The 2020 election was fraudulent. We’ve seen a lot of evidence over the past year, but what you’re about to see is 100% undeniable and it proves that our election results were tampered with and that there really isn’t any real transparency or legitimate oversight in our election system.
The people seen in these videos not only admit to doing what they did, but actually do it while being recorded.
In one of the videos, James Allen who is the Director of Elections Operations in Delaware County, Pennsylvania is seen telling other officials to DESTROY EVIDENCE! In one of the other videos, we see Tom Gallager, who is an attorney for Delaware County, destroying election tapes.
They know that they’re committing felonies, but do they care? Nope. Why would they…they’re Democrats!
BREAKING: Whistleblower in Delaware County, PA with evidence of destruction of election data and equipment.
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) November 18, 2021
More from the whistleblower.
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) November 18, 2021
Whistleblower video 3.
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) November 18, 2021
Newsmax reported,
Delaware County was the last county in the state to fully report its ballots for the 2020 election, and several races were in the scope of being flipped by a few thousand votes.
The lawsuit suggests an election machine shredded thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, with the data corroborating it deliberately erased in the lead up to the right-to-know filing.
Several videos were released as part of the effort to corroborate the claims.
In the first video shared, Tom Gallagher, an attorney for Delaware County, appears to be throwing return ballots into a trash can in anticipation of the election data audit.
“At this point, I don’t want anybody to pick it up, and thinking we threw stuff away,” Gallagher says in the video. “We’re going to have a little campfire going.”
A second video shows a conversation between the whistleblower and a man named “Ziggy.”
“Let’s put it this way. … Yes, there are tapes being tossed,” Ziggy says. “But they are of no audit value.”
A third video was released showing a conversation between two men named Jim Savage and James Allen.
Most fair and secure election ever…right? Give me a break!