ICYMI: Donald Trump took the oath of office as the 47th President of the United States, with First Lady Melania Trump by his side, capturing everyone’s attention in a striking hat. The ceremony marked a significant moment in political history, drawing the eyes of the nation. However, it wasn’t just the inauguration itself that made headlines; it was the reaction—or lack thereof—of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that caught everyone’s attention.

As Trump delivered his inaugural address, full of energy and determination, he spoke about his vision for America and how his life had been spared by divine intervention. The crowd erupted into applause, reflecting the hopes of many who supported his return to the presidency. Yet, Biden and Harris remained seated, their silence speaking volumes. Their decision not to stand or clap was noticed by all present and those watching from home.

Trump’s speech wasn’t just about political promises; it was a heartfelt expression of gratitude and a renewed pledge to his supporters. He boldly claimed that he was saved by God to lead the nation once again. This resonated deeply with his base, who see him as a leader guided by a higher purpose. The Butler assassination attempt, which Trump referenced, had been a pivotal moment, and he used it to underline his message of resilience and destiny.

The contrast between the enthusiasm of Trump’s supporters and the stoic demeanor of Biden and Harris was stark. For many, it served as a reminder of the political divide in the country. But for those aligned with Trump’s vision, it was a moment of triumph, showcasing the unwavering spirit and optimism that his leadership promises.

Throughout his speech, Trump highlighted his plans to continue revitalizing the economy, strengthening national security, and promoting individual liberties. These themes have always been at the core of his political philosophy, appealing to those who value personal freedom and economic opportunity. His words were a call to action, urging Americans to unite for a common cause and work towards making the nation stronger and more prosperous.

Supporters believe that under Trump’s leadership, the country will experience a resurgence of American values and principles. They see his presidency as a chance to restore what they feel has been lost in recent years. Trump’s promise to make America great again is not just a slogan but a commitment to uphold the ideals that have made the country exceptional.

The inauguration highlighted the stark contrast between Trump and his political opponents. While some may view the actions of Biden and Harris as a refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency, others see it as an opportunity to rally around a leader who is unafraid to take bold steps for the nation’s future.

Trump’s supporters are hopeful that his administration will bring about positive changes that align with their values. They are eager to see policies that promote economic growth, secure borders, and protect individual freedoms. For them, Trump’s presidency represents a fresh start and a chance to reclaim the nation’s greatness.

As Trump begins his term, he faces the challenge of uniting a divided country. Yet, his supporters remain optimistic that his leadership will inspire a sense of unity and purpose. They believe that with Trump’s guidance, America can overcome its challenges and emerge stronger than ever.

The ceremony and the ensuing reactions set the stage for what promises to be an eventful and transformative period in American politics. As Trump takes on the responsibilities of his new term, his supporters are ready to stand by him, confident in his ability to lead the nation toward a brighter future


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  • They should have stood. It would have made it easier to moon him, which is what he and he stupid sppeh deserved.

  • America really does not need this lack of respect for anyone. It’s divisive and proves that these people have no leadership abilities and should not ever be in a position of authority.

    • Biden was probably distracted trying to remember if he got all his family and friends covered by his blanket preemptive pardons for all the crimes they have already committed as well as those they might want to commit in the future.

  • The democrats just showed everyone why they will never ever lead this country again. They are totally disrespectful and disgusting no respect whatsoever to anyone. They never admit there wrongdoing and lie about everything. Their corruptions are
    Going to start coming out and the indictments are going to start being handed out like candy. A lot of people are going to prison for criminal charges fraud election interference destroying evidence perjury and illegal searches. They better start getting attorneys because they are going to need them. And the taxpayers aren’t paying for their own attorneys. Democrats you dug your own graves you thought you were going to win with dumbass Harris but it was also people sick and tired of all the dumbass democrats bullsh-t. Your party is never going to recover when all the corruption going to get exposed. You were scared for a reason and that reason is president TRUMP. You haven’t seen anything yet you pissed of a pit bull who is hungry for four years waiting for dinner.

    • Ty, correct and this is what selling one’s soul to Satan looks like up close and personal to a whole Nation of People!

      The good news is many have and many more will wake up from seeing and bearing witness to this flaunting of absolute Satanic evil in our midst and actually in this “Government of The People!”

      Now it all must be excised and for this we all should pray.

  • They are both demonic influenced and infested cohorts of hell!
    I’ve said for quite some time that Xiden is “America’s Own Man of Perdition” with over 50 years of screwing the American People over, “6 ways to Sunday”, and selling the nation out; while KamaChameleon has been nothing more than a “New Whore of Babylon!”

    They will not change and that is obvious to the world now, even after God Almighty spared President Trump from having his brains blown out by an assassination attempt, and yet all these contemptuous evil souls can do is be trite, bigoted, partisan and hypocrite flunky hacks to the nth degree, at a monumental “People’s Mandate Presidential Inauguration” such as this, which was God ordained!

    Let this serve as a witness to the Nation and the World that God is going to judge all!

    • Bravo Brother,
      And Communist China Joe did one more final blow to America just hours before President-elect Trump was inaugurated, The Demonic Communist bastard pardoned the J6 accusers.!

      I want to see Communist China Joe’s head on a plater.

