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The Lord of the Rings is widely regarded as one of the most successful film series of all time. Ever since their first debut a long time ago, I’ve been a huge fan of the films.

Amazon has recently introduced a new Lord of the Rings series, titled The Rings of Power. I haven’t seen it yet, but from what I’ve heard, it doesn’t seem to get a lot of positive reviews.

The following are excerpts from a few of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes:

“The writing is terrible, it is unfathomably dull and nearly unwatchable altogether. Rocks look down? Ridiculous. Lazy. I had a hard time staying awake and will likely give the rest of it a pass. It’s just not connective or interesting or even related to the LotR except in some ham handed attempt to be ‘like’ it.”

“How can so much money end up in such a disastrous production? The only achievement here is the set. Everything else, costumes, acting, dialogues, script is horrendous. It turns out that money alone cannot buy talent; it cannot even buy quality, apparently.”

However, according to the women at The View, the primary reason that people don’t like it is because they’re racist.

“Are you telling me black people can’t be fake people, too?” Goldberg said. “I don’t know if there’s, like, a hobbit club, I don’t know if there are gonna be protests. But people: What is wrong with y’all?”

“What I think is fascinating is like, dragons are OK, fire-breathing dragons, and people with white hair that are born like that when they’re little, and violet eyes, but the black people in it is just a bridge too far for these folks,” panelist Sunny Hostin chimed in.

“The View” newbie Alyssa Farah Griff said anyone leaving negative comments should “get a hobby.”

“It’s just racist. Call it what it is,” Joy Behar said.

I don’t know if they know this, but a show or a movie can be bad and if someone doesn’t like it, maybe it’s because that show or movie is bad, not because they’re racist.

Another show that people have been talking about as well is House of the Dragon, which is a spin-off of Game of Thrones. Again, I haven’t watched this new series either, but I haven’t heard many good things about it either.

It’s also funny to point out that Sunny Hostin said that she’s a “fantasy nerd” but called the author of The Lord of the Rings, “J.K. Tolkien”


Daniel is a conservative syndicated opinion writer and amateur theologian. He writes about topics of politics, culture, freedom, and faith.

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  • The View panel are the most rude, disrespectful, hateful racist xenophobe reptilian snakes ever on earth. they should go back underground and stay there.

    • The best thing that could ever happen to our society is for the view to be hit by a meteorite! (While ALL of them – the producers, hosts, and audience – are there).

  • The women on the view cannot understand any concept outside their echo chamber.
    Their every rant is based on the premise: Heads! I win! Tails! You lose!

    If The Rings of Power falls flat – it will be because the writers have shut out the concept of spiritual absolutes.

    But the harpies on the view rant against movies that do not cast minorities in major rolls, then rant against ones that do.

  • The new “Ring” series fails, most likely, BECAUSE it wasn’t written by JRR Tolkien. Then there’s the problem in general of Hollywood relying far too heavily on FX, & not at all on story line, dialogue & character development (acting skills), with everything they make. The insertion of so many efforts to “be inclusive”, & gratuitous sex have been ruining many stories for yrs, & gave only gotten worse with time. But it’s not racism, just “inappropriatism!”

  • Ther is no reason to watch the View, or have it on the air except to see what stupid things they say. It is a horrible show. What is not racist to liberals? People who hate white people. That’s it.

  • Face it, “affirmative action” ruins everything it touches.

    Talent and ability were lacking and the shrews of The View are lacking both.

  • We should protest their sponsors and see if they stay on TV. Does money out trump hate, racism. Bet ABC would still be to scared to cancel them because that Racist Finger would be pointed right at them by the View cast. As we use to say in the military when you point your finger at someone blaming them there are 3 fingers pointing back at the true source. Fear is the best tool to control someone or a group. Just take a look at America.

  • WHAT !?!?!?!

    ‘Behar the race-baiter’ called it racist ?!?!?

    Nothing new to see here folks…
    keep the line moving along!



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