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During a raid on President Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago, FBI agents scattered documents on the floor.

In August 2022, President Trump accused the FBI of taking his will and 1,800 other items during the raid authorized by President Biden.

Judge Cannon’s ruling confirmed that it was indeed President Biden who ordered the FBI to access the documents and personal belongings at Mar-a-Lago.


Despite the Biden administration’s claims of non-involvement, it was reported in September 2022 that the FBI, under Chris Wray, fabricated a crime scene at Trump’s residence.

They added their own documents to the scene and manipulated at least one photo.

The FBI staged the crime scene by placing their documents, photoshopping evidence, and scattering papers on the floor.

It is evident that the documents were likely stored in cabinets nearby rather than on the floor as portrayed in the manipulated images.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago by Biden’s corrupt FBI was a premeditated scheme, as we initially revealed.

Further evidence now supports our claim, highlighting the collusion of the thoroughly corrupt DOJ and FBI in orchestrating this setup.

Recently, Judge Cannon disclosed previously hidden documents to the public. The unredacted papers confirm our assertion that the Mar-a-Lago raid was indeed a setup.

According to Julie Kelly’s report on X, a large pallet of boxes originally held by GSA was mysteriously deposited at Mar-a-Lago.

These boxes contained papers marked as “classified,” further adding to the suspicious nature of the raid.

Smells like a set up.

However, political operative Jack Smith may have crossed a line he cannot retreat from.

It seems that Jack Smith has engaged in the same illegal behavior as Biden’s Special Counsel, an offense for which Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is incarcerating January 6 defendants.

Journalist Andrea Widburg at American Thinker has astutely observed a crucial detail overlooked by traditional media and mainstream progressives — Jack Smith, the political hitman, has breached the same law that the Biden administration is leveraging to imprison January 6 protesters who participated in a peaceful rally without committing any violent acts.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has just admitted that he and other DOJ and FBI minions manipulated documentary evidence underlying the Mar-a-Lago case against Donald Trump. Everybody from Judge Aileen Cannon on down realizes this is bad. Still, I wonder how many people have noticed that Smith has admitted to doing what the J6 defendants are accused and have been convicted of doing: Violating 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). The statutory charges against the J6 defendants are a specious abuse of the law but they perfectly fit Smith’s admitted conduct.

One of the main tools in the DOJ arsenal against anyone near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, is § 1512(c)(2), which the DOJ claims means imprisonment for a person who “corruptly…obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding…” That is what the DOJ claims happened when ordinary Americans (a) exercised their rights of free speech and (b) usually inadvertently, entered onto Capitol land after masked agitators had removed “no trespassing” signage and fencing and after the Capitol police had opened the building’s doors. The penalty is fines and/or imprisonment, with the latter potentially as long as 20 years…

…To imprison ordinary Americans, the DOJ came down hard on subsection (c)(2) of the statute because it contains the phrase “official proceeding.”

(c) Whoever corruptly—


(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,

But while the DOJ is focusing everyone’s attention on subsection (2), they’re ignoring subsection (1):

(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding…

It reminds me of Smith’s admission to Judge Aileen Cannon about his and his minions’ handling of the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago, documents that then served as the basis for his decision to indict Donald Trump.

Read the entire piece by Andrea Widburg here.

ICYMI: GA Court of Appeals Agrees to Review President Trump’s Request to Disqualify Fani Willis from RICO Case

Doug Goldsmith

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  • It’s smoke and mirrors, a sham, no victim, no Constitutional
    BASIS! Should have been thrown out in the first half hour!
    Merchan is a disgrace to the robe!

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  • Ever since the Communist Muslim Obama and Biden took over along with Communist Hitlery who sold American Uranium to the Russians, the Un American Anti-Constitution FBI ( full blown idiots) have become even more like Nazi SS than ever before, now worsen under the Illegitimate dumbass Puppet Biden.

  • Everyone of Smith people and Smith himself deserves to be tried and jailed for their unlawful actions as trying to illegally set up a former President of the US.
    As well as the phony and liars in the DofJ for their hiding of evidence in the J6 trials and Nancy Pelosi who withheld those videos that could have exonerated those J6 defendants…



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