  • If they clapped that would be admitting to every thing the Biden/Harris did to weaken America as Trump refuted their 4yrs horrible un-American policies in the WH and vowed to get back to American principles. For Biden/Harris to clap would be for them to “go high” and its a very hard thing for them to do when they could even get above the curb!

  • Brother Michael, those two frauds are “seething in corruption and their wicked ways!” Because they’ve made “lying an everyday practice to deceive,” their MO if you will, “O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” Walter Scott; so eventually they trap themselves or become “a fish out of water” and “stand out like a sore thumb” to those around them or even the world “as these two pathological lying hypocrites have done!” They made careers based on conning, conniving, cheating, stealing and then lying constantly to cover up their misdeeds, which eventually has led to their convicting themselves or showing their true colors and motives! As the adage goes “give them enough rope,” really proves in this case “what kind of characters” these two really are! And they “put themselves in that horrid position for the entire world to see!”

    Proverbs 17:13-15 “If anyone returns evil for good, evil will never leave his house. 14To start a quarrel is to release a flood; so abandon the dispute before it breaks out. 15Acquitting the guilty and condemning the righteous—both are detestable to the LORD.”

    Proverbs 17:3-5 “A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but the LORD is the tester of hearts. 4A wicked man listens to evil lips; a liar gives ear to a destructive tongue. 5He who mocks the poor insults their Maker; whoever gloats over calamity will not go unpunished.”

    Amen and Amen.

    God is working among us even now as His will be done, whether by “His divine intervention” or the blasphemous doing their own will.

    God bless.

  • Biden and Harris have no respect or OUR COUNTRY , OUR CONSTITUTION, and especially its CITIZENS and in my opinion they both should be charged with TREASON and /or SEDITION for their attempt to turn OUR NATION into a country like Russia or China where the PEOPLE have no real freedom.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely as portrayed by the Biden Cabal and his corrupt administration.

  • Reginald; absolutely correct and so far that plan has been stopped!
    What we’ve been witnessing is “soft coup d’état,” a “slow cooking behind the scenes takeover of America to set up a dictatorship!” All involved in that plan must be tried and executed at GITMO!

  • Oh Brother Michael I bet you’re right!
    And yes indeed he is working hard on all levels to save America and help us the American People to the best of his physical and mental ability with heart and soul! God did make sure he is in place to accomplish good and that is what he’s doing!

    Back in 2020 before the election I had been doing a bit of writing and any commentary or essays I wrote that pertained to the matters before the Nation I would send to him at the White House and every time I did I got a kind acknowledgement letter back; I really didn’t expect any as look how busy he must be 24/7 why would I want to take up a minute of his time!

    That troll and hypocrite that just left the office of the presidency was always just the opposite a complete failure and clown act loser! I’m so thankful to our Lord God that we are rid of him, and have real Presidential character and integrity in the White House now, what a relief, and we must keep praying for him and all who need to work with him to accomplish so much for our Nation!

    God bless President Trump and our America!

    Thank you my Brother!

  • None of those disrespectful losers clapped or stood up. Killary was hysterical laughing when President Trump said the Gulf of America. They should all rot in hell, and they will for sure.

    • B; very true and the sooner the better they are evil personified and it makes me sick we’ve had such scums and evil for some of our top leadership positions! Sign of the Times folks; we are in a sick, wicked and falling fast world and we need to pray for the salvation of our immortal souls!!!
      Their reactions are tantamount to an admission of their guilt and evil!
      Filthy rich with all ill-gotten gains that they stole! They have hung themselves for eternity but for now they laugh and in a short while they will be suffering eternally!

  • Let the golden age of America begin! The last 4 years was a chapter in U.S. history that gave everyone proof of what happens under poor government leadership. It’s a new chapter and a positive future is on it’s way!

    • These are people who are living proof that total brain failure does not always lead to physical death. We do have to assume that they are not dead yet or they would not have been attending the inauguration ceremonies.

  • “Biden and Harris remained seated” These two ‘vile’ examples of the human condition, as it was with the Scorpion and the Frog, cannot overcome their NATURE! I’m constantly amazed that President Trump can hold onto his breakfast, lunch, or dinner, having to be in the same zip code with the likes of these two.

  • Great point; I know I couldn’t!

    I sure couldn’t stand being in the same building with them, “let alone breathing the same air!” I would truly find it nauseating in person to stare into the faces of those corrupted to their core wicked souls!

  • Disrespect is blatant. They have complained repeatably that they were not respected. Just exactly when did they do anything that would earn respect from anyone? Perhaps we will not have to be subjected to their obnoxious presence anymore.

  • Kathie; I agree and can’t think of one thing or moment when they earned any respect! Total losers!

    But for this low caliber kind of persons to be in such high office tells me we are almost living in the “Twilight Zone” or in other words a very bizarre and crazy Corrupted world! Makes my faith more certain and stronger, as it’s the only thing that will rectify and bring meaning in the end, to it all!
    Jordon Peterson had some heartfelt thoughts on that, as it being, as he put it, without which what have we really got, he said!

  • Joe, Karmala, Barak, Bill and Hillary, Eric Holder, Fauci must NOT be allowed to escape retribution and die peacefully in bed.

  • Seems very fitting and can’t happen soon enough is the only drawback it appears!!!
    Look how many years they’ve been living “high on the hog” already!