan after North Korea fired a ballistic missile over the country without warning.
Today's top stories 👉
— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 4, 2022
The Daily Wire reported,
The U.S. and South Korea fired several missiles late on Tuesday in responses to North Korea’s provocation earlier this week in firing a ballistic missile over Japan.
The Japanese government broadcast a warning across the country early Tuesday morning local time after North Korea fired the missile in the direction of the northern part of the country, an apparent escalation. The missile eventually flew overhead and continued into the Pacific Ocean. It was the fifth missile launch in the past 10 days and the 23rd launch since the start of the year.
The U.S. and South Korea fired four surface-to-surface missiles in response to North Korea’s latest nuclear provocation, according to a report from Yonhap News Agency.
This isn’t the first time that the U.S. and South Korea have fired some missiles in response to North Korean action. Earlier this summer, the Hermit Kingdom fired either short-range ballistic missiles toward the East Sea. In response, South Korea launches seven missiles back and the United States launched one.
Ever since Joe Biden took control of the reins, North Korea has responded accordingly by ignoring anything Joe Biden says. Anytime he says something, the White House just ends up having to walk it back so that he doesn’t start World War III.
Nobody takes action against North Korea because as of right now, they haven’t done anything other than make threats. Who knows if and when that may change in the future.
Yep – everyone in the world knows this president is an idiot and they ignore everything he says. They feared Trump – they weren’t able to read him – but they can read old bumbling Joe and this goofball is going to get us into WWIII
You are reading my mind!!
BUMBLING TURD HEAD China Joe doesn’t know what the HELL is going on in the Country or the World. All he can do is Go on Vacation 40 Times in his pertaining president Presidency go sit in his Basement and Watch his Favorite Movie The Adventures of Seseme Street with his Byline Sandwich , Pudding Cup and his FAVORITE Teddy Bear and Mommy Jill by his side in case he CRAPS his Pants.
Funny they didn’t when Trump was in charge! But then he didn’t promise them anything either! They are just looking for their free hand out the other sucker president gave him!
But Un still committed a terroristic act – just ask the Japanese people!
Yah, that’s what ya do. Poke the wasp nest. The threat is real. Better be ready. This would not be happening if the 2020 election was not stolen.
Ralph I agree!
No one respects Joe Biden, not in the US and not abroad. Who can respect a doddering, decrepit, unintelligent fool? So whatever he says is laughed at and derided. The US has become a laughingstock, which is not good when the US is expected to maintain peace and stability in the world. The people who perpetrated election fraud in 2020 might well be responsible for ending human habitation in the world. But today’s Democrats care only about winning – winning at any cost.
Threats of this magnitude cannot be ignored.
Remember, it was Truman that decided to abandon 1 billion Nationalist Chinese allies to Mao in 1946-49. Truman abandoned Tibet to Mao in 1950. Truman canned MacArthur in 1951 and turned victory into defeat in Korea.
Truman and …every …administration …since has bent over to Communist China and North Korea.
So I ask? …What enemy???
The CCP, Wall Street, The US â˜hamber Of â˜ommerce and â˜orporate Ameriâ˜a bribed â˜ongress to write the laws that made it legal to screw over America and allow the greatest transfer of jobs, wealth and intellectual property in modern history to an avowed enemy, Communist China, making them the threat they are today.
â˜ongress and â˜orporate America are the real enemy!