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[Opinion] In what can only be described as an admission of failure, New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio has announced he is furloughing his entire staff.. for a week.

Seriously, after destroying the once-vibrant city’s economy through over taxation, mismanagement, and his draconian response to the CCP virus, de Blasio is preparing to kick in less than $5,000 of his $258,541 annual salary.

Big whoop!

(Fox News) … De Blasio, wife Chirlane McCray and 493 others will take unpaid furlough at some point between October and March 2021, which is expected to save $860,000, according to The New York Times.

“We have to make tough choices to move this city forward and keep our budget balanced,” de Blasio told reporters. The city has been facing a roughly $9 billion budget deficit, officials said.

Tough choices?  Whose fault is the whopping $9 billion shortfall… certainly not the fault of millions of yet-to-be born red state children who the mayor was hoping President Trump would agree to burden with new debt.

De Blasio had been waiting for President Trump and Republicans to cave on bailing out his fiscally irresponsible management while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi held Americans hostage over extensions to unemployment insurance and the payroll protection program.

He admitted as much when he said:

“I couldn’t have imagined no action by Washington, D.C., up until this point. I thought it would be an article of faith that there would be a federal stimulus, but there hasn’t been, and I see no indication that there will be for the remainder of this year.”

The mayor’s job has always been to take care of his own house.  Counting on others to clean up his mess, especially during times of crisis for everyone, was/is grossly irresponsible.

NYC has fallen.  The city was among the world’s most vibrant urban metropolises as recently as 2014, before de Blasio’s election.  That’s how quickly progressives can destroy an economy.

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