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House Republicans, led by Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk, are pressing for the release of all communications between ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson and the office of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, as per The Daily Caller’s initial report.

Earlier, Congressman Barry Loudermilk had acquired a transcript of the interview with the presidential motorcade driver, which contradicts ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson’s assertion that Trump attempted to seize control of the limo’s steering wheel on January 6.

The secret service driver aimed to swiftly disprove Cassidy Hutchinson’s falsehoods regarding Trump’s conduct in the ‘beast’ on January 6.

However, Liz Cheney and other members of the J6 committee dismissed his efforts and allowed Hutchinson’s false claims to dominate the news.

Just The News reported:

House investigators have obtained evidence showing that former President Donald Trump’s Secret Service driver wanted to quickly refute testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson alleging a struggle in the presidential limousine during the Capitol riots but the Democrat-led January 6 committee rebuffed him for months.

The evidence was confirmed to Just the News both by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, the chairman of the House subcommittee that is investigating the Jan. 6 tragedy now for Republicans, and a transcript of the driver’s interview that was conducted months after he first offered to testify.

Loudermilk on Tuesday evening decried the delay by the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee, saying it kept Americans in the dark for months ahead of the 2022 midterm elections that there was firsthand testimony refuting Hutchinson’s sensational hearsay narrative that Trump tried to violently commandeer his Secret Service limousine on Jan. 6, 2021, to take it to the Capitol.

In March, House Republicans unveiled a report that dismantled the testimonial credibility of Cassidy Hutchinson, the key witness in Liz Cheney’s January 6 investigation, regarding Donald Trump’s actions.

“None of the White House Employees corroborated Hutchinson’s sensational story about President Trump lunging for the steering wheel of the Beast. However, some witnesses did describe the President’s mood after the speech at the Ellipse,” the report read.

The driver of Trump’s motorcade, known as “the beast,” denied Cassidy Hutchinson’s sworn allegations that Trump had seized the steering wheel and physically attacked a Secret Service agent.

“The driver testified that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson. The driver of the SUV testified that he “did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.” Despite the driver of the President’s SUV testifying under oath that the Hutchinson story was false, the Select Committee chose to validate and promote Hutchinson’s version of the story as fact. The Select Committee hid the driver’s full testimony and only favorably mentioned his testimony in its Final Report, it did not release the full transcript.” the report read.

During the month of June 2022, Cassidy Hutchinson, a ‘surprise witness’ for The J6 Committee, testified that after his speech at the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, Trump unexpectedly entered “the beast” with the expectation of being driven to the Capitol.

Hutchinson further revealed that she received this information from Tony Ornato, the Assistant Director for the Secret Service, and stated that Trump became upset upon learning that he was instead being driven back to the West Wing.

According to Ornato, Trump shouted, “I’m the f*cking president! Take me up to the Capitol now!”

Hutchinson claimed that Trump reached for the driver, seized the steering wheel, and attempted to take control of the presidential limo.

The Subcommittee has obtained messages suggesting that Willis’ office tried to reach out to Hutchinson. However, it is unclear what was discussed in these communications and how much information was exchanged.

Below is the letter from Loudermilk to Willis:

“I write to you today to request your cooperation in my investigation into the security failures at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Based on information recovered by this Subcommittee, we have reason to believe that your office interviewed Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, who also provided testimony to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (“Select Committee”). The testimony provided by Ms. Hutchinson in the course of your investigation is relevant to our evaluation of her testimony and the direct implications her testimony has on the security of the United States Capitol.

As Chairman of the Subcommittee, I have jurisdiction over the safety and security of the United States Capitol.1 The Subcommittee is also the successor of the records of the Select Committee. 2 It has been made evident that the Select Committee failed to turn over all their records related to their investigation, despite House rules requiring them to.3 Furthermore, as the Subcommittee continues our investigation, we must assess the truthfulness of the testimony that the Select Committee relied heavily on in their investigation. It is therefore imperative that this Subcommittee review any and all records and materials in Fulton County’s possession that were acquired from both Ms. Hutchinson and the Select Committee.

As part of the Subcommittee’s investigation, we have discovered a letter from you, in your capacity as Fulton County District Attorney, to the Select Committee dated December 17, 2021.4 In this letter, you requested access to any Select Committee records relevant to your office’s investigation into President Trump’s actions to challenge the 2020 presidential election, including “recordings and transcripts of witness interviews and depositions, electronic and print records of communications, and records of travel.”5 Politico also reported that your staff at the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office met with and had multiple phone calls with the Select Committee.6 In the Select Committee’s Final Report, they confirm their close relationship with your office when they wrote that they are “aware that both the U.S. Department of Justice and the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office have already obtained information relevant to these matters, including from the Committee directly.” I now seek the same cooperation from you and your office in our ongoing investigation.

This Subcommittee obtained evidence that your staff in the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office made numerous attempts to reach out to Cassidy Hutchinson to seek her testimony.

Specifically, individuals from your office reached out to Ms. Hutchinson’s mother in an attempt to reach Ms. Hutchinson.

The Subcommittee is evaluating the reliability of Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, which was heavily relied on by the Select Committee, and the findings related to the security of the United States Capitol, it is crucial for us to review any documents and records you have provided by or obtained from Ms. Hutchinson.

Accordingly, I ask that you respond to the following no later than June 20, 2024.

1. Did anyone affiliated with the Fulton County District Attorney’s communicate with Ms. Hutchinson at any time between January 1, 2021, and today, June 5, 2024?

If the answer to this question is yes, please provide the names of the individuals who communicated with Ms. Hutchinson and the dates of these communications.

Additionally, please provide my staff copies of these communications to aid in our investigation.”

ICYMI: White House Under Fire for Allegedly Falsifying Joe Biden’s Testimony Transcript


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  • Laudermilk should get a Subpoena Duces Tacum for instant delivery to a Bailiff and the judge should require the Bailiff to bring and USE qualified data retrieval specialists to search all the data systems for the information. This BS of telling someone (especially in government) to produce ANYTHING is insane. They just do not do it.
    Look at the number of times that major data was withheld or hidden and years later revealed. better that a judge orders the investigation and siezure of those documents in a warrant for the information instantly.

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    H­­E­­R­­Eཽ҉҉҉҉ →꙲꙲→→ W­w­w.w­e­b­i­n­c­o­m­e­5­4­.­b­l­o­g­s­p­o­t.C­o­m

  • Hutchinson is another “Deep State” flunky willing to falsify and do anything else to bring down our next President. These people are mentally ill!

    • They are what God told my wife, they are liars. When the Democrat party at their DNC convention in 2012, they voted (kicked) God out of their platform. God told my wife who is a Prophetess of God, “That He had sent the Democrat party and all that followed and pushed their agenda a spirit of a STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie and be damned because they didn’t want or love the truth.” When God takes action like that, there is no one that can deliver you, as you will find yourself fighting against God and He wins all the time.

  • I think the Select Committee needs jailed until all these selected lies are sorted out. But that would look like a Political move – all members are Democrats! They have destroyed and hidden testimony unfavorable to Pelosi’s scheme too.