The push to replace real beef with other forms of protein has been ramping up in recent weeks. The powers-that-be want us to stop eating steaks and instead eat cricket burgers or lab-grown meat replacements as our protein. Ireland is even considering culling 200,000 cows to meet their climate change virtue signaling goals.
But their climate change argument is patently false. Recent studies have shown growing meat in a lab is actually as much as 25-times worse for the environment than producing the same amount of real beef. Corporate media is barely reporting on it, but they’ve been forced to mention it over the past couple of weeks thanks to the persistence of those championing the truth.
One such champion is Dr. Joseph Mercola who recently noted:
While the fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world, the true intent is to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and others achieved through patented GMO seed development. In the end, lab-created meats are worse for the environment than livestock and will undoubtedly deteriorate human health to boot, just like GMO grains have.
Dr. Mercola also said, “Each kilo of cultured meat produces anywhere from 542 pounds (246 kilos) to 3,325 pounds (1,508 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions, making the climate impact of cultured meat four to 25 times greater than that of conventional beef.”
Jason Nelson, CEO of freeze-dried food company USA Beef Boxes, has focused his team on producing as much shelf-stable all-American beef as they can have slaughtered. It is his belief that beef cattle will be systematically removed from the American food supply in the coming years and even months with attacks from multiple angles (plus, ordering through this link and the links below benefits The Liberty Daily). The climate change argument is only one of them.
“They prey on the ignorance of the average mainstream media watcher who nods along as they’re being told cow farts will kill them,” Nelson said. “It’s patently ludicrous but they need something shocking in order to get people to comply when they try to outlaw real meat. And they will. They’re already trying to do it.”
Click here to see all that USA Beef Boxes has to offer!
“The day will come when they’ll ask my company to replace our real beef from all-American cows with their version of bovine protein,” Nelson continued. “I’ve already told everyone who works for me that we’ll shut it down before we freeze dry a single sliver of lab-grown fake meat.”
As Dr. Mercola and Nelson have said, the climate change reasoning for going after cows is just an excuse for the powers-that-be to exercise control over the people. As Henry Kissinger famously said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people.”
Beef has been readily available and relatively inexpensive for decades. Villainizing cows as culprits in their climate change hoax is diabolical, but it’s also effective. Cities across the nation, invariably run by Democrats, are looking into limiting the amount of beef that can be sold, bought, and consumed.
“This isn’t just some ideological crusade,” Nelson said. “We launched this company last year because we saw the writing on the wall and knew they’d try to make Americans eat bugs or pseudo-meat or something worse. I didn’t serve this nation to then watch it implode over bald-faced lies.”
Nelson, a former member of both the U.S. Army and U.S. Marines, resigned in 2021 due to the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. He then ran for Congress against RINO Pete Sessions in 2022, losing in the primaries.
“We’re proud of our product,” he said. “As far as we know we’re the only company in America that offers freeze dried Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and Sirloin that’s shelf-stable for over a decade. Other prepper food companies sell ‘beef crumbles’ and cow scraps they buy for cheap that barely passes as food. I’d almost rather eat bugs. Almost.”
Visit USA Beef Boxes by clicking here – use promo code “unjabbed15” for 15% off your purchase from this veteran-owned, America First company.
The post Beef Company CEO Fights Back: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply” appeared first on Daily News Cycle.
I am an omnivore by nature. Real meat is an essential part of my balanced daily diet. Tofu, fungi, or artificiality manufactured protein is inadequate. They are not an adequate substitute for the real thing. And the alleged connection to climate change is ridiculous! The democrat party are using climate change as a smoke screen and excuse for their power grabbing policies to exercise more control.
Exactly fellow American Citizens! They “our real primary enemies” are right here in America and see us all as very expendable; as they work on taking over the world and killing us all off!!!
Absolutely no doubt and the “Demoncraps have been putting out more crap than all cows combined,” as they are the “criminal diabolical enemies within” that “must be totally purged from America,” they are “evil and communists!”
All they seek is getting “more control and ruining America” at any cost to US the Citizens even if they “kill us all off” in the process.
The push for fake meat is Bill Gates and the Communist Democrats and Rinos are in on it as well. They’ll profit by the Billions and watch People across the world die from Cancer and other forms of disease.
Does anyone honestly think Bill Gates and other billionaires and those Communist murdering Bastards in Washington DC will actually eat that crap.?
While millions of really stupid people who put their trust and health in the incompetent clowns they voted for will comply and eat that crap, then watch the Dr’s and morgues profit.
It’s past time to think about what should have been done.
Lock and load America the Democrats think they’re God’s and we must kneel and pray to them or we’ll be shot dead.!
I’d rather go down shooting.
I want Real Meat for burgers, ribs, chicken etc NOT Fake fluff
This was never has been about the climate , From the electric vehicle , gas stoves and fossil driven furnaces to banning of beef it is all about power & control of the masses by government . The most scary thing about Covid was not the virus , it was the willingness of people to just take the governments word without question. It was sort of a test run to see how easy it would be to manipulate people. The oldest Newspaper in the country was banned from social media for voicing a different view as well as any doctor that had the nerve to disagree . People in this country need to wake up and do it quick . We are facing a quarter to midnight with very little time to turn it around. Climate change is the governments religion as a way to convince the uninformed that if we don’t do what they tell us we are all doomed . This didn’t happen overnight , they have been grooming our youth for decades by indoctrination in our schools. They will use any means to stop people that push against their agenda . I am truly worried about by children and grandchildren that this great country that we have grown up in is coming to and end. God help us !!!
I agree with what has been said!
I do too and the Citizens are going to have to rise up and bring down the most corrupted evil lying system on the planet that’s been conning us for several decades! I say we’ve got the worst because our government “Deep State” was “Faking Out the Citizens” all along while other brutal regimes around the globe didn’t try to hide their evil plans from their own people, they did it with “brute force!” While our “sinister evil scum” were playing patty cakes and handing out candy telling us how great America is they were “filling our brains with lies and toxins” to control our very thoughts! “Satin’s Illuminati and Deep Fake Demons” have been working the candy shop for a long time!
I’am glad I’am 77 as I love my beef and porl also.
I Couldn’t agree more!! You cannot replace real beef, or other protein sources with fake, lab grown meat products that have God knows what in them. I try to buy local organic meats as much as possible, not just because of the quality but also to support our local farmers and ranchers.
Thank you So Much for all you do, and from one Veteran to another, Thank you for your honorable service Sir!!
IronKnight7, Out!
What’s killing us is science, genetically altered food like grains, fruits and vegetables!!!! It’s no wonder there are more diseases and heart issues!!!! It’s not from so called climate change but from the mutated food the fda says is great for us to eat
Ron; Correct and they plan are doing a better job too; of killing us that is!