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Vice President Kamala Harris sparked controversy during a Pennsylvania church visit over the weekend when she told attendees that voting for her was a way to “fulfill God’s will.” The remarks quickly drew criticism from members of the congregation and wider Christian circles, leading some worshippers to openly question whether her policy positions truly align with biblical teachings.

As Harris spoke, a few congregants began to heckle, with voices questioning her stance on key issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and justice reform. These policy positions have led many Christians to believe that Harris’s political values conflict with their religious views, especially in her vocal support of LGBTQ rights and abortion access.

Critics argue that Harris’s stance on these issues does not represent the teachings of traditional Christianity, particularly on matters of life and marriage. Her recent actions, such as opposing the overturning of Roe v. Wade and endorsing policies to ease criminal justice measures, have further alienated Christians concerned about morality and justice.

For conservative Christians, Harris’s support of progressive policies feels like a departure from what they see as a biblical foundation for public leadership. As she continues to speak in churches, these same believers question whether her platform authentically reflects the core principles they hold, such as the sanctity of life and traditional family values.

The Pennsylvania church visit underscored ongoing tensions between the Vice President and conservative Christian voters who feel her policies undermine biblical values. Some members of the congregation reportedly walked out in silent protest, dismayed by Harris’s appeal to faith as a rationale for political support.

Prominent evangelical leaders have spoken out, suggesting that Harris’s invocation of divine will in her campaign may be a tactic to secure votes rather than a genuine appeal to faith. Evangelical influencer Franklin Graham posted on social media, expressing disappointment that biblical values are being “politicized” in what he described as an effort to win over religious voters.

The backlash against Harris also reflects broader Christian concerns about progressive policy influences in faith-based spaces. Many Christians argue that aligning with political figures who support abortion and same-sex marriage violates their beliefs, with some seeing Harris’s comments as a form of manipulation rather than faith-based leadership.

The controversy surrounding Harris’s church visit comes amid a turbulent election season, with both parties vying for votes in religious communities. As polls tighten, the Harris campaign’s appeal to Christian voters is likely to remain contentious, especially among those with deep convictions on issues like the right to life and traditional marriage.

Harris’s stance on criminal justice reform has also generated concern among religious communities prioritizing justice and safety. Critics argue that her advocacy for lenient criminal policies has allowed violent offenders to go free, undermining their sense of justice as rooted in Scripture.

For some, Harris’s policies on crime seem to conflict with biblical principles of justice and accountability. They worry that her leniency on these issues erodes the rule of law, a concern that resonates strongly with Christians who support tough-on-crime policies as a way to protect the vulnerable.

The Vice President’s invocation of faith-based support has, therefore, opened a wider discussion about whether progressive politics can authentically align with Christianity. As debates intensify, Harris’s campaign faces a complex challenge in trying to balance appeals to both faith-based and secular progressive voters.

Harris’s claim that supporting her fulfills “God’s will” was meant to resonate with faith-based voters but has instead stirred significant debate. The incident highlights the growing divide between traditional Christian values and the progressive ideologies gaining traction within parts of the Democratic Party.

The clash between Harris and conservative Christians reflects broader societal tensions over the intersection of faith and politics. As Election Day approaches, these divides may become more pronounced, with Christian voters weighing their convictions against their political preferences.

Amid these tensions, Harris’s strategy to appeal to churchgoers risks backfiring as it alienates Christians who feel their values are being compromised. Critics argue that her remarks were designed to sway religious voters but did little to genuinely address their core concerns.

With Election Day drawing near, Harris’s messaging is likely to come under even more scrutiny. For many Christian voters, the Pennsylvania church incident serves as a reminder of the difficult choices they face as they seek leaders who truly reflect their values.


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  • She’s doing her god Satan’s will. Not our true God or Christ or the Holy Ghost.
    Communist Kamala is pure Evil in Carnet and has been deceiving Every idiot that’s voting for her.
    You Communist voters are going to get 10 X’s a worse individual than Biden and his puppet master Obama.!
    The World has been shown who the stupidest idiots are in America.
    Low IQ, Brain dead, and uneducated Morons who are easy to Manipulate, Easy to Control, Easy to Lie to and they believe every lie told.

  • As soon as I read her statement; she told attendees that voting for her was a way to “fulfill God’s will,” Harris is fulfilling God’s will for the people I immediately thought of what Hochul the installed Governor of New York had said at the onset of the “Plan-demic” GLOBAL CULT AGENDA regarding vaccines (actually not a true vaccine but a genetic modifying instrument) that was not properly tested and therefore a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, for Covid;

    “I need you to be my apostles,” Hochul told her audience. “I need you to go out and talk about it and say, ‘We owe this to each other. We love each other.’ Jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, ‘Please get the vaccine because I love you and I want you to live,” mind you this is the same installed governor at the time who boldly stated previous to this comment; “I’m not aware of a sanctioned religious exemption from any organized religion,” she told reporters during a Sept. 16 press briefing. “In fact, they are encouraging the opposite. Everybody from the pope on down is encouraging people to get vaccinated.”

