In a notable development, Kamala Harris participated in a 45-minute interview with the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), her second on-camera interview of the campaign and the first without her running mate, Tim Walz.
Following Donald Trump’s earlier interview with the NABJ, Harris faced scrutiny in addressing issues raised by the Black community.
When asked about polling that shows younger Black men leaning toward Trump due to economic concerns, Harris struggled to provide a clear response, emphasizing instead that Black men should not be assumed to be in anyone’s “pocket.”
During the interview, Harris adhered closely to scripted responses and failed to significantly distinguish herself from her role as vice president under the Biden administration, despite concerns from the NAACP about her campaign’s dwindling support among Black voters.
When pressed on how her economic policies would help young Black men who feel neglected, Harris offered a general statement rather than detailing specific plans, which some saw as a missed opportunity to connect with the audience on a critical issue.
“I appreciate the spirit of the question, but I’ll tell you, I’ve often been asked this question in a way that I’ve had to respond by first saying that I think it’s very important to not operate from the assumption that Black men are in anybody’s pocket,” Harris responded, adding that she had to earn votes rather than assume she “was going to have it because I’m Black.”
Watch the trainwreck unfold below:
Harris’ “word salad” frustrated viewers on X who wanted her to answer the question.

Many noted that she failed to answer a relatively simple question.
Sounds like she has a first grade education.
I seen a segment on that interview and Krapala Harris is one stupid individual who can’t give a speech without a Teleprompter or an ear ring with a transmitter built-in getting instructions from the Communist Muslim Barack Obama.
That stupid knee pad walking mattress will completely destroy America and the Constitution if Elected but The Communist fake news CNN, MSNBC and with help from the Communist pedophiles and faggots in Hollywood and Communist Talk Show hosts who continue to talk trash and calls for the assassination of President Trump are getting more brain dead Morons to try to get President Trump one way or another.
And if that isn’t enough America is full of stupid dumbasses who’ll vote for Krapala just because she’s a Communist Democrat and a lieing Anti-Constitution Communist Bitch who claims to be Black..
Hi Michael Smith, what you said is so true and you made me laugh too; because of how you point out the ridiculousness of these whack jobs in high office with a chunk of the populace supporters actually brain dead or trying hard to be, so they can just sit around like zombies on any drugs of their choice as evil rules them!
And this Harris is claiming to be black when she isn’t really an actual black but an amalgam of various races I mean just looking at her one can see she is liar! She lies constantly and go figure that she looked up to Bidumb often saying he is so brilliant; and truth be known they are two of the stupidest people I’ve ever seen in politics!
Lawrence, in the words (sort of) what Forest Gump would say; Stupid is as Stupid does.
For many years I thought the Communist Ex-idiot in Chief O’l peanut picking farmer Jimmy Carter was a dumbass nation destroyer with the gas wars, the 50 American Hostages, Islam siding, devision in America was a dumbass enemy, but then came another useless idiot O’l Bill Communist Clinton who got his BJ in the White House, then the Navy ship was bombed by Muslim Terrorist killing many Sailors and didn’t do a thing about it, (the name of the ship escapes me), Then he and Hitlery stole Furniture, silverware, plates, pictures and the letter W off all keyboards and with several millions stolen before voted out, and that’s a common everyday Democrat thief, liar, hate towards our Military POS.
Then along came a foreign born Islamic homosexual Anti-American, Anti-Constitution Communist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama who created a race war, a war on Law Enforcement, Divided the Country to almost no return, invited the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House on many occasions, threatened to stop funding NASA unless they allow Muslims to be hired, Bowed down to Muslim kings and kissed their rings, sent $ Billions to Iran and more in the middle of the night, started the Climate Accord in France, Gave himself a Payraise and told Americans to tighten their belts, closed down factories, Created massive unemployment, fired the CEO at GM and took a huge percentage for himself, Hid his Birth certificate from the public, Was worth a few $ thousand before taking office and left office being worth $ 80 million. (just how does that happen).? And not one Damn thing happened to him, not even any investigations or accusations because the scare stiff, pansie do nothing Republicans were too scared to be called a RACIST.!!
Then comes Pea Brain with one brain cell cheats his way into office as the Communist Muslim Obama designed, he alone stole many classified documents when he was VP up until today, committed Sedition, Treason, against the American Citizens, more unemployment, businesses closed down, opened the borders and so on.
More Americans are dieing and still the panty waist Republicans don’t do a damn thing about it but Talk, Talk, Talk.
It’s sickening to see how the Communist Democrats get away with so much when their all the law makers and We The People have to obey it or go to jail while they break their own laws and walk away like Hitlery when she Created the Pay for Play selling classified information, selling Uranium to Russia, Murdering people who knew her and involved in the crimes she committed, it’s now becoming more evident that According to Greg Gutfeld she is the one who has put a hit on President Trump.
Not in those exact words but I can read between the lines.
She’s involved in alot.
Hi Michael, that is some check list and I agree its and accurate list of all the crimes and dirty dealing traitors that have abused our nation and We the People! It is hard to believe or I should say I don’t want to, that so much bad like that has been perpetrated over the decades yet no accountability, nothing just; “screw you all!” I have to say though even growing up my dad would say nobody gets away with anything in this world because one day they pay the piper! Then he said who has the final say in everything? Of course making sure I had my head on straight and I would say that is God. And he added so don’t forget it! I’m happy my parents and grandparents were the genuine article and helped me so much to see the light from an early age and then even in adulthood nice reminders here and there! I should say even a kick in the ass but not physically but mentally I got the jolt! All out of love and goodness.
I love that line in the movie and have used it online when I had Twitter, LinkedIn as well these news sites; “stupid is as stupid does!”
Thanks for the great comment which inspired and the laugh in there!
Barack Obama found a way to get a third term… (Biden) now he wants a forth with Harris. We all know he is the pupet master.
Lois; the demonic have had the edge since that POS Bathhouse Barry became the first complete FRAUD president in America’s history! He is in unison with Satan!
Kamala wouldn’t even answer the “better off” question in the rigged debate.
At this point, it seems apparent that “journalistic integrity” has totally vacated the building at ABC News; and, the network is hitting the panic button after a sworn statement essentially proves that the Trump v. Harris, et. al., debate was rigged! David Muir, one of the co-conspirators in this despicable action is now trying to do “damage control” as his news program, “World News Tonight,” is being hit with a significant 12% drop in viewership.
On September 15, an affidavit was released by a “whistle blower,” who swore, under penalties of perjury, that ABC coordinated with Harris’s team to ensure favorable conditions for her during the debate, and that the two groups even met without Trump’s team even being present. Agreements included restrictions on topics, time periods, selective fact-checking and mike controls to limit any cross-talk.
Harris is a parrot will say anything her real bosses tell her what
To do and say. That’s why she doesn’t want to speak off the cuff. She has no clue what’s really going on around the world or at home she has to be told every day what to say and how to say it. Typical dumb ass ghetto hood asshole.
Sue, you said exactly the way I would have told it.
Good comment.
Sue; totally agree!