In a recent interview, Nancy Pelosi, likened to a mafia boss, openly took credit for orchestrating the ousting of Joe Biden in the Democrat Party coup.
This move has been deemed as “democracy” by Democrats.
Just weeks ago, there was a silent weekend coup within the Democrat Party which resulted in Joe Biden being removed from his position as the presidential candidate.
He had disappeared due to COVID and upon his return, he was no longer in the running.
This swift maneuver sparked rumors that Biden had passed away.
Pelosi has been identified as the mastermind behind this scheme and has now confirmed her involvement.
She expressed dissatisfaction with the direction of things, revealing her role in the events to The New Yorker.
Nancy Pelosi: “I love him so much. I think he’s been really a fantastic President of the United States.
So I really wanted him to make a decision of a better campaign because they were not facing the fact of what was happening. Just a little background. I’ve never been that impressed with his political operation. I’m not.
I mean, it just happened. They won the White House. Bravo. So my concern was, this ain’t happening, and we have to make a decision for us this to happen, and the President has to make the decision for that to happen. Let me just say, I won’t say necessarily I knew doing at that time. I knew what I was doing in the whole thing, not just that ship. Donald Trump would never set foot in the White House again.”
The democratic process was undermined when she appropriated the votes of 14 million Democrat primary voters, and is now shamelessly boasting about it.
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Pelosi is a liar, a con artist. She cares nothing for this country except what she could gain for her finances. She should be in jail rather than the January 6th people.
She had that sham of a committee which lied & lied to the american people, did not return documents. She admitted on a video that she is responsible for January 6th.
What a despicable, vile person.
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So, Pelosi claims to have mastermined the stabbing in the back of Braindead Joe
Biden . I find that hard to believe since Pelosi can’t even keep her husband from soliciting homosexual prostitutes to service him in their home. Looking for another hammering, perhaps?
WOW, Pelosi just dropped Biden without any primary for his supporters to make the decision & took all his donations and gave it to Kamala? Isn’t that UNDEMOCRATOIC? DDECEIVE US.EMOCS NEVER CEASE TO DECEIVE US.