    This conflict in her own words made her a hypocrite and LIAR using any tool even Almighty God to advance her fraudulent agenda and mandate to control the public to get the experimental and unnecessary jabs that alter a person genetically and are NOT vaccines if one reads what vaccines have always been that is clearly evident, but yet maniacs like these want people to take an experimental just mass produced substance into their bodies with no decades of trials and 100% proof of safety and efficacy, just to follow and obey instructions like sheeple and shut up! I actually had this to say back then when Tucker was pointing out the facts!

    Her hypocrisy was further evidenced and proclaimed in a report by Tucker Carlson; COERSION plain and simple!!!

    Well this is so refreshing to hear and know that Tucker and I are on the same wavelength or frequency as I just watched his commentary about that New York Witch that I could see right through as he and I’m sure many of you have as well! I also know she was no offhand appointment or random thing being installed as Biden was into a high ranking political office because she is part of the same CULT that Tucker alluded to but what I call it for what it is; Satanism! But the fact is that this was done as part of a calibrated plan to continue New York State on its oblivious path to catastrophe!

    “Hochul showed up to give what Carlson called “her first service as the leader of the New York archdiocese of the coronacult.” He also pointed out that she wore a small gold necklace with the word “vaxed,” in a manner that looks very similar to the simple golden cross necklaces many Christians wear.
    Hochul proudly showed off her ‘vax’ necklace to NY churchgoers.

    “What’s dying is the faith that created Western civilization, Christianity. In its place is a new creed. And like all religions, it has its own sacraments, its own sacred texts. It’s the cult of coronavirus,” fumed Carlson.

    Carlson complained that the “cult of coronavirus” has reached ridiculous proportions, and cited things like Dr. Anthony Fauci-themed merchandise that has appeared in online stores over the last year. The Fox News host, a frequent and vociferous critic of President Joe Biden’s push for vaccination, and compared such efforts to cult recruitment.”

    I know in my heart that God is working miracles right now but will the majority of people care and turn to Him now at this pivotal juncture to turn their lives over to God Almighty in the name of Jesus or will they continue to follow this path of annihilation and separation from God as they fall into this earthly trap then on into hell!

    Listen people make no mistake about it this is work of the devil and people have fallen for this insanity and LIE in droves but had better wake up soon because time is running out before JUDGEMENT arrives and these who follow this earthly pack of lies will be rejected by God because they are believing in man over God or false gods! Which is a rejection of the First Commandment and no way will they make it to heaven with this blasphemy! Biden was right in there pushing it and watch the entire video to refresh your memory and share with others to hopefully wake them up! These people are an evil CULT and Biden with most if not all of his administration along with people like Hochul and this lying through her teeth Harris are serving not God but Satan!


    Tucker Carlson: The cult of coronavirus has become its own religion

  • As soon as I read her statement; she told attendees that voting for her was a way to “fulfill God’s will,” Harris is fulfilling God’s will for the people I immediately thought of what Hochul the installed Governor of New York had said at the onset of the “Plan-demic” GLOBAL CULT AGENDA regarding vaccines (actually not a true vaccine but a genetic modifying instrument) that was not properly tested and therefore a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, for Covid;

    “I need you to be my apostles,” Hochul told her audience. “I need you to go out and talk about it and say, ‘We owe this to each other. We love each other.’ Jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, ‘Please get the vaccine because I love you and I want you to live,” mind you this is the same installed governor at the time who boldly stated previous to this comment; “I’m not aware of a sanctioned religious exemption from any organized religion,” she told reporters during a Sept. 16 press briefing. “In fact, they are encouraging the opposite. Everybody from the pope on down is encouraging people to get vaccinated.”

    This conflict in her own words made her a hypocrite and LIAR using any tool even Almighty God to advance her fraudulent agenda and mandate to control the public to get the experimental and unnecessary jabs that alter a person genetically and are NOT vaccines if one reads what vaccines have always been that is clearly evident, but yet maniacs like these want people to take an experimental just mass produced substance into their bodies with no decades of trials and 100% proof of safety and efficacy, just to follow and obey instructions like sheeple and shut up! I actually had this to say back then when Tucker was pointing out the facts!

    Her hypocrisy was further evidenced and proclaimed in a report by Tucker Carlson; COERSION plain and simple!!!

    Well this is so refreshing to hear and know that Tucker and I are on the same wavelength or frequency as I just watched his commentary about that New York Witch that I could see right through as he and I’m sure many of you have as well! I also know she was no offhand appointment or random thing being installed as Biden was into a high ranking political office because she is part of the same CULT that Tucker alluded to but what I call it for what it is; Satanism! But the fact is that this was done as part of a calibrated plan to continue New York State on its oblivious path to catastrophe!

