President Trump recently revealed the deployment of the United States Military to California, aiming to assist with the wildfire crisis by addressing the state’s water issues. The fires have been relentless across Los Angeles County, leading to mass evacuations and immense destruction. As of Monday, more than 16,200 structures have been lost, and at least 29 lives have been claimed by the flames.
In a bold statement on Truth Social, President Trump declared, _”The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond.”_
He emphasized that prioritizing environmental concerns over human needs is no longer acceptable. This decisive action follows an executive order he signed, titled “Emergency Measures to Provide Water Resources in California and Improve Disaster Response in Certain Areas.”
For weeks, the residents of Los Angeles have witnessed their lives go up in smoke as fires ravaged their homes and possessions. The local firefighters faced an uphill battle, hindered by dry hydrants and insufficient water infrastructure. The toll has been heavy, with the loss of lives and properties, and damage estimates soaring into hundreds of billions of dollars.
The executive order underscored the national impact of the fires, asserting that it is crucial for the entire country to support California in managing and preventing such disasters. _”It is the policy of the United States to provide Southern California with necessary water resources, notwithstanding actively harmful State or local policies,”_ the order declared. The directive aims to empower those affected to rebuild and restore their livelihoods effectively.
Key government officials, including the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security, have been tasked with ensuring adequate water resources for Southern California. The initiative involves _”overriding disastrous California policies,”_ which have been blamed for leaving essential water sources untapped, complicating firefighting efforts and making the wildfires nearly unstoppable.
Critics have pointed fingers at Democrat state and local leaders for failing to maintain critical aquifers, thereby exacerbating the crisis. President Trump’s intervention is seen as a necessary measure to compel the state to provide water to Los Angeles residents, rather than allowing valuable resources to be wasted.
During his visit to Los Angeles on Friday, Trump called out Democrat Mayor Karen Bass for the city’s slow and inadequate response to the emergency. He criticized her for not swiftly utilizing her emergency powers to facilitate the return of evacuated residents and the commencement of rebuilding efforts.
The President didn’t hold back during a live television appearance, where he openly criticized Mayor Bass for the delays in wildfire recovery, describing them as disgraceful. His message was clear: the people of California deserve better, and the federal government is stepping in to ensure that they receive the help they need.
In his late-night announcement, President Trump assured Californians that the military’s intervention would bring much-needed relief. _”Enjoy the water, California!!!”_ he proclaimed, signaling the start of a more proactive approach to disaster management in the state.
The decision to deploy the military and override local policies has sparked discussions about the role of federal intervention in state affairs. However, many see it as a necessary step to address the immediate needs of Californians who have suffered greatly from the wildfires.
The ongoing developments highlight the tension between environmental policies and human needs, with President Trump firmly placing the latter as the priority. His administration’s actions emphasize a commitment to safeguarding citizens’ lives and properties above all else.
As this story unfolds, the focus remains on ensuring that California has the resources it needs to tackle the fires and prevent future catastrophes. The federal government’s involvement is a testament to the serious nature of the crisis and the urgent need for effective solutions.
This intervention by the military marks a significant turn in how wildfire responses are managed, potentially setting a precedent for future disaster management strategies. The situation continues to evolve, with efforts concentrated on providing immediate relief and long-term solutions to those affected by the fires.
While debates continue over the best methods to prevent and respond to such disasters, the current priority is clear: ensuring the safety and recovery of California’s residents. The federal government’s decisive action aims to pave the way for a more resilient and prepared response to future challenges.
California is run by “woke lunatics and some very evil persons!” What they’ve done to that state over the last 25 years and at accelerated breakneck speed while Newsom has had the commander slot, is exactly what the Demoncrap party would be doing to all of America if they hadn’t been stopped with “The People’s Mandate” in the last election!
Newsom must be brought up on charges, tried, convicted and locked away for many years; “he is a walking travesty” and “an abomination to America!” “Crimes Against Humanity” is just the starting point of the long laundry list of horrible crimes he has committed, and what he has done to California and the citizens there is totally inexcusable! Now “he must face Justice!”
In Jesus’ name we must pray!
Exactly Lawrence, and to think he wants to run for President.
Imagine what America would look like in 1 or 2 years under his leadership.? It would look like a huge dumping ground where nobody would be able to live in peace or be safe.
