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The Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified President Trump from the 2024 ballot in their state by citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which states that public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US are ineligible for public office.

The ruling will take effect on January 4, 2024, and there is still room for appeal.

However, this may not be the end of Trump’s ballot challenges due to similar legal challenges currently being pursued in 16 other states that allege he engaged in an insurrection because of his involvement in the Capitol Hill protest on Jan. 6, 2021.

Here is the full list:
  1. Alaska
  2. Arizona
  3. Maine
  4. Michigan
  5. Nevada
  6. New Jersey
  7. New Mexico
  8. New York
  9. Oregon
  10. South Carolina 
  11. Texas
  12. Vermont
  13. Virginia
  14. West Virginia
  15. Wisconsin
  16. Wyoming

According to The New York Times, four lawsuits have been filed in state courts in Michigan, Oregon, New Jersey, and Wisconsin.

Eleven other cases have been brought to federal district courts in Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia West Virginia and Wyoming.

There is also a pending challenge to Trump in Maine which did not proceed as anticipated. John Anthony Castro – a Republican presidential candidate – has filed challenges against Mr. Trump’s eligibility on the ballot under the 14th Amendment with the Supreme Court and 27 states.

Furthermore it appears that California may be taking steps towards excluding Donald Trump from their 2024 primary ballot.

Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis of California asked Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N Weber to consider legal avenues for his exclusion from the state’s ballot box.

However there is hope as Colorado Department of State notes that if the U.S Supreme Court agrees to hear Team Trump’s appeal then any other existing lawsuit would be frozen.

Judge J Michael Luttig who has expressed his support for these challenges suggests this would be an effective strategy for Mr Trump’s legal team to pursue in order to protect his political interests moving forward into future elections cycles .

“If the Supreme Court takes the case, it will effectively stay the proceedings in all of the other states,” said Luttig.

It is hoped that the Supreme Court will swiftly bring this chaos to an end. Our democracy’s fate hangs in the balance.

ICYMI: California’s Lt. Governor Explores Legal Options to Remove Trump from State’s 2024 Presidential Ballot


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  • Talk about trying g to destroy democracy; THIS move is the pinnacle! Could the left be openly more totalitarian?

    • I thought the surprising thing was that a few of those states are what I considered Red vs. Blue states. We all know that both coasts of the U.S. are liberal but the ones in between used their head for something other than a hat rack.

    • I wonder who is paying them, maybe George Soros Foundation again, same as Colorado’s Citizens for responsibility & Ethics (CREW’S)ruled by Democrats? Their Chair Beth Nolan & Vice Chair Wayne Jordan got a total of $5,800 Million from Soros foundation according to today’s report. So they are sabotaging the rights of those who like Trump.

  • Go ahead and tip off the next civil war. I’ve been waiting patiently for you commie leftist to start it, now you’re almost there.

    • I was ready 2 years ago Sedition.
      We have Muslims and Commies to contend with now.
      As a retired Texas Police Officer and veteran of the United States Army, I have no problem standing my ground with deadly force.
      The Oath I took to defend the Constitution still stands today.

    • I concur. We will have a civil War if these people continues with their corruption. It’ll be good versus evil. Too bad I am a senior & can’t fight but I can provide food…

      • Marie I’m 66 years old and still able to fight against Communism.
        I’m not about to let those Communist Democrats destroy my family’s and especially my grandchildren’s lives, as long as I’m able to breath, walk and aim.

    • all that honorable people need to do is stop working and paying taxes for a few months. the federal gov’t will be unable to borrow money, and will be forced into submission.

      This is not north vs south, white vs black, or state vs state. The divide today is producer vs parasite.

  • Why do we have a Supreme Court? They should have shut this crap down already. Our whole country is about to devolve in to a weaponized political system deciding who our leaders are rather than an election and citizens votes.

  • No state should be allowed to remove any Presidential Candidate, if they start this nonsense now it will be the beginning of both parties removing Candidates as retribution. Democrats are opening doors that will hurt them just as much as Trump and the future could look very bad for them.

  • This is just one more step towards turning our country into a turd world banana republic. When does the revolution begin? When we hear the gunfire in the streets? If that’s the case, it’s already begun.

  • The TOTALITRIAN STATE is alive and well! It is one thing for the PRETEND LEADERS of these states and in DC to SUGGEST who we SHOULD vote for; but now they are stupid enough to tell us who we CAN and CAN’T vote for!
    This is just like Russia and North Korea! YES, we will have an election, BUT, there will ONLY be ONE candidate, and you MUST vote, under penalty of law! If you don’t vote, you will be sent to the re-education camps!
    Looks like it is time to start dusting off the Guillotines!

