The Georgia Election Board has approved a new rule with a 3-2 vote requiring election workers to compare the total number of ballots cast with the total number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.
This is aimed at ensuring the legitimacy of every vote in the state and conducting thorough investigations into any discrepancies before certifying election results.
Liz Harrington, a former RNC official and spokesperson for Trump, reported this new rule, which will significantly change how precincts handle election returns.
Under this rule, if any precinct shows discrepancies where the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voter IDs, counties must hold off on certifying the election results until suspected fraud is fully investigated and resolved.
The newly approved regulation tasks members of the Georgia Election Board with scrutinizing voting data in each precinct, as specified by the rule.
Tabulating Results: After each election, but no later than 3 PM on the Friday following the election, the Election Board must conduct a review of precinct returns. This includes tabulating all absentee ballots, advance voting, Election Day in-person voting, and provisional ballots. The total number of unique voter IDs will then be compared with the total ballots cast in each precinct.
Investigating Discrepancies: In instances where the number of ballots cast surpasses the number of unique voter IDs, the Board is required to determine which voting method the discrepancy originated from and conduct a thorough investigation. Votes from the affected precinct will not be counted until the investigation is completed and the results are presented to the Board, as mandated by GA Code § 21-2-493(b).
Certification of Results: Once all precinct discrepancies have been investigated and corrected, the accurate returns will be recorded and verified. Only then will the consolidated returns be certified by the superintendent, with the certification deadline set at 5:00 PM on the Monday following the election. The certified returns must then be immediately transmitted to the Secretary of State.
The rule also empowers Board members to examine all election-related documentation before certifying the results, ensuring that any potential fraud is detected and addressed before the election results become official. If fraud is discovered, the Board is obligated to compute the votes justly and report the facts to the district attorney for further action.
Via Liz Harrington:
Great news!
Georgia State Election Board votes 3-2 to approve new rule reconciling the total number of votes with the total number of voters
If discrepancies are found, they must be investigated and resolved before certifying
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) August 19, 2024
That is common sense. It should be that way in all 50 states. Before November.
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What a novel idea. LOL. The only ones who would be against this proper procedure are ones who would be inclined to cheat. I have said since the left was against this that THEY are the ‘racists’ in that they must not think Blacks know how to register.
You got that right as demonrars like to cheat and speak with forked tongue.
It’s about time this happened and all states should follow this state in verifying the vote!!!!!!
Oh my God ,that must kill the Democrats!
I still wonder where my mail in ballot went . My daughter and I both sent our mail in at the same time from the same post office. Had we not ask my vote would not have counted hers did I did vote in person on election day. But I still wonder what happenedto it sinse my was not for the preferred candidate. Raffensberger can say what he wants but there is widespread fraud in our GA elections
Tucker Carlson Exposes US Congress Passed A Loophole To Allow Illegal Migrants To Vote
x. com/i/status/1824534489697321131
“It’s illegal, you say, for illegal aliens to vote in a federal election. Well, actually, it’s not illegal, it turns out. Congress passed something in the US code, the federal code, a line that, unbeknownst to the rest of us, makes it legal for illegal aliens to vote in federal elections if they believe they are citizens. It’s a state of mind”
Founder of True The Vote, Catherine Engelbrecht found in the US Code “Non citizens can vote without penalty if at the time they are voting they believe themselves to be US citizens.