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During the shooting at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a witness informed CBS News that he had spotted a shooter on a neighboring roof and alerted the police prior to any shots being discharged at Trump.

The CBS reporter asked the Trump supporter, “Take me back. What were you doing before the shooting happened?”

The Trump rallygoer shared, “I was just standing there like everyone else, just waiting for Trump. And as Trump started, I noticed two officers looking for something or somebody.”

The witness added, “So I was looking around myself and seen a guy on top of one of the buildings go in between one building to the next and went and told the officer he was up there.”

“When I went back to my spot, I heard that people could still see the shooter from where they were standing, so I checked that out and went back to tell the officer if he came over there, he could see them, and when I turned my back is when the shots started,” added the eyewitness.


Police officers fatally shot the individual responsible for shooting President Trump.

The shooter’s body was found on a metal roof only 430 feet from where the officers took action.

According to a witness interviewed by the BBC, several individuals saw the shooter crawling on the roof of a nearby building before the attack on Trump occurred.

“We couldn’t see [Trump], but we could hear him. So we walked up probably five to seven minutes from Trump speaking—I’m estimating here, I’ve no idea. But we noticed the guy crawling, bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us. So we’re standing there, you know, we’re pointing, we’re pointing at that guy crawling up the roof.”

“He had a gun, right?” a BBC reporter asked him.

“He had a rifle,” the witness confirmed. “We could see him clearly with a rifle. Absolutely. We’re pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like, ‘Hey, man, this guy on the roof with a rifle.’ And the police were like, ‘Huh?” you know, like, like, they didn’t know what was going on. You know, we’re like, ‘Hey, right here on the roof! We can see from right here. We see him! He’s crawling.'”

He continued, “And next thing you know, I’m like, I’m thinking myself, I’m like, ‘Why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage?’ I’m standing there, pointing at him for… you know… two or three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I’m pointing at that roof. Just standing there like this [gestures]. And next thing you know, five shots rang out.”

“And you’re certain the shots came from that guy on the roof?” the reporter asked.

“A hundred percent. Hundred percent.”

“And he was up there for a couple of minutes?”

“Absolutely. At least three or four minutes.”

“And you were telling police and the Secret Service?”

“We were telling the police; we were pointing at him for the Secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time where we were standing by that tree [with] binoculars. ”

“Did they see him?”

“Probably not because the roof—the way that the slope went—he was behind where they could see. But why is it not Secret Service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place.”



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  • Without question, this was a horrific “Site Assessment FAILURE” by the Secret Service. No one other than a member of Donald Trump’s protection detail should have had the opportunity to access the roof of a building only 130 yards away with a clear line-of-site to the podium. It is only through God’s Amazing Grace that we are just praying for a speedy recovery, for the event attendee who was murdered, and for those who are still fighting for their lives. ???????????????????? Lord, hear our prayers now and in the future for the man who is still willing to “stand in the way” for us and for our nation.

    • Start by evaluating your skills, hobbies, and interests. Determine what you’re passionate about or what skills you possess that can be monetized.

      H­­E­­R­­Eཽ҉҉҉҉ →꙲꙲→→ W­w­w.w­e­b­i­n­c­o­m­e­5­4­.­b­l­o­g­s­p­o­t.C­o­m

  • If ANYONE thinks that this shooter did not have inside help in getting into position and not only getting a clear shot, but witnesses actually telling the authorities that there is a gunman on the roof while he was getting set up for his shot???? Trump is in grave danger, and he needs to hire private security and get rid of the Brown Shirts who are pretending to guard him.

  • Trump’s people have been demanding a larger Secret Service support as KNOWN threats exist. This has been denied by the head of the Secret Service who last Sunday stated that there is no Current threat, she was VERY proud of herself last Sunday.

    More than likely this was a government sponsored attempt, not just a lone gunman. We will never know because the Secret Service made sure that there would be NO interrogation.

    Time for the head of the Secret Service to be chopped off and forced to resign. I would not trust security of a Boy Scout meeting to that lady!

  • “But why is it not Secret Service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place.”

    Questions like this need to be throughly investigated and answered.

  • Sadly, we can’t bring back the Trump supporter who was killed. But we can honor him and support his family.

    How about this?

    We bring the family to the Republican National Convention on the day Trump speaks. They all get to sit together with one empty seat between them. Then we spend some time recognizing them and loving on them. They need to know they aren’t alone or forgotten.

    • Very Good Leftshot, I’ll almost bet President Trump will invite the family personally and as the Good Samaritan President Trump is, he’ll probably pay for the burial expenses as well.
      President Trump is an amazing American and human being, I thank God President Trump got through this attempted assassination.
      I believe Muslim Anti-American Communist Obama, Piglosi, Shitmer and Hitlery Clinton who’s an expert in having people assassinated, are all in on this as well as the Communist FBI, CIA and the SS.
      America this is what our taxes is paying for. Shear Communism and assassination of Americans and Republican President.
      All in the name of the almighty dollar and complete power through Satan. Have you Patriots had enough yet.?
      Quit kidding yourselves by saying, they can’t do that under the Constitution, because they have in more ways than one. The Communist have just about succeeded in destroying America and the Constitution.

  • The SS should have had an agent on every roof top with in 600 yds. or at the very least a clear view of all of them. This was a huge failure, and some heads should roll. I would not be a bit surprised to find out the current administration had a hand in this.

  • I’ve always supported our LEOs and related agencies……..

    But how on God’s Green Earth do they manage to FUBAR everything so damned thoroughly ???

  • Those who ignored the reporting citizen should be cleaning toilets! If they don’t like that, they should be allowed to QUIT!!!

  • All it would have taken to neutralize this situation is a $99.00 drone. A drone would have been able to see everything and quickly stop the shooter before he got a single shot off.

  • It was all planned!
    This was not the first time that they attempted to kill trump!
    Obama wants him dead so he can continue to turn us into a Marxist/Communist Country. The People accepting all the bribes from Soros and B. Husain O. do not realize that they hate All of the American People!
    Once these money hungry people and politicians have finished helping them achieve their Mission , They will go down with the rest of the American People!