We’re at the end of the long and winding tunnel when it comes to the pandemic and the virus.
It has been one hell of a journey and definitely not one that I ever want to embark on ever again. Our government has screwed this up so badly that if something like this were to ever happen again, everyone is already prepared to tell them where they can stick their mandates.
Yet, even as we are at the end and even the most liberal cities are dropping mask mandates, many schools are still forcing students to wear them.
Students at a Chicago suburb school were told that they must wear masks if they were going to come to the school otherwise they would have to leave.
These students actually had some common sense about them, so what did they do of the only natural thing that you or I would probably do they left.
High school students in a Chicago suburb were told to mask up or leave. This was their response.pic.twitter.com/UQqNbetvDY
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) February 7, 2022
One of the things that really strikes me about this is that these students are walking out after they were told that they still needed to wear masks even though an Illinois is judged already struck down the mask mandate in Illinois. But like I said this is a school district in suburban Chicago so you know that it’s under liberal leadership.
All I have to say is that it’s about time that students and teachers and parents finally stood up in the way that really counts. Granted we have seen parents and students alike both stand up against school boards for various things but now it looks like they’re finally starting to hit them where it hurts the most.
In a similar situation recently, which was also in Illinois, in the city of Hinsdale school officials were also forcing children who were not wearing masks into the auditorium of the school in order to segregate them from the rest of their peers and prevent them from the education that they deserve.
Parents protested this act, as they should, because there’s really no excuse for this. School herded them like a bunch of cattle into a room. What is the purpose of this in the first place? All this accomplishes is alienation, shame, and division.
Parents in District 181 Hinsdale, Illinois are rebelling after schools forced unmasked children into the auditorium, denying them their right to an education in defiance of Illinois courts striking down mask mandates in a number of districts named in a lawsuit. 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/DJanEQPVI4
— Frank McCormick | Chalkboard Heresy (@CBHeresy) February 7, 2022