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At the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit Kickoff Party on Wednesday evening, Joe Biden drew attention for his remarks about California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Biden attended the APEC Summit in San Francisco and met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for the first time in a year. In preparation for Xi’s visit, city leaders had worked to rapidly address sanitation issues in the area.

In his speech at the event, Biden spoke highly of Newsom and appeared to invite him to take over as President. This statement caused some surprise among those gathered.

I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man.

Matter of fact, he can be anything he wants, he could have the job I’m lookin’ for.


Governor Newsom has firmly maintained that he does not intend to challenge Vice President Biden in the 2024 election; however, many Americans remain unconvinced, and Biden’s remarks did little to allay these doubts.

Gavin Newsom may be considering taking a shot at the presidency given that polls overwhelmingly show that most Americans, including Democrats, do not want another Biden term.

Last month, Newsom had an opportunity to practice his role as commander-in-chief on a week-long trip he took to both China and Israel.

During this time, he had a photo-op with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and held private conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping concerning topics such as climate change.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden was seen heading towards Gwen Stefani while she was performing at the event; although it appeared he was about to plant an unwanted kiss on her, he eventually hugged her instead.

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  • I don’t know about the headline. Biden never showed any competence in his career, so he really isn’t suddenly “shot”.

  • Biden is right for once. Newsome has certainly been ‘One hell of a governor’. That’s exactly what he’s turned California into.

  • What the heck is Gwen Stefani doing performing at an event that has a communist leader, a demented President and our own So. Cal communist Gavin Newsom. Cmon’ Shelton, turn her in the “right” direction!

  • IIf Biden is not the worst man elected by the people of America, just immagine this, next is Harris, Neusom and then te future is bleak, America will be an immagination of no more realisation of no existence.

  • Biden could not even pass the interview test to be a Walmart greeter.

    ( …he possibly could qualify to sniff people like a dog checking for folks for drugs or bombs)

  • Newsom doesn’t have a chance in hell to be president. Americans don’t want what he’s selling look at California armpit of America. He’s a total asshole that California’s don’t want him.
    This schmuck would destroy America faster than brain dead Biden. God bless America. We need Trump now.

  • LMAO!!-Figured It Out Yet???-The Scum are Terrified Of Trump And Will MAKE SURE-He Doesn’t Return!!-Pulling Out ALL the Stops -The Rock?-Newsom Is Their Man And Michael Obonehedama Is Its V.P.!-Forget Russia This Will Be China’s Collusion-Conquering America Without a Shot Fired And Xing Will Calm Putin Down And America Will Be Theirs!!-A Genius Move And Trump Will Be History!-Watch How Fast The Trump Trap Goes Away Once China Has Its New Puppet In the Hell House!

  • I have a problem. How is it that the people of Gaza do not kn ow where the tunnels are located in Gaza? It appears they should know where the hostages are located.