    “Hochul showed up to give what Carlson called “her first service as the leader of the New York archdiocese of the coronacult.” He also pointed out that she wore a small gold necklace with the word “vaxed,” in a manner that looks very similar to the simple golden cross necklaces many Christians wear.
    Hochul proudly showed off her ‘vax’ necklace to NY churchgoers.

    “What’s dying is the faith that created Western civilization, Christianity. In its place is a new creed. And like all religions, it has its own sacraments, its own sacred texts. It’s the cult of coronavirus,” fumed Carlson.

    Carlson complained that the “cult of coronavirus” has reached ridiculous proportions, and cited things like Dr. Anthony Fauci-themed merchandise that has appeared in online stores over the last year. The Fox News host, a frequent and vociferous critic of President Joe Biden’s push for vaccination, and compared such efforts to cult recruitment.”

    I know in my heart that God is working miracles right now but will the majority of people care and turn to Him now at this pivotal juncture to turn their lives over to God Almighty in the name of Jesus or will they continue to follow this path of annihilation and separation from God as they fall into this earthly trap then on into hell!

    Listen people make no mistake about it this is work of the devil and people have fallen for this insanity and LIE in droves but had better wake up soon because time is running out before JUDGEMENT arrives and these who follow this earthly pack of lies will be rejected by God because they are believing in man over God or false gods! Which is a rejection of the First Commandment and no way will they make it to heaven with this blasphemy! Biden was right in there pushing it and watch the entire video to refresh your memory and share with others to hopefully wake them up! These people are an evil CULT and Biden with most if not all of his administration along with people like Hochul and this lying through her teeth Harris are serving not God but Satan!


    Tucker Carlson: The cult of coronavirus has become its own religion

  • Michael my Brother I started writing my response to this blaspheming witch before I finished reading the article and as I did it all came together for me as I recalled a similar witch a few years ago doing this same work and camouflaged routine of the devil’s; because the devil walks right into the church through his minions daily!

    Then I recalled a video I watched with Tucker Carlson speaking exactly as I saw things at the time, so please keep up the good work brother and pray daily as we fight the good fight with Saint Michael the Archangel and his army of angels; while we are being told to believe the LIES and many minions of the devil that are actively seeking to confuse, recruit and attack the masses into the CULT, being right in our faces speaking absolute lies and deceptions using all of the devils trickery in this razzle-dazzle modern hi-tech internet, television, pop music media circus!
    God bless you and yours.

    • Thank you so much my Brother, I will continue to spread the word and I won’t be silenced about the Evil that’s plagued our Nation and the World.
      I stand with God Almighty and the ArchAngel Michael until my dieing breath.
      There are many good people in this world who stand with you and I and believe in the righteousness of the Almighty and fight against the corrupt wickedness of Satan’s Army whom are spreading the lies to help destroy the world and to fill Hell with millions of souls.
      Blessed be thy name in our lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

  • I’ve just read where Communist Kamala is considering Dumbass Communist AOC for Speaker of the House.
    My God, the Communist are alot more stupid than I could have imagined.
    AOC lacks the intelligence of seaweed.! By placing an idiot fool as Speaker it’ll be easy for Communist homosexual Muslim Barack Hussein Obama to get her to pass any amount of money they want to steal from the American taxpayers.!

  • WHAT A MORON!!-At a Recent Rally-When Someone Yelled Christ Is King Or Something It Called Out-“Your At The WRONG Place!”-This Is The Mentality Of Low I.Q. Puppet Used Care Sales People!- Who Tell SO Many Lies And Are Typical HYPOCRITES!-The Fools Think Your As Stupid As It!!-And Forget What It Has Vomited From The Week B4!-NO Mention Of The Letter From The ARCHBISHOP???-Surrounded By Half a Nation Of Idiots!!-Will Someone Pass A Law???-Can I.Q.’s Be Tested At Birth and Disposed Of in the Name Of Intelligent Humanity??-Asking For a Friend Who Is An Alien Observer From The Planet-NOBRAINEDED!-Not Far From a Earth Type Planet Called PURSTUPIDITY!!

  • You’re welcome Brother; I know you will always “fight the good fight” following “the path of righteousness and in step with Saint Michael the Archangel.” God love you and bless you for it, as all we citizens should keep you and all defenders who give all they’ve got to “protect and serve” as “you always have!”