My God, there would be mass murder, rape, pedophilia, no water or electricity, burglary and no firearms for protection. Newscum, would defund Police too.
And I’ll bet anyone, that Communist voters would want to put him in charge of America.!
Time to sue Newsom personally for his wanton destruction of the State of California as well as every elected California official on his watch who sided with Newsom.
Reginald, I’m good with that and all for it! Making sure Newsom and Bass along with all the other just as culpable; are penniless for the rest of their days on this earth!
There is nothing like a well-armed populace to make it tough for tyranny, as OUR SECOND AMENDMENT SAYS, the right to bare arms shall not be infringed.
Reginald P Zenkewich; It’s never applied in America like it does now!!! America is failing and becoming a broken maybe extinct empire if all these evil doers and foreign nation enemies have their way! I think we’re now in America’s last shot or hope of fully recovering and building up to being again the leading nation of the world; if not China plans on and is taking over the planet! A world of communist totalitarian Big Brother Brutal Control!
Michael you know what you’re talking about; and that is exactly what would happen to this Nation! LA and San Francisco which back in the day were really pretty nice places to visit, live or work in, and I know because I got to be there in them doing all of that when it was good. But now they are hellish sewers and cesspools of filth, crime, degeneration and deprivation the likes of which I would not have imagined would be the case now if asked back then! So far my Brother it looks like the Devil got his due there and is bringing all down to being a total dumpster fire and perhaps like a hell on earth in some of its cities!
Absolutely Michael; I can’t bear to think about that because I know for sure 100% if he ever became President this earth would be at the hell on earth stage and I pray that God Almighty is not going to need to allow that to happen and things to go that far before stepping in!
Newscum would be absolutely serving Satan 100% as I think he has already!
Newsom should and must be charged with homicide for his criminal actions where People died and property was destroyed due to his policies that curtailed every effort to reduce the danger of vegetation fires that got out of control because of the build-up of vegetation over time. Reduce the forest fuels and you will not have such devastation of fires that take out whole communities and the loss of life.
Newsom must be held accountable for his crimes against the citizens off LA CALIF. and charged with these criminal acts arrested, tried and when convicted punisshed to the fullest extent of CRIMINAL LAWS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Yes these measures are academic and common sense programs in use around the nation and even children get it! But this was outright intentional radical negligence by Newsom and many others there in that God forsaken nightmare!
I bet he was diverting funds that would have prevented all of this, to some insane off the wall leftist concoctions and those huge 700 $Thousand + per year Bass salaries that she and others get for doing “NOTHING” but being yes puppets!!! The Devil’s Own, It’s all beyond insane and is very EVIL!
Again I know this is absolutely in the realm of Crimes Against Humanity and Nature; Newsom actually twitches with delight when talking on camera in some interviews, because “he is Demonic and a total Psychopath!” He’s never had such evil pleasure than what he gets now out of this Horror upon California!
California democratic leaders don’t have the right to “pick and choose” what type of Federal Assistance they will accept. It’s all or nothing! We the American taxpayer are not thrilled to have to once again (and again, and again, and again) step in and save California from their big egos and lack of common sense. Their leaders should all be impeached and tried in court for gross mismanagement — and forbidden from running for public office ever again.
Scott E High; correct but they absolutely should receive the appropriate criminal punishment that is due! No more elitist free passes like Pelosi, Schiff and many others in that den of debauchery have gotten regularly over the years; time for heads to roll!
Correct Lawrence, all Communist Democrats and Rinos are guilty of committed felony crimes which they should be charged for Capitol Felonies the highest level of charges connected to the death penalty.!
There shouldn’t be any sympathy for what they’ve done and no excepting any apologies as Communist Democrats have done over the years with a slap on the wrist, having them do it all over again.
And I do agree with everyone’s comments that Newscum should be prosecuted and held accountable for the deaths and fires which was his and Bass’s priority job to protect the citizens.
Notice how Bass and Newscum always are smiling ear to ear when questioned as if their proud of what happened.
I’d love to take a baseball bat and knock the shit out of them both.
A State that kept voting for Communist Democrats which has been destroyed under the same party over and over again..
Will they wake up and realize they’ve been lied to.? I doubt it.
Good statements on your part Lawrence.
