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Locals are asserting their presence on a San Diego beach, captivating and alarming tourists in equal measure. Specifically, we’re referring to sea lions.

These sizable creatures are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and should not be approached by humans. It is generally understood that they do not pose a threat to humans.

However, chaos erupted at La Jolla Cove when a sea lion charged at beachgoers who had reportedly approached its offspring, resulting in dozens of people fleeing for safety.

The New York Post reports:

“The sea lion was captured on video swimming around La Jolla Cove with the babies before it began barking at the swimmers on June 23.

‘Oh, they are kind of close, get out of the water, fat ass’, one person can be heard saying before the sea lion rushes out of the water.”

As the sea lion charged towards them, people leapt up and hastily backed away. Some leisurely gathered their belongings, while others attempted to capture their close encounter on camera.
“’Visited La Jolla, CA this weekend to see the Sea Lions in their (natural) habitat and to learn more about these protected ecosystems’, [Beachgoer Lauren] Bertrand said on TikTok. ‘The people were peopling and this big guy was NOT having it’.”
A full-grown sea lion and a young one charged at swimmers, prompting them to hurriedly find a way to avoid the approaching animals.
Thankfully, the larger sea lion intervened and halted the attack, preventing any injuries.


Sea lions charged after people in July 2023, leading to the closing of Point La Jolla to the public.
Just 200 yards from La Jolla Cove lies Point La Jolla, a rugged coastline that has become a popular gathering place for sea lions.

Watch the sea lions ‘evacuating the beach’ in 2023.

“Point La Jolla was closed for public access indefinitely last September following complaints from residents and activists to protect the sea lions.

The unanimous city council decision came months after a similar situation where two large sea lions charged at beachgoers wading in the waters of La Jolla Cove.”


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    • I agree- they are fed up with people encroaching on their beach- For goodness sake- give them their space & privacy!

  • i used to live there. you are NOT supposed to go into the sea lion sunning area. these people are stupid. so now what? the sea lion is murdered because of these sh*t for brains???!!!