    Very encouraging to see how there are so many citizens young and old “that are seeing God’s light and truth too.” Today I spoke with a good young man as I was leaving the super market who works there as he was gathering the food cart/baskets in the parking lot, and he being no more than early 20’s said that he sees how the Marxists are messing things up as much as they can as they serve Satan! He even said as I spoke about what Einstein said many years ago and now Hugh Ross a current astrophysicist and Christian says in You Tube videos and his books how all of this existence is by “intelligent design and that it’s God who is in charge!” So my point is that yes the fierce battle is taking place to destroy this world while stealing away as many souls as possible, but, “God will of course have the final say in everything” so we march on “with confidence in Him our Lord!” In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Psalm 91:1, 2, and 3 “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2I will say to the LORD, “You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly plague.”

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

  • R.V.WINKEL; I agree it’s hard not to be sickened and disgusted by what we see these trolls and dregs of this world saying and doing; like they are even proud of themselves, or so high and mighty! But they are that same ilk or of the lot mentioned in these following Scriptures that spells out what God is going to do with them when their immortal souls leave their bodies!

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 “and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”

    Romans 1:27-29 “Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips,”

    Psalm 64:8 “They are brought to ruin, with their own tongues turned against them; all who see them will wag their heads.”

    Psalm 5:9-11 “For not a word they speak can be trusted; destruction lies within them. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. 10Declare them guilty, O God; let them fall by their own devices. Drive them out for their many transgressions, for they have rebelled against You. 11But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever shout for joy. May You shelter them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.”

    Praise Jesus Christ our Savior and Redeemer.

    God bless you and all who see the truth and reject these lies being perpetrated by these evil souls who only mock God, and they only serve the father of all lies, the devil.


  • DEAN C HOWERTON; yes and it is so hard to believe that this is what we have actually running for the highest executive office of the land! And I had previously thought Biden had hit rock bottom of the pit America has been tossed into but this is actually proving I was off on that bet, and can we imagine how this country will go with that total train wreck as commander in chief and having the nuclear football codes along with that loon Tampon Tim behind her!

    I get brash here but truth is I’m beside myself in shock at times, then to jar my own reality check to say this has to be heading into the very End Times prophecies in the Scriptures. Let’s pray folks we are in so much need now more than any other time!
    They even have our nation overrun with savages from countries that live like derelict maniacs; as a report during the Dan Bongino podcast mentioned that in Ohio fire departments gets emergency calls at apartment building with 20 of these derelicts per apartment that start a fire in the building not knowing how an oven works or the report states how the feces is running down the walls of the bathrooms from the levels above on down the buildings different floors, actual raw sewage and this is America?!

    These maniacs in Congress have ruined our country and are pushing for more of the same! And they don’t “give a shit” because they rake in their millions constantly; like even that “ignorant imbecile AOC a do nothing know nothing turd” herself that has a few homes now and millions for what I ask; obviously for doing what she is told by devils like Soros!

  • Harris is the biggest liar and phony politician in my lifetime, and I’ve seen many come and go. She is no more a Christian or believer than Satan himself, and at least the Devil is quick to admit who he is…Kamala is the WORST possible potential president in my lifetime, she hates this country and is hell-bent on it’s destruction…..Please God don’t let her win the election, she means evil and destruction for all of us…..How she has gotten this far says a lot more about the poor souls in our country than any attributes needed in a public servant…She means to destroy and serve herself ONLY>

    • Joy, all so true and the most stupidest, low IQ, idiot voters are still going to vote for Communist Kamala, regardless of what she’s done to the American Citizens with her open borders and millions of unveted destructive murderers and rapists pouring into the United States, while the Illegals get all free money, housing and transportation etc. etc.
      Communist Kamala and the Communist Anti-American, evil Democrats all given the finger to the American Citizens and protect the Illegals from going to prison while Americans get arrested and Demonized for speaking out against them or for far lesser things than murder or rape.
      We need Devin help now more than ever.
      America will fall within days if she’s elected and the Satan Worshipping Democrats will do Evil torturous things to the American Citizens and their children.

  • These pagan out in orbit zombie citizens not only say to these despots hang us they even place the ropes around their own necks; totally useless minions who’ve tossed their Freedom and Lives into the wind.

  • Remember what Kamala said about Christmas this year, She said we cannot say merry christmas because its offensive to migrants.

    • Well guess what then, they should migrant right back out of here and go to some shit-hole atheist hell where they belong, as I take it they mean Muslims and take Kamala with them!
      They are invaders and want to destroy our nation and beliefs to be replaced with their worship of Satan!

      Can you believe the gall of these scums they illegally invade a nation and expect the nation they invade to change their ways! That would be like some thug comes into my home and tells me to get out or if I want to stay and lick his boots that will be OK for now, all the while our government gives them all kinds of free benefits and help while tossing old ladies in the street from their apartments with our veterans!

  • Hey Kamachameleon who you like this TRUTH!

    KamaChameleon hold this thought as you sink into the abyss!

    Steve Bannon hits it out of the park for America and all Patriots!