    • Yes, I hear that a lot in restaurants where people speak their frustrations and anger with this regime of “traitors DEMONCRATS) AS THEY ARE NOW CALLED. I THINK THEY WOULD RATHER HAVE WW3 than face the corruption charges their leader is facing? What do you think?

  • They legally cannot interfere with a FEDERAL election so all of this is for show. Still every state legislator that votes for this must be arrested for election interference, Treason and Sedition. BTW that includes every state Legislator that supported the bills even if they dont pass.

  • why are they doing this. He hasn’t been convinced of a crime. The Democrats want to keep control so the can finish bankrupting the USA. An gi e it all to other countries. we the people aren’t working to give taxpayers money to other countries when we got bad troubles in our country. look at the homeless people we got an the thousands of dollars the government is giving to illegals. But they want give that money back to the people that is paying it in

    • A lot of frustrated patriots on what is going on in our country now, where illegals are catered to with debit cards of up to $900. each and free hotels, while our own people die on sidewalks, homeless and hungry. Trash this regime who forgot the real Americans.

    • They said, that even if we write Trump in, it will not be counted. We lost our Republic governed by laws, to the treasonous Demoncrat MOBS. Yes, demonic mobs has taken over our country and we are at the precipice of WW3. Wake up folks, but not woke.

  • if your state refuses, refuse to pay all tax, then move from the lousy state… for denying our fundamental rights of the Constitution. These BLUE States should be removed permanently because they deny the rest of us our FUNDAMENTAL rights, including human rights, and they are PURPOSELY destroying the UNITED STATES, no longer united! The left are Demonrat liberal puppets of the devil himself, their ONLY mission in life is to serve their lifeless father, he’s just another Joe…

  • Putin would be a HERO to attack these liberal, blue, devil owned states and the illegal governments. These states would get what they earned! And I don’t think they’d get much, if any help! But Putin is no hero, he’s a zero in bed with china…

  • It’s unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court better stand up to this. Or… we the people are in a lot more trouble than we thought.

  • In my opinion the entire Biden family has cozied up to the Russians, the Chinese and the Ukrainians for their own financial gain and have thus committed treason, therefore Biden should be removed from the ballot in all 5o states.

  • All those states should be so ashamed of themselves. They are about as anti-freedom crap holes as you can get, including Texas, West Virginia, Wyoming, etc.

  • biden should be banned in all states for encouraging, supporting and enabling an invasion, which is an act of treason.

  • In Wy there is a retired attorney name Tim Newcomb who is trying to keep President Trump off the ballot. I think this bored little man has barked up the wrong tree.

  • Hey all what a disgusting thing the democrates are doing. It makes my blood boil and this is just pure evil. I was not going to vote for Trump, however now i will. The democrates will do everything possible to stay in power and hope the citizens vote every democrat out of office. They can not win on issues and now they want to take from people to vote for ever they want,

  • The Anti-American Communists that call themselves Democrats are destroying The United States with their actions and policies, shown daily. Stolen elections have consequences.
    The Democrats have to cheat because they know they can’t win a fair election. They have to scare people to vote against the other folks and to vote for the Democrats who will save them. More and more people are waking up to the lies of The Democrats. Only the willfully ignorant lemmings still vote for The Democrats.
    Traitor Joe is aiding and abetting drug smuggling and human trafficking via our southern border that he opened. The Democrats are the most corrupt group in our history. We must vote these Treasonous folks out of office.

  • With the comminust government we have now, nothing is going to change. Everybody with a brain know that the capitol police was behind the Capitol riot and that the
    ballots were rigged just like when obama won. The crooked government do not want Trump in there because he will bring law and order back. Also with the help of DeSantis or Haley or Vivek it wouldn’t take long to do the job.
    the IRS takes everything from dumb people inclusing their life insurance whle
    Crooks in congress don’t pay taxes and Biden give a$150 billion to other countries
    and asking for more.

    • How do we get ppeople in the vote counting places to make sure that Trump votes are counted. iIn Tennessee several years ago where i voted the counters were zall demofrart. Was told reps could not be trusted to be honest. We now see who is not honest

  • Obviously they’ll do anything to take over the country and enslave everyone. They’re so close they can taste it and they can’t let Trump ruin their plans.