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On Capitol Hill, conservative lawmakers are reeling from what they see as a complete betrayal by Representative Mike Johnson. The Louisiana Republican has once again violated the Hastert Rule by passing a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine, despite strong opposition from his conservative colleagues.

The Hastert Rule, named after former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, dictates that a majority of the majority party should support any legislation brought to the floor for a vote. This rule is seen as crucial in ensuring that the agenda of the majority party is upheld and that minority viewpoints are not given undue influence.

However, Representative Johnson’s decision to push through the Ukraine aid package without majority support from his own party has left many conservatives feeling blindsided and betrayed. Some have even accused him of prioritizing foreign interests over the needs of American citizens.

Critics of the aid package argue that it represents an unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer dollars at a time when domestic issues like border security, infrastructure, and healthcare are in dire need of attention. They also point to concerns about corruption in Ukraine and question the wisdom of sending such a large sum of money to a country with a history of mismanagement.

For many conservative readers, Representative Johnson’s actions serve as a stark reminder of the challenges they face in advancing their agenda in Congress. The willingness of some lawmakers to break ranks and side with Democrats on key issues underscores the need for vigilance and unity within conservative ranks.

Johnson’s stance began to waver in early March following a meeting at the White House on February 28. This shift in position comes after months of behind-the-scenes efforts by both the White House and establishment Republicans to persuade him to reconsider his priorities.

According to sources cited by Politico, Johnson’s proposed Ukraine bill, which includes significant foreign aid provisions, has been positioned as a crucial foreign policy win for President Biden. The bill has been described as a means of granting Biden a major victory that has eluded him for over a year.

“We’ve been working with him for months to try to get him there,” one anonymous lawmaker revealed, highlighting the extensive efforts made to bring Johnson in line with the broader Republican agenda.

The document circulated by Republican House members aims to hold Johnson accountable for his stance and ensure that border security remains a top priority for the party. It underscores the ongoing internal debates within the GOP regarding the allocation of resources and priorities in light of national security concerns.

Johnson held a vote on a border security bill earlier in the day, but Johnson moved that bill under suspension of the rules, which meant it required two-thirds support to pass.

It received 215 votes to 199 in opposition and, therefore, failed.

The Senate is expected to act on the bill soon after receiving it.

As tensions continue to simmer within the Republican ranks over these diverging viewpoints, it remains to be seen how Johnson and his colleagues will navigate this challenging terrain in the days ahead.

As this controversial aid package moves forward, it remains to be seen how conservative voters will respond to what they perceive as a breach of trust by one of their own. For now, all eyes are on Representative Mike Johnson as he navigates the fallout from this latest political maneuver.


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  • Mike Johnson is NO better than Paul Ryan was….. and he stabbed Republicans in the back an number of times…

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    Mike Johnson is no patriot and has now become an Enemy of the United States, how much did the Communist Democrats and Rinos give you traitor Johnson.??
    $61, billion dollars at the expense of the taxpayers and more kickbacks for all you Traitorous Communist son of a bitches to deposit in banks across the planet.!!
    While more Illegals pour across the open Borders to Rape, murder, never ending store theft and car jacking, more Police Officers murdered, Squatters and not one Fuc*ing Communist Democrat and Rino gives a shit about the lives of the American People.!!
    Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros pulling the strings on pedophile, classified document selling, China operative Anti-American Illegitimate Joe Biden who’s to Stupid to realize what’s right and wrong, who can’t put two sentences together without Fuc*ing things up.!!
    They’ve got America where they want us because they know they can get away with High Crimes and Treason without repercussions.
    I’m not going to live under Communism and a Dick-tator wannabe, I’ll protect my family and friends and I may go down but not without a hell of a fight.
    I took an Oath when I joined the Army and again when I joined the police department here in Texas, and I stand by that Oath today.
    So what are you going to do America.? Had enough.?

    • Sadly, there are not enough of us who will step up to take the country back from the Marxist. I have a lot of tough talking “patriot” friends, but I know that there is only one that will go with me if the time comes,………..and it is coming! I’m so ashamed of my fellow countrymen now and how pussified we as a society have become. I always thought we as Americans would stand up to a communist takeover but boy was I wrong. I knew when 95% of the country coward to the COVID bs (I did not) the corrupt government and bureaucrats had us for good. I will stand with you sir when the time comes but I think we will not have the numbers to take the hill.

      • I know you’re so very right on that Dr.BBA I can’t believe that millions of Americans have coward to the Communist in Washington DC and would rather stay home and watch our America burn down and the Constitution be shredded.
        It’s beyond anything I’ve ever thought would happen.

  • We wouldn’t be in this mess if the worthless Republicans would have given Jim Jordan the Speaker position. Johnson is just another establishment pos that is part of the uni-party takeover of all of our lives!

    • Yes indeed Dr.BBA, that’s why I will not give another dime to the Republican Party, they’ve stabbed America in the back and the fake Republicans that lied to the voters who are RINOS are filling both Senate and Congress seats by alarming rates.

  • Throw this communist pig out and I mean throw, shame this Traitor and those that supported this vile despicable criminal all need Thrown in the street all benefits revoked security clearance assets, property confiscated banned for entire life from working in any public, government, judiciary, law of any kind, including schools, universities, courts, anything of any consequence or power, and prosecuted for Treason high deception to the American people