Americans in Democrat-run states have suffered under a blanket of tyrannical COVID-related restrictions and gubernatorial mandates. COVID-19 has exposed one of the worst instances of power hungry liberals overreach in modern times.
Michigan’s proud residents have experienced some of the worst policy decisions in the nation. Only supplanted by certain excessive restrictions in New York and California, Michiganders have experienced the heavy hand of a power hunger governor.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has bombarded Michigan people with an incessant number of tyrannical orders and restrictions. Nothing she has done has had any effect on case counts in her state. She is one of dozens of power hunger blue state governors who have abused COVID.
However, her orders have helped destroy hundreds of Michigan businesses. Nevertheless, one business may have helped to stem the tide of blue state governor destruction. The Iron Pig Smokehouse sued the state of Michigan, namely Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
The Northern Michigan restaurant sued to overturn Whitmer’s unscientific, tyrannical block on indoor dining. Otsego County Judge Colin Hunter ruled in favor of the restaurant’s managing partnership, Moore Murphy Hospitality LLC.
In November, at Whitmer’s order, the state health department closed indoor dining and placed a heavy restriction on capacity. The owner of the Iron Pig Smokehouse resisted. They defied the order, continuing to amass violations and the accompanying heavy fines.
The Gaylord restaurant filed a lawsuit in Otsego County District Court. The resulting decision by Judge Hunter is a welcome sense of relief for the thousands of businesses across the nation, business owners who have suffered through these unnecessary shutdowns.
The Iron Pig lawsuit requests $25,000 in damages. They allege, rightfully according to the Michigan Constitution, that Whitmer lacked the authority to impose such mandates. Judge Hunter says they are correct. Like other blue state governors, Whitmer violated her authority.
The court clearly indicated that “In order to have the full force and effect of law, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services emergency order must draw its authority from a lawful delegation of power.” The court focused on a precise constitutional question.
The ruling contends; the director of MDHHS did not have the authority to enact such a mandate, regardless of any order to do so from the Michigan governor. Furthermore, the ruling cited multiple precedents, establishing that the mandate violated the separation of powers.
In support of their legal argument, lawyers for the plaintiff drew on a Michigan Supreme Court ruling from last year. That ruling pointed to a 1945 case where it was ruled that a governor’s order to close bars and restaurants was unconstitutional.
Like every tyrannical lockdown and business closure leveled throughout liberal states, each is a violation of our constitutional rights. The evolution of COVID-19 has also proven these heavy-handed mandates to be unsuccessful at stemming any surge in cases.
These Draconian power grabs have done nothing but destroy American businesses. Thankfully, one Michigan judge applied common sense. Americans are exhausted from COVID-19. However, they are more exhausted by the senseless power grabs from liberal Democrats.
Their policies have failed miserably. However, they’ve destroyed the lives of Americans, some permanently. We hope, as we surface from this pandemic, these ignorant, self-entitled, ironfisted rulers will be held accountable. The Iron Pig Smokehouse ruling is a nice start.