When the Chinese virus pandemic (CV-19) hit America this year, Democrats scrambled to score political points and formulated a plan where they demanded that elections be handled through the mail instead of in person. They did this believing that it would be politically advantageous for Democrat victories across the country, but especially for the White House. Always looking for news ways to cheat, the Democrats saw the CV-19 problem as an early Christmas gift.
When President Donald Trump pointed out the problems of sending out 81 million unsolicited ballots to unprepared and inefficient systems, Democrats doubled down their efforts to prove him wrong. The Trump censors at Twitter slapped President Trump’s tweets about potential issues and warnings of fraud or incompetence with warning signs for “misinformation.” Cable news anchors and White House reporters assured Americans the system would work, even though they had no idea what they were giving assurances of was valid or not. They are all in on the coup.
It’s been six months now since first-time mass mail-in voting was first proposed. The election is now only a month away . This experiment in mail-in voting has already proven to be nothing but a complete disaster.
You would think that several races that have been dealing with delayed results in the Democratic primary thanks to mail-in ballot voting would have been seen as a red flag. However, if you listen to the likes of Governor Andrew Cuomo, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, or Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, everything’s fine, just a slight hiccup.
“Election officials in New York City widely distributed mail-in ballots for the primary on June 23, which featured dozens of hard-fought races. The officials had hoped to make voting much easier, but they did not seem prepared for the response: more than 10 times the number of absentee ballots received in recent elections in the city,” the New York Times reported in August. “Now, nearly six weeks later, two closely watched congressional races remain undecided, and major delays in counting a deluge of 400,000 mail-in ballots and other problems are being cited as examples of the challenges facing the nation as it looks toward conducting the November general election during the pandemic.”
In many states throughout the country, households are receiving numerous ballots, with none of them addressed to the person who currently lives at the residence. Believe me, that’s all part of the planned coup.
Nathan Brand, of the National Republican Senatorial Committee took to Twitter to sound the alarm.
“A Washington, DC friend had EIGHT ballots sent to her apartment. ZERO ballots were for the current resident.”
A Washington, DC friend had EIGHT ballots sent to her apartment.
— Nathan Brand (@NathanBrandWA) October 1, 2020
ZERO ballots were for the current resident. https://t.co/DIfBKghfvU pic.twitter.com/mvWhHWuAmL
You get 8 ballots at a single residence, that’s at least 7 fraudulent votes that could be cast.
The results of mail-in ballots have been so screwed up and thoroughly unreliable, The New York Times Editorial Board is now calling for voters to cast their ballots in person.
“Any New Yorker who is in a position to take action should vote early and in particular person. The information this week that the town’s Board of Elections despatched faulty absentee ballots to almost 100,000 voters makes this want clear,” they argue.
My girlfriend and I live in the same house together. I am a registered Republican, and even though I finally brought her into the light, she is still registered as a Democrat (she tells me she will remedy that right after the election). We live in Pennsylvania where the tyrant Governor Tom Wolf (D) has his party doing everything they can to rig the election for Joe Biden, has seen to it that she has received about a dozen applications for requesting a ballot, and so far, no less than four ballots. None of them have the “secret ballot envelope” which is required by state law, and which Democrats fought in court to have counted and were shut down recently by the state Supreme Court. I, on the other hand, have received nothing. Both of us are voting in person, because it’s already been reported that mail-in Trump votes are being thrown in trashcans.

President Trump and Republicans all along have been encouraging Americans to vote in person for all local and national elections. It’s the least dangerous way to vote, though there are stories out there that the Democrats are even cheating when you show up to cast your vote.
However, considering Democrats are still voting by mail in droves, their votes are the most in danger of being thrown out or lost. In the New York races, which embraced mass mail-in voting this year, 20% of ballots received were thrown out or disqualified because of human error. In states throughout the country, hundreds-of-thousands of votes by way of mail were rejected. How many because of failure to comply with election rules or Trump votes thrown out, we may never know, but it’s a serious problem.
“More than 534,000 mail ballots were rejected during primaries across 23 states this year — nearly a quarter in key battlegrounds for the fall — illustrating how missed delivery deadlines, inadvertent mistakes and uneven enforcement of the rules could disenfranchise voters and affect the outcome of the presidential election,” the Washington Post reports. “The rates of rejection, which in some states exceeded those of other recent elections, could make a difference in the fall if the White House contest is decided by a close margin, as it was in 2016, when Donald Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by roughly 80,000 votes…This year, according to a tally by The Washington Post, election officials in those three states tossed out more than 60,480 ballots just during primaries.”
To this very moment, Democrats are still pushing for mail-in ballots as the way to vote, and most Republicans are planning to vote in person. Even though Democrat operatives have explained how they make copies of blank ballots and fill in those blanks to vote for their candidate, the Democrats have put their votes in danger of being rejected due to election laws. In Democrat states the Republicans need a lot of lawyers to protect the vote and make sure it’s legitimate, because I’m telling you right now I have zero faith that the Democrats are not cheating.
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