Fox News host Tucker Carlson speculated on the possibility that the Biden administration deliberately caused the explosions which are believed to have caused massive damage to the Nord Stream pipelines during Tuesday night’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Concerns that the pipelines had been “sabotaged” circulated among some European government officials and users across the internet on Tuesday after images released by the Danish military appeared to show geyser-like natural gas eruptions in the Baltic Sea.
Carlson last night appeared to echo those concerns ahead of claims by western pundits that Russia could be responsible for destroying their own pipeline.
Tucker Carlson questions what happened to the Nord Stream pipeline:
"Did the Biden administration really do this?"
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) September 28, 2022
“If you are Vladimir Putin, you would have to be a suicidal moron to blow up your own energy pipelines, that’s the one thing you would never do,” Carlson said. “Natural gas pipelines are the main source of your power, and your wealth, and most critically, your leverage over other countries.”
“Europe needs your energy, now more than ever with winter approaching. If you can’t deliver that energy, then countries like Germany have no need to pay attention to what you want. You’re in the middle of a war, an all hands on deck war, so you need all the leverage you can get,” said Carlson of Russia.
“Under these circumstances, there is no chance that you would blow up Nord Stream 1 or 2, not now, obviously,” he added.
Carlson, like many others, pointed to Biden and Nuland’s past remarks in which they promised that the U.S. government would be able to destroy the pipelines if Russia took military action against Ukraine, which Russia ultimately did shortly thereafter.
The Fox News host subsequently noted a tweet by Polish MEP and former defense minister Radek Sidorski, who yesterday offered a thank-you to the U.S. government after the “deliberate” attack on the pipelines, despite no government or group claiming responsibility for the explosions.
BTW, there's no shortage of pipeline capacity for taking gas from Russia to Western Europe, including Germany. Nordstream's only logic was for Putin to be able to blackmail or wage war on Eastern Europe with impunity.
— Radek Sikorski MEP (@radeksikorski) September 27, 2022
“Did the Biden administration really do this?” Carlson speculated. “It’s hard to believe, given that it’s an atrocity. It’s effectively an act of terrorism. We don’t want to make that accusation.”
“If they did this, this would be one of the craziest, most destructive things any American administration has ever done,” said Carlson.
“But, it would also be totally consistent with what they do. What do they do? They destroy. These people built nothing. Not one thing. Instead, they tear down and they desecrate — from historic statues, to the Constitution, to energy infrastructure,” Carlson noted.
The Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline systems were intended to transport natural gas from Russia to Europe, with each system being made up of two separate pipelines. Three out of the four pipelines are currently experiencing leaks, Danish and Swedish officials say.
Videos of American officials, including Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland, who vowed to “bring an end” to the pipeline system if Russia invaded Ukraine in January and February of this year began circulating online shortly after news of the explosions broke — raising suspicions that the destruction was caused by the United States.
Pres. Biden: "If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."
Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since…the project is in Germany's control?"
Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."
— ABC News (@ABC) February 7, 2022
With a totally dysfunctional President, the US government has no one in charge. A rogue US group could have done anything. The Democrats who cheated the 2020 US election have put the whole world at great risk.
I agree.
I agree with you!!!
With Joe babbling and irresponsible Victoria Nuland wandering around, the US has a great military with no responsible person in charge. Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley seem only nominally useful idiots, more concerned with false proper pronouns, bogus racial history, and irrelevant social niceties than with military readiness and function.
Remember when obumer was in the White house and FIRED 400 General Officers and Navy Admirals who said they would not shoot American citizens if there was a Civil War? The only Admirals and General officers spared were those who would shoot American Citizens, well Austin and Milley were both General Officers and were spared from being fired. Tell you something??????
It tells a lot. It tells us that they cannot be trusted.
America should demand a full investigation of Biden & crony Democrats ….our nation never experiences what is happening in today’s society. Is it the NWO movement?
I never heard of such stupidity in my life. Carlton needs to go back to school and get an education. We aren’t anywhere near the area. We can’t fight in the war. Has Carlton been sleeping all this time.
For what it’s worth, it is well known the U.S. Navy was conducting “exercises” in the general vicinity of the undersea pipelines when this incident took place. Can we almost hear the Democrats excuse if true? “We were cutting Russia’s revenue because they started a war with Ukraine”. Damn the consequences with the European countries affected by it – NATO allies. 🎚️🗽🚂⚓🇺🇲
Thanks for the info. I only get(free tv) 1 news channel; CBS and theya re quite biased re news.
Sorry Dee. Its YOU who needs to wake up. Yes, we were in the area. Get the lying TV out from between your ears.
My dear Dee – I never heard of Carlton either, but apparently you never heard of Tucker Carlson.
Wow, Tucker’s last name is Carlson.
Your comment is absolutely ridiculous, Tucker doesn’t need to go back school, but you need get informed before you make a comment.
See, US was around the area when the incident happened.
You actually think we know every where our forces are at???? I guess you would also believe that we can control the environment, especially when the main polluters are not involved….China, Rissia. Iran. North Korea, etc
For what it’s worth, it is well known the U.S. Navy was conducting “exercises” in the general vicinity of the undersea pipelines when this incident took place. Can we almost hear the Democrats excuse if true? “We were cutting Russia’s revenue because they started a war with Ukraine”. Damn the consequences with the European countries affected by it – NATO allies. 🎚️🗽🚂⚓🇺🇲
With as many irregularities as there were in the 2020 election, such a position as hers is anti American.
” ‘If you are Vladimir Putin, you would have to be a suicidal moron to blow up your own energy pipelines,’ ” but if you are Biden then you are a “suicidal moron” for sure . Are we not to believe what Biden says? God help us.
Tucker has not considered the whole picture. It is possible Biden’s crew might have done something so stupid, considering the Afghan disaster.
But, an old school, hard core communist like Putin would certainly be willingly to sabotage the pipeline to prove a point to European countries. It confronts them with what a total cut off would be like.
Leverage? Yes, Putin wants all the leverage he can get. Fear is very powerful leverage.
Remember. The pipeline flows from Russia into Europe, not the other way around. Putin is willing to endure a temporary financial hit from the sabotage if he can get what he wants by trying sowing fear, confusion, and division in the West. Keep in mind that, Europe (and probably the US) will pay for repairs, not Russia.
I’ve paid attention to communist and Russian tactics for a life time. They do not think the way the West does, and they do not care what we think. 1SG, USA, Ret
Just like Democrats
The Deep State is in a secret war with Russia. To hell with Congress.
General Jack D. Ripper:
Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake:
No, I don’t think I do, sir, no.
General Jack D. Ripper:
He said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought.