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A person who was present at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania reported spotting an individual with a rifle on a rooftop.

Despite alerting authorities, the eyewitness alleges that their concerns were disregarded.

“We couldn’t see [Trump], but we could hear him. So we walked up probably five to seven minutes from Trump speaking—I’m estimating here, I’ve no idea. But we noticed the guy crawling, bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us. So we’re standing there, you know, we’re pointing, we’re pointing at that guy crawling up the roof.”

“He had a gun, right?” a BBC reporter asked him.

“He had a rifle,” the witness confirmed. “We could see him clearly with a rifle. Absolutely. We’re pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like, ‘Hey, man, this guy on the roof with a rifle.’ And the police were like, ‘Huh?” you know, like, like, they didn’t know what was going on. You know, we’re like, ‘Hey, right here on the roof! We can see from right here. We see him! He’s crawling.'”

He continued, “And next thing you know, I’m like, I’m thinking myself, I’m like, ‘Why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage?’ I’m standing there, pointing at him for… you know… two or three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I’m pointing at that roof. Just standing there like this [gestures]. And next thing you know, five shots rang out.”

“And you’re certain the shots came from that guy on the roof?” the reporter asked.

“A hundred percent. Hundred percent.”

“And he was up there for a couple of minutes?”

“Absolutely. At least three or four minutes.”

“And you were telling police and the Secret Service?”

“We were telling the police; we were pointing at him for the Secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time where we were standing by that tree [with] binoculars. ”

“Did they see him?”

“Probably not because the roof—the way that the slope went—he was behind where they could see. But why is it not Secret Service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place.”

Images shared on social media show the apparent shooter on the roof.

According to the Associated Press, anonymous officials have reported that the shooter was confronted and fatally shot by members of the U.S. Secret Service counterassault team. The Secret Service has issued a statement in response:

During Former President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on the evening of July 13 at approximately 6:15 p.m., a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue. U.S. Secret Service personnel neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased. U.S. Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and Former President Trump is safe. One spectator was killed, and two spectators were critically injured. This incident is currently under investigation. and the Secret Service has notified the FBI.


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      The Secret Service director is a D.E.I., “Peter Principal” hack and shouldn’t be a School Crossing Guard.

      • “Kimberly Cheatle , U.S.S.S. Director was sworn in as the 27th director of the U.S. Secret Service in September 2022. She was selected by President Joe Biden in August 2022.”

        • She looks like the typical liberal female, like an ugly dyke. The ss is now filled with short fat stupid incompetent females playing soldier

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  • When Joe Biden put a bulleye on President Trump what you expect! Now the democrats are saying President Trump had someone shoot him. The democrats are terrible people. Alot of people on line were saying too bad President Trump is not dead. This not America anymore. Because you disagree with someone you have no right to kill or harm anyone. The hate in America is truly sickening. This go right to the news outlets who have lied about everything in America. Biden should hang his head in shame. Biden has they will get rid of President Trump no matter what it takes. That is threat. But since Biden thinks killing President Trump is no big deal and he won’t be charged with putting a bull eye on President Trump back he won’t be charged with any crime. Sorry Biden murder is not cover because your a president. The sick people in America are just so full of hate and you can thank Obama, Soros, Nancy Pelosi and Schumer. They have been pushing hate since Obama was put in office and paid by Soros to destroy America by hate and race. Biden is doing the same thing. How do live with so much hate in your heart and be happy at the same time. Mental illness has taken over America and it’s getting worse.

    • Very good comment…..This should have never happened. They knew the person was on the roof and did nothing. This is not just hearsay, I was watching every minute on Newsmax as it was happening, Secret service are either blind or part of the crime that was committed. They were warned and showed the man on the roof, with the rifle. I watching the whole thing. Shame on the people that let this happen ON PURPOSE…..

    • Hate liars; all spot-on and Democrats are not just terrible people they are wacko evil people! Yea that’s right you Democrats that is exactly what you are and you deserve to be called much worse because it’s all of you who put this country in the dire straits it’s now facing!
      You nailed it because Obama, Soros, Nancy Pelosi and Schumer along with a slew of others are diabolically evil people that should be locked up in GITMO for treason with the being criminally insane psychopaths.

  • The SS notified the Communist FBI.?
    The FBI is now a Communist operative and right hand of the Communist Democrat party.!
    The whole justice system is against President Trump and they’ve violated their Oath of office since the Anti-American Communist homosexual Muslim Obama took office.!
    Their all paid by George Soros and stolen Taxpayers Money to look the other way when President Trump’s life is in danger also when Americans are being murdered by Obama’s and Biden’s Illegals.
    This was planned out by Obama and Piglosi, and the Shooter was a Biden supporter. Probably paid by the Communist to take out President Trump.
    The Communist are not going to stop especially when Chuck Shitmer has planned to reverse the decision of the Supreme Court giving President Trump immunity so Shitmer can put Trump in prison.
    We The People have to do something about this Communist plan to rule over Americans by Dictatorship, whether you like it or not Civil War is coming and the Communist did in fact Fire the first Shot.

    • Michael Smith; perfectly stated and on point! Like i stated above these people aren’t just Communist Dictator wannabes they are absolute psychopaths and diabolically evil.

      • And some Democrats say Trump himself had someone shot at him; these Democrats are so off the wall insane; sure he said “hey take a high powered rifle and shoot at my head but just nick me, OK.”
        We now live in the Twilight Zone where so many people are so deranged and stupid they imagine all kinds of fantasies like they’re playing a computer game or watching a movie where they’re not living in the real world but life is whatever they dream up, ya know like a man can have a baby. Leftist communist loons.

  • When presidents and ex-presidents have a speaking engagements the SS is notified and reconnaissance of the areas in question is looked upon under a microscope. This shooter was on a roof top 150 yds. From the podium where a SS official should have been posted. Instead of praising the SS for their quick response,….they should be excoriated for their lack of surveillance and allowing this to happen. It begs the question, has the SS been collaborating with the current administration along with many of the other government agencies targeting conservatives?

  • This reminds me of the JFK assignation. The Secret Service was compromised as well as other agencies. Oswald was the patsy. The Warren report was a whitewash of the incident. Secret Service agents were moved around before the motorcade. The JFK motorcade route was changed. There is no justice in America unless you are a demorat. The Deep State killed JFK and tried to kill DJT. Dementia joe said “we need to put a bullseye on Trump” last week. They did!
    We are a 4th world country. God Help us!

  • That whistle blower is “a dead man walking”. He will be Arkancided.

    The “secret service” didn’t fail, they succeeded, the shooter failed.