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In a disturbing incident that harkened back to the darkest days of history, a Jewish Chassidic student found himself being harassed and shadowed by radical leftists on the campus of Yale University on a Saturday night.

The young man, who was peacefully going about his business, was subjected to intimidation and verbal abuse by pro-Palestinian protesters who were singing a peace song as they targeted him.

The actions of these individuals were not only deeply troubling but also reminiscent of a time when antisemitism ran rampant and Jewish individuals faced discrimination simply because of their faith.

Oli London, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, drew attention to the parallels between this incident and the events of 1939 when Nazi forces prevented Jewish students from entering Vienna University solely based on their religious background.

The Yale leftists also tore down a US flag on campus – cheering as it hit the ground.


Jews on campus are regularly confronted with anti-Jewish and anti-Isreal displays.

“F**k Israel! Israel a b*tch!” – A Jewish student accosted with a boombox at the Yale protest last night.

The enlightened Yale protesters restricted the freedom of Jewish students to walk through their protest zone on campus.

Another human chain was formed blocking the Jewish student on campus.

In conclusion, the recent incident at Yale University involving the harassment of a Jewish Chassidic student by radical leftists serves as a stark reminder of the enduring presence of antisemitism and intolerance in society.

The actions taken against the students, including intimidation, verbal abuse, and the tearing down of a US flag, not only reflect a disturbing lack of respect for individuals’ beliefs and freedoms but also evoke painful memories of past atrocities against Jewish communities.


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  • They’ve been conditioned to hate America and Isreal, teachings by the Communist Anti-American, Anti-Isreal Muslim Professors.
    Those Fuc*ing Muslims should all be fired and deported back to their Country in Iran or be shot.!
    All students who are to far gone should have their Citizenship removed and deported also.
    Those Anti-American Campuses should have all Government funding stopped immediately or shutdown.!

    • They should never have been allowed in the country in the first place, much LESS given platforms to indoctrinate students with their POISONOUS “religion.” A group whose openly avowed purpose is to invade, conquer and ENSLAVE a country’s citizens is not entitled to ANY protection, and should never have been allowed into ANY Western country!

    • @Michael Smith: Agreed. Mozlems are Satanic filth. Didn’t anyone do their homework on Islam after 9/11? I guess not.

  • This is the result of allowing Communists/CCP into the universities.Democrats have worked on this for 6-7 decades to destroy America

  • Protests are a form of free speech which is a constitutional right. This protest, although protected by our constitution, is particularly heinous. Our only legal recourse is to exercise our right to free speech and actively stand against these protesters. There is a danger to this because blocking one form of free speech can/will eventually lead to blocking other forms. I don’t have an answer.

    • The answer is when these people are preventing Jewish students from going to class, STABBING them in the eye with Palestinian flags, etc, etc, that is NOT a protest, it is an ATTACK, and there is NO Constitutional protection for that activity.

      • I stand corrected. Protest is still protected but when it goes beyond protest, then it’s criminal.

  • This is exactly what indoctrination brings! More ignorance in education! I am so glad that I am old and was never taught to hate God or my country! These kids are dumb as rocks!!!

  • When the hell that college Ceo’s start doing their job. This is horrible to things against a student, not doing anything have to leave in fear of his life. When are going to stand up and do what is right. How can you support the protest and tearing down the american flag. Horrible and they should be expelled from the college and outsiders punished. When they do this and student’s have this on their record it will be hard to find a job. Yale’s high price education is going to take a hit and students going elsewhere. Have you notice only blus states have this problem.

    • The CEO’s ARE doing their jobs. Their purpose is to do the bidding of Demcommies that own them. Any attempt to stop the mayhem would lead to their immediate removal from their cushy, overpaid “jobs,” as well as a mysterious disappearance.

  • Decades of leftwing Marxist Professors constant with their drumbeat of hate towards our country and our ways have finally come home to roost. They created this monster and now it is out of control.

  • This is what happens when you get a lot of Leftist/Communist idiots infiltrating the colleges. Not a single one of these morons is employable.
    This is what happens when you let the Mozlem filth into the country. Today it’s protesting. Tomorrow it’s rape, beheadings and blowing things up. Islam is nobodies’ friend. Those people are just plain evil.
    Fck Palestine and Mozlems.

  • Little College Kids only Have Little Brains, if any. They just want to Protest anything that makes sense. Maybe we should use them to Beef up our weakening, Military…

  • If Yale students are destroying American flags, this is not a Pro-Palestine rally. I think it is time to move police in and arrest everyone not a student. Stop all government financial support to Yale and arrested students in violation of student codes. Common sense does not appear to be a ready commodity here. Perhaps a money slap will impress them.

  • I see that these Universities are and have been agitating to bring down the USA by teaching young brains and minds to hate everything about the USA. Joe Biden is stealing the tax dollars to pay off these student- criminals loans. CONGRESS NEEDS TO PUT THEIR BOOTS ON JOE’S NECK WHEN IT COMES TOO THE THEFT OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS. These Universities need to rethink the hiring of professors form countries who hate the USA and need to be returned to their home countries and start teaching these students the benefits of their American Way of Life instead of hatred for their HOME LAND.

  • They know they can get away with it at yale, full of rich weak liberal pussies. Try that shit in front of bikers, and you’d be dead in minutes