Even if these leaders are removed, the idiot majority in California would just vote in more of the same. If the residents haven’t learned by now, they never will. I was born and raised there and cannot remember a time that LA was not a dangerous cesspool. I got out of there in 2006, and you couldn’t pay me to go back. My best friend lives there and is a perfect example of the mindset. She texted me the other day that Trump was trying to take away everything good in that state.
Jacqueline Johnson; you are absolutely right!
I lived and worked out there even right in LA for a few years after having moved from the East and it was really cool and nice back a while ago! It’s a “night and day” radical change that took place; and it’s not going to be fixed I’m sorry to say, “It’s too far gone!!!” Sorry also that your poor friend is a good example, of the “indoctrination” that’s been going on for decades out there, and now literally many are just sheeple, like barnyard animals they do as dictated to them! People can get so used to something over time and living a certain way, like even being a junkie in a sense, they “don’t see the forest for the trees;” and big change scares them, thus this reaction your friend has!
I have to add I’m happy that you made the move when you did too, I had a good past before my time out there, so I saw some writing on the wall and knew it wasn’t me to stay! And now it comes down to a much bigger issue than any of this we’re talking about or even what I faced years ago, so I think it won’t be a bad idea to look at my other message below this one.
God bless you and yours!
Michael my Brother; I know how you feel I do believe and it’s so bad to see this much evil being pushed out upon the innocent people and the natural environment with all of its simple creatures when all of it could have been prevented!!! Newscum and his leftist pals screamed about how they were saving a fish which was their fake out story to just do what they did to the State; but also went and destroyed countless species of animals, plants and fauna that will take decades if ever to make a comeback; they are hypocrites and liars to the nth degree and this proves it! They deserve baseball bats and then some!
I can’t have pity for such wicked corrupted to their core people that “don’t give a rat’s ass” about anything other than their own bloated guts and egos!
Note: Politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and most media folks, suggest most of you best do your research and educate yourselves on the details of envelopment operations for that is what Donald is bringing to American government at every level (see message below). At least dig your foxholes deeper and add overhead cover. Also, those of you who support all the unchecked opposition to Donald Trump and/or his programs, and all you Rinos who ride on his coattails yet refuse to stand beside him better thank the Lord that Donald has refused (so far) to accept the “clean the swamp” plan submitted to him by a group of retired military officers. Have a nice day. Soldier/Cop, Retired
America, we are once again on the path to make America great again. Why? Because over 75 million of us have re-elected the very first true ‘Battle Captain’ to ever serve as our President and Commander-in-Chief. Why do I say Donald Trump is our first true Battle Captain? Because, Donald Trump is the first president to regularly demonstrate that the ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ are a part of his character. The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ listed in the order of their importance as determined in a 1980 survey of 1645 ground combat veterans are: CANDOR, COMPETENCE, COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, COURAGE, COMPASSION, and COURTESY.
As one of the army officers charged with finding a true Battle Captain among all those army officers serving this nation from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam Conflict, I can testify that we only found one officer who made the grade of ‘Battle Captain’. And, he like Donald Trump was not a professional soldier. A year before the Battle of Gettysburg he was a college professor, yet most historians credit him for saving the Union Forces left flank and forcing General Lee to commit his forces to a frontal attack which failed. The Battle of Gettysburg is generally credited as the turning point of the Civil War and lead to the surrender of the Confederate Forces two years later.
Donald Trump has proven that he is indeed a Battle Captain. He has turned the attacks on our flanks and now I am confident he will succeed in an overwhelming envelopment of all the forces trying to destroy America. God bless and protect Donald Trump, and God Bless and protect America as we help Donald Trump make America great again. I leave you with one question. Are you willing to fight for America, your family, and/or yourself?
Soldier/Cop, Retired
One way or another we should know by now that one way or another that the Globalist Cabal in charge want multitudes of us wiped off the face of the earth, to make more of it their world, ya know the king of the mountain thing or bully! And who might those nefarious ones be serving I ask you?
Get to your Bibles people and do it now, you do know that our real lives aren’t here in this screwed world, but are in eternity and it’s time to choose which side you want more than anything; being on His left or on His right!
Matthew 25:46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Matthew 25:31-46 NIV “The Sheep and the Goats”
God bless.
Please look up the full verses. And if you don’t pray please do that!
Mimi; stated very well!